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Yoho  Aangs and Irohs!  Do you feel like hunting some bugs? Or perhaps just getting an early taste of the next 18Titans build?  I just finished the...  well not finished... more like a "the end of the month is already rapidly closing in and this is as far as I got" - build.  Since that's a bit of a long name  it'll have to be 1.0.4 instead.

Quick recap: This is my Teen Titans side project which I'm working on as long as Cbob is still unable to work on FET.

Links are below. I'll add a short and vague text file as an attachment with a description of what you can find in this build. That way you can see if you missed something important when you're done.

If you have some bugs or other feedback, I'll happily receive them in either the comments or as a pm. Whatever you prefer.  

I'd classify this build more as one which sets up the pieces for the next one. Still, I hope you can get some entertainment out of it. Here are the links.

18Titans 1.0.4  - PC version

18Titans 1.0.4  - Mac version 

18Titans 1.0.4  - Android




Forgot to mention that if you keep the Terra poster on you as opposed to putting it on your wall, it now says 'cook at beastboys surprise present' instead of 'look'.


Glad you enjoyed the update : ) Putting it together felt a lot like ski jumping off one of those insanely high jumps. You put on your goggles, push yourself forward and hope you'll land on your feet : ) There were a bunch of moments where I simply didn't have enough time to really do what I wanted, but it looks like I still somehow managed to not break my legs during the landing! At least judging from your reaction. I'll fix the Cook typo... Must've been hungry at the time. The l isn't even close to c on a keyboard! thanks for the feedback!

Justin Thai

Every Mity update is like another christmas