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Hey all!  I've taken some bugs out of version 1.0.4 and probably added some new ones in the process...  but the early access version is ready for you to give a whirl!!

18Titans 1.0.5  - PC  version -  alternative link  

18Titans 1.0.5  - Mac  version -  alternative link 

18Titans 1.0.5  - Android  version -  alternative link 

Dear bug hunters! I added a Starfire scene. I added it because I wanted to have at least something new in there for you. 

For everyone else, I added a short and vague change log in the attachment. It'll tell you what I added since the last early access version and should be able to tell you when you've seen all that's new in this build. I added a couple of "under construction" signs in the build itself, but if you want to be certain, read the txt file in the attachment.

I hope you'll like the additions.



Ps. Short summary for any new patrons, Our writer is taking a break(health issues) and because of that I am creating this side project  called 18Titans to at least have something going on while we wait for his return.       




Awesome! Thanks a lot Marty. Stay safe. Can't want to hear from you again.

Drake Sansa

Ran through all side games at least 5 times lol . Love them. Keep up the good work .


tried downloading the first link and my antivirus keeps alerting me that it contains a trojan; windows defender "Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl" Apprently its over sensative antivirus but a clear up with anyone with a different antivirus will help me 100% trust the file. I got a lot of important stuff on my computer i cant afford to lose.


Yes it's out!


I absolutely love this project, please keep it up


Loving it so far


The TNG reference made me chuckle as much as the Dune ref in FET. Love it. Hope cbob gets better, but I also hope 18titans stays as well as FET!


Bug report: When choosing the "Blackfire" option in Starfire's chat dialogue at night (I assume this allows you to humiliate Blackfire in the presence of Starfire) it just jumps back to the previous screen. Sidenote: First time commenting, long time user of your product :)


I can't fight raven more than once, and I lost (badly). Any advice?

Strategist G Bu Shi

Question: How do you unlock the ability to food for Jinx? I was told the store option should be in Robin room's but I'm not seeing it there.


Finished with everything in the build I think, really liking the interactions with Beast Gal, wondering if you have anything planned with Beast Boy since we can tell him about how to turn back with this update


How do you give orders to blackfire and jinx? they just have the 20 resistance thing

Tristan Neese

Let them get hungry then offer them food. typically 3 or 4 hunger will get most things

Tristan Neese

My Dude, I always loved Raven but yet again you found a way to take a character I already loved & make them adorable af. Same way you did with Toph & Korra. 10/10


I like that jealousy part between Kitten and Starfire but what if she finds out about Raven? (^^;) Found no bugs but a minor inaccuracy with the added scene. If you refuse the first time and buy the item in the shop, Starfire will mention the "first time" when you "do the thing", which sadly didn't really happen. (I know, why would anyone say no in the first place ...)


Fantastic, great work! ^^

Don kibonk

I know you said that this is only a side project that will be (probably) discarded once you get the F.E.T update, but i hope you will finish it someday.


It's motivating to hear you say so! I'm having a lot fun with it myself which helps : )


Thanks! I'd rather finish FET, but I do like TT so to me this is a good "waste of time" while we wait.


Lol, I get that feeling! I want to finish FET, but now that I'm starting to get deeper into FET I'll probably have the same feeling when cbob is back and we'll start up FET again : )


Once you lose your first fight, Beast Boy/Girl will comment on how that went and give you the address to a ...shop... That's where you'll be able to buy food.


I have been considering that from the start. As you might know we also added something like that with Eska/Desna, but since I'm doing all of this myself that will probably be more of an extra when I finish the game. I'd like to, but yeah... time....


What happens if she finds out? Catfight! Catfight! : ) I'll go and check the inaccuracy. I love adding stuff for the bughunters so they'll have something new to see, but it's kinda dangerous too. I'm just happy it's just an inaccuracy so far! Thanks(as always) for your feedback!


No prob, hope you'll like it and take care of yourself as well!


Really enjoying 18titans a lot so far! Always had a bit of a childhood crush on Raven so I’m a big fan lol keep up the great work Marty!


I've made these builds on a pc with a freshly installed windows and without ever being connected to the internet since it's fresh install. I just put everything on a usb and physically drag it around between pc's . Just for my own peace of mind. That's NOT me saying for you to risk it. On the contrary, you should always keep checking and evaluating a risk/reward situation. A game which you can play in the future if you perhaps have a pc which is less important would be a better choice imo.


And -looking at your name- it even has watersports : ) !


I'm just wondering what cash is called in the console commands?


how to fix the wiring?

Billy bounce

Hey so if you tell Beast Girl about the Hawkfish and tell her to turn back into a guy does that stop anything from happening in possible future updates? I know you can tell him to turn into a girl again. So I guess what I'm really asking is if she has the option to turn back, will it stop any progress in possible future builds?


Thanks for the Feedback OmegaPVC and your first comment no less! Always good to see some new voices added. I'll go and check out the bug... I already have a suspicion of it's cause. Ps. getting further with Starfire's sex scenes will solve it automatically.


Well, not discarded as in thrown away permanently. I like TT and would like to continue and finish this game. It's just that FET will take precedence. I'm having a lot of fun creating this game and want to show everyone the end I got planned for it.


My personal favorite was always Starfire (weak spot for redheads)... okay and Jinx ... but I can understand Raven's appeal very well : )


Kept it nice and simple, "your_money" without parenthesis.


No it won't stop progress. Or at least... I'll do my best to keep everything open and possible for anyone who likes to switch to-and-fro. I wasn't entirely certain at the start if I could, but I want to do my best to make it work.


FANTASTIC project so far, I can’t wait to see the next release!


Of course I would like to see FET finished and I really do like the story. I still am more than happy with this since the most important part of me being here is that I love the artstyle and Artworks. So as long as I can continue to enjoy this I am happy enough.

S Key

This is great stuff.

Bill Kurtis

Great work - really enjoying it. It's very funny too, the costume stealing had me laughing.


So i lost to blackfire, does she reappear to fight me or is she gone for good? i ask this because she's not showing up again.


Thanks! I hope I'll be able to make the next release as good or better!


Thanks Verethragna, keeping our patrons happy is the reason why I'm doing this so I'm glad to see a lot of people are liking this side project. I want to keep going with FET and finish it as much as anyone else out there but until then I hope this will be a good filler project.


Thanks S Key! I'm doing the best I can so it's nice when reading it's appreciated.


Thanks Bill, I knew from the beginning the costume stealing would have to be in there after seeing episode 43 "The quest" of the TT cartoon.


You'll first have to see Cyborg telling you he let the prisoner go, Once that's done Blackfire returns to the streets and can be fought. Just a matter of clicking the telescope enough times for her to randomly appear.

Strategist G Bu Shi

I'm loving the writing in regards to Raven, good work. Hoping for some sexy times with her and "Robin" in the next update.


Ooooh if we could get both star AND raven in a late night peeking scene that'd be just, OEUF! Y'know star learns how to "relieve people's stress" and wants to help dear friend Raven?


What do you do with mechanic skills?


It's a skill you need to mess with the shielding of the holding cells. It'll come into play once you unlock more scenes with the prisoners.


Ty marty. Ps is it okay f8r me to ask game dev questions as simeone who wants to be dev?


Certainly! Send me a pm and I'll do my best to answer them.


Great Game MITY.


How do u unlock all of the Raven content like the fight etc?


Keep meditating during the day, if you get to the "scratch" part, wait first and scratch second. Make certain you compliment about four times during the day(about four times, it'll say when doing more isn't necessary). During the night you can sneak into Raven's room now. Watch the one scene... resume meditating during the day and there will be another scene you'll be able to see during the nightly sneak-ins. You'll be able to meet Raven during the night at the observatory after enough meditations (it will be said when in the game) After that conversations you can train with her during the day. Hope that helped, if not pm me and I'll see if I can provide some help.


Just finished it. First, LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Raven scenes i mean i kinda do have a childhood crush on her so and second the fact that i see Robin and Starfire doing the fun fun hehe i feel warm in my heart cause its a childhood couple i loved to see happen and it did happen in the movie but from this game perspective I LOVE YOU GUYS for making my fantasies come true. Can't wait for next build and also that decision to make Kitten a Hero or Villain will she be a extra team member or a lone wolf type ?


I have an idea. For the prisoners, you could make them start to have Stockholm Syndrome so they will start to follow every command without resistance.


You know, I look forward to hearing from you and sharing another... intimate moment with a Beast.


I'm absolutely adoring the build up with Raven. Starfire is fun too and Blackfire scene in the cells was awesome. Just all around awesome. Keep it up! Can't wait to see more. <3

Dentil Kejser

This is great! Really catchy


how the heck do i lower the resistance of prisoners?


The five bars indicate hunger. The longer they go without food the more willing they become to perform actions in exchange and those actions lower their resistance.


Another One Excellent Mity Classic I Love This Game I Have Two Scene Suggestion And One Game Mechanic Suggestion Firstly I Suggest Rape And Fetish Scenes Example BSDM/Feet And Anothers And I Suggest City Map Game Mechanic I Think Traveling Around The City Would Be Fun Thanks For This Game Mity I Waiting Your Answer I Waiting New Version Good Job 👍


Can u make some adult scene with Beast boy and Robin ?


I played the whole of what's out of the game in one night because I'm freaking loving it. I love that the romance is focused on Raven, and I never thought I'd adore what happened with Beastboy but I'm waiting for that fuck scene like crazy.


It's a good game, yet I kind of wish we were playing as the real Robin. I wonder if we will get characters from other shows like Bat Girl or DC Super Hero Girls?