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Here's a picture of Korra doing a handstand!

What an asshole the last year was! Of course there's corona and all of it's effects on our lives(turning it upside down) but on a personal level there was my dog(among other things) and on a work/friend level there was/is this whole business with cbob. We've had better years and I think that goes for virtually everyone out there with the exception perhaps of vaccine/mask/hand sanitizer producers.

With the passing of the old year into the new there's not a whole lot that changed but an arbitrary number we put on the passing of time... Still, I can't help but hope this will be the start of some positive change. Not immediately, not fast, but slowly over time. I'm not going to say "It can't get worse", because it can and I don't wanna jinx it. 

I'm going to keep this message short. I just wanted to wish you all a happy new year but there's still a couple of things I'd like to touch upon while I have your attention! By the way I was going to write this message sooner but it's only today my headache is gone. Most of my new year has been spent feeling too good to lie down but also too bad to do much of anything so I've been doing some reasonably easy stuff such as answering pm's etc.   And no, it's not because I drank too much on new year's eve. The only thing I indulged in was deviled eggs. 

So let's talk a bit about MITY/FET. Judging from the very limited contact I'm having right now with cbob, both quality and quantity, I don't think this month will be the one when he'll make his come back. Strong emphasis on think.  I'm going to assume he won't, which means FET is still on hiatus and I will keep working on my side project 18titans for now. 

Like I said in an earlier update, I don't intend on making this side project any bigger than a single route of FET and am prepared to drop it like a hot coal when cbob does feel it's time to return. I'll most definitely be playing this song when he does


But yes, I don't have any answers as to when that will be. 

As for 18Titans, I'd really  like to have a new build for it finished this month, but I'm going to be a bit more gentle with myself than I was with the builds I made by myself in the past. That means you can bet I will do my best and put in the time necessary, but I'll also allow myself some breathing room in between. I'll do my best to have it ready this month, but not at the cost of everything. Having that said, don't underestimate my desire to get things done.

And that's already it for this update. Told you it was going to be short one! I'll keep you in the loop though and if I get anything good (be it a build or news) from cbob you better believe I'll want to tell you about it immediately. I'll be busy working on the next 18Titans build in the meantime.

I hope however 2020 has went for you, 2021 will be an infinite improvement upon it. Keep looking for that rainbow!



For new patrons of us who have no idea where to find everything, I'll add a few quick links below. You might not have access to all these posts depending on your tier,

Latest FET build 0.9.0c   (Sokka tier)

Side project 18Titans  (Sokka tier)

Spooky times 2 - standalone FET story, Halloween themed (All tiers)

Spooky times 1         - standalone FET story, Halloween themed(All tiers)

Omnitrixxx  - semi internal test build - not ongoing! (All tiers)





I'm really glad to hear that you're prioritising your health alongside the builds! Hopefully cbob is doing alright as well and not slinking into some writers block like depression. Fingers crossed that this year is a comeback year for everyone and we can finally get around to "taking care" of our little avatar rebel. Happy New Year to the both of you!

Karl Kristian Riise

Good thing you and cbob are taking care of yourselves. Exactly what have you heard from him? He seems exceedingly tight-lipped (from your posts) about his situation and health. Can we expect some more omnitrix? I for one really liked it!


Let cbob continue to rest. And 18Titans is really cool thing. Keep up the good work, I want more content!

Ricky ortiz

So wait where can we access 18Titans


Happy New year to the both of you! Hopefully cbob will get better and out of his slump that he's in. The game aside, depression is a bitch. It drags you down to being unmotivated to do the slightest thing whether that's cooking yourself something to eat or even getting out of bed, much less coding a video game for a bunch of horni degenerates. Hoping he gets better. Glad to hear that your going to be updating 18teen tho. It's fine if we gotta wait for next month to see an update on it, it's not like we were charged from you this month. Can't wait for some jinx and Terra action.


Loving the 18titans myself so far, hope Cbob is feeling better soon though!

Nero DeLuca

I'm def excited for more 18Titans. I actually learned of Mity from that project and it lead me to give FET a try.


Damn I was to I hopeful

Drake Sansa

Excited for the 18titans.


Darn, I was hoping Toph would join Korra in her handstands at the end, oh well, a man can dream.

Myles Holt

I'm cool with a hiatus if it means Cbob can get his rest. Love what you guys make, so I'll definitely keep supporting you guys!


Honestly I've loved what I've seen in 18titans and lets be honest, i joined the patreon because i played (probably a public/free FET version) and loved not just the 'obvious appeal' but also the thought and care put into it, so personally I'll wait as long as necessary - and i feel many others feel the same - to see more because I know it can only be good when you guys are at full power and put in the same care we've all come to know and love. So yeah, here's to a happy new year and I hope you guys take care of yourselves!

Crimson Slaughterer

I hope im not stepping on any toes, but may I ask since when cbob is taking this break? Im not saying he shouldnt take care of himself or anything, really not; If he doesnt feel right, thats okay. Its just that I think FET is one of the best projects ive ever seen on patreon if not in general. So im concerned about its future. Basically I just want to know if he abandoned the game or not .. Again, No Judgement from me, just want to see whats going on


It's an early access build right now, but once a second build is ready, I'll make it available to all tiers.


Yeah, just like you said depression just takes away all your emotional energy. Things which normally wouldn't even register become a mountain sized problem and no sherpa in sight! I have confidence he'll get through though. Just a matter of allowing him enough time to find his way. Oh and nasty things are planned for the next build of 18titans so if cbob takes longer to get back, you can look forward to That! If cbob bounces back sooner, we'll have FET again. Happy new year!


I'd love to keep working on 18Titans, but I'd love seeing cbob back to his old self even more so here's hoping the next build for 18Titans will have to be halted soon!


Cool! especially since I consciously didn't add a "support us" link in the 18Titans build.


Time goes by really fast and it can't rain all the time.


I enjoy working on it. When cbob will be back there WILL be an initial(but shortlived) feeling of "Aww! But I'm not ready with 18titans yet!" ; )


There's always the next art update Gomfur : ) ! @|darksouls| I remember a time during book 3's slave route when Toph climbed on a table in the tavern ; )


Thanks Myles! Once cbob does get back on his feet I'll strongly suggest some extra precautions to lessen the chances of a repeat.


Thanks Ross and happy new year! I've mastered the art of knowing my limits a while ago and once cbob can do the same we're all set again. I think it'll still take him some time to feel comfortable enough again to reach his old level once he returns, but I can live with that.


Marty, you're awesome. And so is Cbob. I've started looking at other, similar, games and I realized just how spoiled we are with your writing. It really is fantastic. That being said, 18Titans is fantastic and its a testament to how far you've come as a developer. I remember how unsure you were when you first started doing the side projects on your own lol You guys are the best, and you'll always have my support.


No worries, our toes are strong and hard! I've seen no signs of him abandoning the game, but when you're feeling depressed it's sometimes hard enough to get out of bed, let alone write for a game. A broken bone has a pretty predictable path to recovery, including the time it takes to heal. Matters of the mind are unfortunately murkier. I'm not worried about FET's future and wile we wait for cbob to discover the sun behind the clouds I'll try and keep you guys entertained. https://youtu.be/SfgUtVDdn0Q?t=55


Good to see chibi Toph again ... and Korra isn't bad either. Happy new year to all of you, may it bring good health and joy for all of us. And pussy, can't be good without pussy. Take care of you Marty, the only thing you are responsible of is your health. Don't forget about them: <img src="https://i.imgur.com/VtwSpmv.jpg" title="source: imgur.com">


I guess I'll try 18titans. I really can't wait for a new update on Four Element Trainer... I just love it and I want the love route to be completed.


Any chance we'll finally get to fuck Raven in the next Teen titans update?


WoW! I just like the art so much!

Billy bounce

These are facts! FET was the first adult game I’ve played and thus got me into looking for others like it. I thought this was just one of several games like it around the internet. Little did I know that I got lucky and struck gold on the first try. I did find a couple of other pretty good and decent games but nothing like FET. It just seems like u guys have fun with it. I mean Shady is absolute gold. The mixture of rest dialogue, gameplay, and art is truly special especially in how in character it all still somehow feels despite being a parody far different from the show. Anyways best of luck to u guys moving forward.


Loved 18titans so far! I have done everything with Jinx and Starfire but I can’t seem to complete Raven’s “missions” or Beast Boy’s either. I have beaten all the opponents, what do I need to do?


I thought the notes mentioned scenes with raven masturbation and a dildo scene? Can anyone confirm those?


I keep trying but I’m stuck on the “it’s urgent” dialogue path any tips?


Lol! Thanks, both of you! But please stop with the compliment overload, you're making my face turn red! We just want to make something which is fun to play and have fun making it. We're happy we've been able to do so for a lot of people. We love the cartoons and we hope that shines through. Once cbob is all hunky-dory again I hope we can finish FET to everyone's satisfaction and I can unashamedly bask in any glory anyone is willing to bestow upon us : )


Thanks |darksouls|, those are some new year wishes I can get behind! Speaking of behinds... I've never really been able to understand this trend of covering up girls buttholes by inserting gemplugs(?) I'm usually like.. "That girl has a perfectly good anus and now I can't see it anymore!" Regardless, another nice use of existing stuff(and your own changes/additions to it)! I've actually been working on the scene where you've taken Korra from recently.


Me too, but for now we just got to make due with what we have. Finishing FET was and has always been my main concern, but without cbob it just wouldn't be FET.


It very much depends on how much I will manage to get done, but from the beginning I wanted Raven to be a character you'll have to work for to get her that far.


Maybe give Raven some compliments during the day and meditate with her until you can't anymore. Then it should be a matter of sneaking inside her room during the evening. As for Beast Boy, when you go to the library, read some books on animals and afterwards talk to Beast Boy again.


I just recently became a patron and I'm curious about what membership do you need to get the four elements trainer latest update?


To get the early access to the latest version, you have to be in the $5 tier (think it's called Sokka tier? No clue tbh).


Hey, since you probably aren't the only one having questions about where to find everything I just added some links at the end of this patreon post. If you're in the Sokka tier you can visit the following url to get the latest FET update. https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-0-9-41347300


I'm just wondering I've always been a big fan of code lyoko even though it wasn't a very popular show. one day could we possible get a side project of that show?


I'm going to have to take the time to watch at least the first episode someday to see whether it does anything for me. I vaguely know of it's existence and you aren't the first to mention the show, but except that it's French or based on something originating from France I know nothing about it.


Hi, when can we expect the next fet update ?


I’d just like to point out that apart from her ponytails, her hair is still behaving as if it’s in normal gravity


I don't even know myself. If cbob had a broken bone we could actually plan around that because it's known how long it takes for that to heal, but with problems of the mind there's literally no telling.


Maybe you'll like the version I added to this post as an attachment better. For everyone who didn't notice her hair, I also took off the little bit of clothing Korra was wearing.

Jake Statefarm

Just curious about FET moving forward and while I agree that cbob getting his rest is important, couldn't you have someone else step in to finish his work to get the build out?


That’s a good question. I’d seriously HATE to see this project get canned or something from lack of progress, yet I also don’t want to give up on cbob just yet, since Marty seems to still believe in him.


Without cbob, FET wouldn't exist to begin with and I feel a great amount of loyalty to him for that and for him having done some absolutely insanely good stuff in the past. He did the ember island part of book2's love route in one month... including the minigames. We became MITY because we wanted to create FET, by which I mean... FET is our baby and switching out one of the parents will get you a different looking/behaving kid. Cbob no less than when I'd be taken out and be replaced by a different artist. Of course there are practical limits and I do have plans way in the back of my mind for a literal worst case scenario, but if all goes well and cbob refinds his footing you'll never know of those. And I do expect cbob to bounce back again, it's just that some stuff takes (a long) time. More time than I or anyone else likes , but I haven't reached the point where I'm ready to do something drastic unless cbob himself gives me the okay sign. Even if the current build would be finished using someone else's help or if I'd just do it all myself, we'd end up at the same point again for the build after that one. Right now shit sucks for everyone who just wants to see a new build and can do nothing but wait(including me), but I still feel that's the best course of action despite the frustration this brings.


Thanks for the honest answer. I guess if we’re not being charged for this month anyway, there’s not much to actually complain about. Still, PLEASE, no matter what, this game needs to be finished eventually. Don’t let this be another abandoned trainer game when you’ve come so far on it and made content that far and away surpasses most of your contemporaries.


In 18titans are their any plans to add Terra later

Podra Ace

Dang. And just like that, FET dies. Really sucks.


it aint dead. Cbob has mental issues which make everything you do even the things you enjoy difficult. Until you have them bad enough that they physically hurt your life dont say much about them.


for now just enjoy what we have of FET because there is A LOT of the game that has been made lol. I would say a long ass time to do the slave and love route of all 3 chapters leading up to where we are.


Until we get explicitly told it is dead, don’t try and claim it’s dead.


The link for fet 9c is bugged? Edit:nvm. It's a link for the pc version.


We all need patience. FET is a great game but people do need their rest. Especially when you in a bad place

Sion of War

I really want to see FET back in action. I really want to continue playing the love route. @MITY do you have an update on cbobs condition?


Soo... any news from cbob?