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Hey everyone! I hope all of you had a nice and relaxed Christmas. I'm still enjoying my end of the year break, but like I told you in the earlier update, I still wanted to have an art assets update in 2020 and this is it.

This won't contain FET or even 18titans files!  No, this time we'll dig deeper, all the way to Omnitrixxx.  It's a one shot test build I did more than a year ago to try out some things and has three cartoons as it's source for depravity. Ben 10, Kim Possible and the Dragon Prince.

If this is the first time you've heard of it and want to see what it's all about, you can find it here.

The art assets for it are below.

Omnitrixxx art assets 

Older FET art asset updates below

52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27

26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

Something entirely different, I've heard that Kevin Karstens, an artist, passed away recently. Apparently from Covid. I'm not entirely certain, but when I checked his twitter account it had people paying their respects. Seeing as how the last twitter post is a mock memoriam for other people... it's a strange thing/weird feeling to see.

I didn't know Kevin and he didn't know me.  He's just one of those artists which for whatever reason I recognize and have seen around. It's really shitty that 2020 had another surprise up it's sleeve and I'm really sorry for anyone who was close to him.




InvalidObjectState The operation is not valid for the object's storage class DEEP_ARCHIVE 0C36E9AAB66D4759 l0zPp9aFtqEuafxeXGPe/a1xRJL0MAv6qAZNOvT3EhDrNGGP2BKQ98TV2ZcVFhxlKDZzTTy6mkE=


Android version new and older version


I have no idea, I honestly feel the "Kim possible"-style is the most difficult one to properly "honor" regardless how how nude the characters are!


The older FET art download links are all busted for me, any attempt to download sends to a "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it." error and a code. Omnitrixxx works though. If you guys can fix this error 2020 will end on a high note, the fate of the entire year rests in your hands now, golly!


I just tested them and they worked fine for me. File 52 did have problems though and I fixed that one. Maybe it was a temporary glitch?


I feel the question is missing here, no?


Weird! It's been like that for a few days. Only on the older stuff. Boo hiss


Weird indeed! I'll sort it out though. Maybe taking them down and uploading them again will fix it.

Bill Kurtis

Ahhh, Omnitrixxx... It draws me back every now and again for Gwen & Kim. Good times. Hope for more depravity if you ever revisit tho 😈 I'm surprised you were unhappy with your front angle Shego face. I thought that one came out great - up there with 2020 Pumpkin Katara. Then again, I'm not familiar with the cartoon at all, so maybe she doesn't look right in relation to that. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I hope you guys have a happy new year; and an extra special thanks to you Marty. You really pulled through to salvage the latter bits of this year, here. I think it goes without saying, but it's really appreciated.


Okay, deleted the old Omnitrixxx links and uploaded all new ones. Whatever was wrong with them should be fixed now.


Thanks for responding to me before to let me know how to finish omnitrixx, I'd love to see some more dragon prince content some day, especially rayla and claudia


art asset 27 is missing, it comes up as 28


@mity this is the same error I would get when trying to download the old stuff


im replaying book 3 - how and where will i find someone to convince toph to build a brothel


A drawing can look good, but I always try and straddle that line between accurate to the show and my own sauce. At least as much as my abilities allow me. In this case it's too little of the first and too much of the latter. I'd say I like new year's eve more than Christmas. Not gonna be as nice as other years because of some major restrictions, but yeah here's hoping those can slowly disappear in the new year. Hope you'll have a good new year too! As for me pulling through... the alternative would make me feel a lot worse, so there's definitely a selfish aspect to it all, but thanks. I don't mind working on these "extra's" but of course I'll be much happier when we can return to normalcy again!


We love you marty! Thanks for soldiering on!


Everything seems to be working now, y'all are the best. Looking forward to what 2021 brings, happy new year!

first life

how do i unlock the choice in book 3 for ty lee to ride me


I'm having trouble remembering that part. Which rout(slave/route) and can you give me a quote of the choice text or something else which let's me hone in on it? If it's unique enough I can probably do an auto search in our script and figure it out that way. More info equals better chances of me helping you. Oh and sending us a pm has the best chance of me getting back to you sooner.


link 41 and 42 are the same