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Merry Christmas and/or Happy holidays everyone! I already said so in the early access post of 18Titans, but I wanted to write a post which all of you (every tier) can read. 

I hope everyone will have a great end of the year and a good start of the new one. This should be the last update of this year for us, with the exception of perhaps one final art assets update. I think I'll prepare the Omnitrixxx files for that. I don't think I released those yet?

And just so you know, unless cbob can surprise us all (I'm not counting on that and neither should you) with a FET build between now and the next year, I will turn off MITY's patronage billing again for January. 

I didn't want to leave this year without at least some sort of Christmas themed pic so I made a simple gif while listening to one of the more inspired songs in this world. Guess which one! I might have mentioned it before. Something about butts and their size...

Korra: "I have a big butt and you gotta deal with it!"   (paraphrasing it!)

Thanks for sticking around  and we hope to see you all again next year! Maybe the new year can give us all a fresh start so things can take a turn for the better! Oh and don't forget you can check out "18Titans" if you're in the Sokka tier or higher.





m wally

Y'all are doing awesome. Happy holidays. Hoping the best for you guys!


Merry Christmas you awesome people! Thank you for the games and art that made 2020 less of a shit year. So far I've enjoyed 18titans! FET is my favorite porn game and 18 titans has already made it into my top 5. Give cbob a fist bump for me Marty please, and one for you too 🤜🏻


Merry Christmas to you all!!

Evan Showalter

so if i upgrade to sokka tier now to get 18titans i wont be charged extra?


Much love guys! We've all struggled in 2020 to some degree, so let's hope for a prosperous 2021. Hugs for everyone, from the Netherlands


Take care dude! 18titans was freaking awesome! Happy Holidays from the big apple!


fair enough


Looking forward to seeing more of the love route next year, Korra is so adorable. All the best for all of you guys!


Merry Christmas everyone. Take care of yourselves and hope next year will be better.


First of all, Merry Christmas! Is there a way to “donate” the January amount anyways? Otherwise I’ll just upgrade a tier for a month once everything is back to normal. There surely are content producers out there who stretch releases to grab some easy cash, but you guys truly are the opposite of that. Take all the time you need, we want you guys to be happy working on FET, not stressing about it. It’s so obviously a passion project and that’s what makes it stand out so much. On another note, some feedback to 18titans: I’m not a fan of the show personally, so I’m not really into the characters at all - but I totally enjoyed it. Great art as always and I really liked some of the ideas (for example catching the girls to gain control and keeping them locked was a neat idea and seems to offer some interesting possibilities). So while I still hope that your next project will something I relate to more (I know HP has been done before but still... I would just love to see you guys take it to a whole new level...) but after witnessing how you were able to invest me in characters I didn’t even know, made me certain that I’ll stick around either way. So cheers, here’s to the future! As always, thank you for all that you put into this. It’s noticed and very much appreciated!


Merry Christmas you guys also played the teen Titans game which is great


I don't think so. Moving up a tier will probably still cost you.


Merry fucking Christmas now take a break will ya you‘re human to enjoy the holidays


Merry Christmas, love you guys and will see you on the other side of 2020!


Merry Christmas!


Oh!!! Mity on a HP witch trainer. Combining classes and learning spells with other interests of the characters. Man that would be epic!

Axel Berthelard

Hello Mity. I'm just a few months old supporter but i really enjoyed a lot FET. The visual novel genre is my favorite because of NSFW games mostly. I find it very satisfying. Anyway i wanted to know if you would let me translate the game in french. I would to do it for free. I just need your permission and maybe some tools that would help me doing it by just rewrite the english dialogues, description and narration.


Right?! I could also imagine a slightly different approach, mabye making it a college insteag of a school and therefore start as an 18yr old student in the first year. Like FET had 4 books, the story could be made up from 4 years, with minigames around quidditch, potions, etc. For the two routes one could decide to be a honorable wizard or to give in to the dark arts, unleashing not only the obligatory naughty spells on the girls, but some forbidden one aswell. Not only would the art alone blow everything away that currently exists in the HP lewd game category, but the fucking fantastic wit that is in the dialogues, the imagination that keeps creating storylines that are perfectly fitted into the existing world and - i gotta mention it again! - the effort & ingenuity put in all those minigames (crab battles, anyone?!?) ... it'd be like you said: EPIC!


First bumps for everyone! And afterwards we'll wash our hands! O, wait maybe we should wash our hands before too. Anyway, glad to see you've enjoyed my little side project. I Hope you had a nice Christmas.


Statistically speaking... it has to become better at one point! Just a matter of allowing the odds to stack up in your favor : )


Lol, no! You keep your damn money : ) ! Seriously though, we really appreciate your willingness to support us and if you want to do so in the future, awesome. Right now we feel better about not receiving any. I had to think for a second what HP was and then I was like "Doh!" Will you believe I've never seen any of the movies or read the books?! Sure five minutes while someone else was watching it, but nowhere near long enough to know anything beyond the super basics of it. PS. a lot of people where less happy with all of our mini-games. The troll inside me doesn't mind, but the play-tester in me does : )


Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you had a goo Christmas!


I am! It's why I'm replying to you 2 days later! no worries I'm enjoying my downtime. Replying is just my way of enjoying it more.


I don't think I've every played a visual novel who's main appeal to me wasn't the fact the girls in it took off their clothes : ) Except maybe Steins gate... Did that have smut? I can't remember so probably not... It's been a long time since I played that. Anyway, we've always and still are, holding off on any translations. FET isn't done and we intend(and have been doing so all along) to change things along the way. Sometimes small and sometimes bigger, but unless and until we can put a big stamp called "finished" on it we'll keep delegating it to the future. Ps. I'd never want anyone to do something like that for us for free!


Toblo92 has the right mindset for this! Love the idea man! And i think most of the charm (see what i did there) of MiTY is the fact that it's not just lewd stuff, it's the complete package, story, minigames, progression, fighting and ofcourse mindblowing art. Alternating jokes and story with the ability to hump anything that moves is amazing. Imagine that with magic, dragons, wands and a shitload of Girls in school uniforms... Just take my money! Take it all!

Axel Berthelard

It's seems reasonable. On my part i will surely still be motivated to do so. If you on the other hand prefer to give people (on that case, me) some kind of payoff for the work i'm down for it. On the meantile i shall remain patient ^^

David Bermudez

Would someone be so kind to tell me how can I unlock the jinora part on spooky times 2? I really have no idea how to

Don kibonk

During the piss break of tenzin click on the cardboard box on the side (left i think), than continue playing untill you finish the story and when you can travel in the island start spam-clicking on jinora's room (for your comfort enable skip)


Ya ever play Katawa Shoujo? Girls do take off their clothes in it, but it's hardly the main attraction


...for some reason the image of Korra twerking feels cursed to me. idk why. it just really bothers me.


Hahaha! well I'd like to say it's a rush job and excuse myself that way, but cursed is cursed! Just like 2020 I guess.