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Hey guys! Here's the very first early access version of my side project called 18titans or... 8TeenTitans?!   Yeah... I could've probably picked a better name. I went with the first thing that came to my mind.

I also could've used another month to kick this project into shape, but that's the beauty(and horror) of what's supposed to be an ongoing project while cbob is hopefully getting himself a "full tank" mentally speaking... and I really wanted to take a little break during the final week of 2020 myself, so I needed to have this done before Christmas. 

That's not to say I will completely wind down because there's all sorts of nicks and knacks which still need to be done and were left lying while I was busy working on this. Of course I'll keep an eye out for any problems with this build, but I'm really hoping nothing of substance will pop up. 

Besides me still being in the comment section and answering pm's(as much as I can) I plan on writing another short update before the year is over. Hopefully with a nice pic to go along with the post. Sorry, I got nothing right now!

Whether that "still to be had update" will be super soon or closer to the end of December I can't tell yet, but just in case it'll be later, 

 I want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and/or a Merry Christmas! 

God knows we all want this year to be over with already, but I'd really like this last week to last a long time : )

Links below! I hope you'll enjoy this "filler episode" while we wait for the real thing (FET) to get going again. 



ps. I added a small text file as an attachment to this post talking about what can be done/seen in this build. Naturally that'll contain spoilers, but just check it after playing to see whether you've reached/seen all the scenes in this build.

 18Titans  - MAC version 

18Titans - PC version 

 18Titans - Android version 



Thanks Marty and Merry Christmas to you!


thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the holiday time


Merry Christmas you sexy fuckers and thank you for this wonderful gift!


You do realize all your problems will just carry over to the next year, usually also become worse. Also merry christmas and happy kwanzaa


I mean, at least you know it won't be as buggy as cyberpunk... Although... it would be pretty hilarious to be going through a scene and have a car come flying through the sky at you...


Click on the top floor.


Gotta love raven and starfire.

Noah Greed

Merry Christmas and thanks!!! :D


Yes! I hope there are some good scenes with Raven.


Teen Titans better be the next game after Elements is done and you guys get a nice break!

Kenosha Bonisha

Is it possible to get jinx bellow 16? Or is not possible yet?


anyone found terra poster yet?


WIll you be updating the game at some point so we can get closer to Raven?


Fuckin hell yeah


Just downloaded and haven't played yet, but Happy Holidays to both of you as well. Make sure you guys take a good break off of working. And thank you for the new build. I'm sure it will be a good one as always.


I really enjoyed it, but the battling needs a little work


Fantastic!!! Loving the sound effects

Bill Kurtis

Really enjoyed it so far. I hope you continue sometime - I'd like to get closer to Raven and even Beast-Girl huhuhu. I did find the battling is too difficult though. I didnt have the patience to grind out enough money to survive a fight, so all I have to show for it is a couple crushed testicles and hurt feelings.


Okay so Im new to this where can I go to give feedback should I do it here or is there an actually location to do it?


Teen_titans was a great ideal, im downloading it right know but if it's like the other game you made its gonna smack

Erick Garza

I legit can't win any of these fights with any item. Is there a trick?


I usually carried two of each item. When the fight starts I use a smoke bomb, batarang, and then swipe with pole. When health gets low use a adrenaline injection. Batarangs also give you extra opportunities to land stronger hits and with some enemies smoke bombs help receiving hits

CJ Koolio

Great game! Any plans to return to it after FET? Because I'd be down for more.

CJ Koolio

I didn't have to grind too hard. I just loaded up on stim packs and restarted if I was losing.


Sure, but it's just one of those things you say while still realizing the flipping of an arbitrary number doesn't have a causal relation to it. It's more symbolism which you hope will be true than expect it to be.


Man, I feel bad for the people who put their heart and souls in that game just so the suits at the top could fuck it up!


If Beast Boy asks you whether you want something, pick pornlove. I really should've added it to the shop if you didn't pick that option or have Beast Boy by it for himself.


All depends on cbob. FET remains my first concern as long as it's not finished, so if cbob turns up and tells me he's ready to rock it might be a very long time.


Certainly! Thanks if you got any pointers on what you feel the battles need or are lacking just send me a pm. I'd love to hear about it.


You can send us a pm. Or just tell us in the comments. A pm is more personal and more importantly, has the best chance of being seen by me. Comments can sometimes get drown out. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002832026-How-do-I-message-to-a-creator-


Well, just remember, a standalone Halloween game is quite a different challenge than what I did here. Especially without cbob encouraging me on the sidelines. Still I hope you'll enjoy it!


Well, what I'm reaaally hoping is for cbob to return to his former glory so we can jump back into FET development with both feet. In that case it can take a while for me to return to 18titans, but I certainly don't want to abandon it. If cbob takes longer to return I plan on adding to this.


I'd also be down, if you decide to come back to this after completing FET.


Hey MITY team Meri Kuri! Happy holidays to everyone. I am hoping cbob gets back to his former glory and all will be well soon. As for 18Titans, as always your art is spot on. You do such a great job with characters looking close to their actual counterparts. With FET and with this game, the characters are basically identical... to me at least. The battles were slightly annoying, but then again, this was just a test run for me. I plan on trying again soon. Thanks for sharing. Definitely would like to see this go full gambit one day. Ren'Py is such a good system. Wish I could get my butt in gear and work on my own game plans, but you did a great job. Keep it up~!


Merry Christmas! And thank you for the update 👌🏻




So i ran into a bug that after meeting starfire for the first time I walked outside into the hallway and beast boy told me he was going to get tofu for a second time and I gave him another 30 bucks and got 10 dollars in the hole. Or at least I think it is a bug, Thought you would want to know.


Can't seem to lower the resistance of any one of my prisoners. Is anyone else having this issue? I'm on a mac.


Thanks Mukuro! Yeah I've gotten more people telling me the battles are too difficult. I'll need to make those easier or perhaps the cost of the adrenaline shots etc cheaper. Renpy is super cool middleware! I wish you luck with your own creative endeavors using it for your project! Doing a small bit everyday goes a long way!


I played it and good work bud for a side project it has legs and think you should pursue it!

James M Heinonen

18titans came out great excellent work! I would love to see it continued once four element trainers complete.


Just finished it and checked the note file I had no bugs of any kind appear i played windows version. Thank you very muchI enjoy both this FET and Omnitrixxx I am glad to be a patreon supporter and wish you a happy holidays!


Wr can I find the Omnitrixxx game at


Just finished and my thoughts are inspired and thrilled. Just because of my love for the Teen Titans (the Old one, DEFINITELY NOT the new one) this really brought back some great memories. I loved the models of the characters too, the gender bend of Beasty kinda weirded me out but it was interesting to look at but it made me feel weird because Beast Boy is still there mentally but not physically lol, Raven and Starfire was also a thrill to see. Hoping to see more of them in the next one...oh and Cyborg too.


brave choice to make Raven unfuckable


Honestly, I could see a good game coming from it. Felt like I got into Stars pants a bit quick, but I like how things are progressing with Raven and the prisoners. I also like beast boys connection to Shady.

Jared Goff

is there any scenes with blackfire after you capture her?


is there a way for me to undo the handcuffs?

Joey Cabeleira

I'm kinda stuck in a repeating loop of bjs from Star idk how to get further besides going their every night until inget a new option lol


It's an old post, I think you should be able to easily find it buy searching for omnitrixxx in the tags. But here's a direct link, https://www.patreon.com/posts/omnitrixxx-32744678


For now! Remember, I roughly had about a month and no idea I was going to be doing this before that.


No, as long as they're captured they won't be giving anyone a handjob yet : )


Visiting her during the day should give you the menu option to cum over her ass after doing the blowjobs a couple of times, but you should get her to flash her grebnax a few times first so she can get used to the idea of allowing you to do so. Visit Beast Boy's room and ask him whether he knows some Tamaraenean words if the "see grebnax" option isn't available yet.


Yeah starfire's progression is way fast. I did that with the idea of this not going to be a terribly big thing. At least not intentionally and I wanted the first build to "hit the ground running" so to speak.


I haven't even seen the new one : ) the general buzz around it didn't really make me wanna jump in. Yeah I anticipated people raising their eyebrow at Beast Boy's transformation... but I like adding some of that stuff which can make people go: "wait... wtf?" Ps... Cyborg has so many lines! I can't believe the person who designed him to be animated got away with it : ) I mean I like his design a lot , but there's a lot going on for people who have to make him move in the cartoon.


my computer keeps saying the pc links are viruses how do i get this to stop?


Depends on what virus software you have. Some programs allow you to right click on an application and fo a "file insight" where you can approve the application so your AV won't attack it. Alternatively you may have to open the AV program itself and add file paths/programs individually to ignore. I find it helps to localize stuff like this into a folder and exclude the file path itself to save a majority of time.


Beastboy became the only logical choice now looks too good

Tyler Ryan

Please pursue this after (or during) FET. This game so far is incredible!! Happy new years


Lol funny how I'm a patron for another group focused on a DC game for years and months ago released a low built game based on Avatar (An 'in development' sequel to one they already made, but still...) and now this group focused on an Avatar game has one based on DC.


oop got a trojan virus right when i hit download


The world works in mysterious ways. It's like when you keep something for years because you might need it, finally throw it away only to discover you need it after all the next day.


Probably a false positive, but which link did you click exactly?


Can you try this link and tell me whether that changes anything for you? https://mega.nz/file/rzYQDTDA#kw-ixc_6p6B2y7XLhZkd477J-SMAvOPDM9M6fYkA6OQ


That link worked... thats spooky, the old Zip file vanished... guess i have a trojan now?


@ RecklessRush in my experience new renpy games have a tendency to get false positives until the security software updates it's definitions. Depending on how aggressive their settings are they can remove files out of precaution. Hell, even just changing the icon of the exe file can cause a false positive for FET which is why I stopped doing that. So don't worry too much, but it's always good to keep scanning stuff. My own scans now of the original and new file came up clean.

Grey Steel

also got hit with google claiming its a virus, mega link works fine


I'll switch the main links with the mega ones. ps, when you get such a report and if it's not too much trouble sending me a pm with a screenshot would be cool. Google safe browsing doesn't indicate a problem currently nor some other things I've tried, but if this persists I'd like to know more.

first life

i got to the point where you get jinx naked how do i lower her resistance and do more?


I tried to download it (PC Win), and Mega wouldn't work. I tried the alt, and while it did download, the unzipping said it wouldn't work because it contains a virus/unwanted software. When trying to delete the corrupted file, it said I couldn't delete it because of a virus/unwanted software. At which point the file mysteriously vanished from the folder it was in. It never showed up in my recycle bin, and the recent files says it's still here. The fuck did I just download mity 😡


Your virus protection thought it was a risk and deleted the file itself. If it keeps a log you should be able to find it back in that. Although I've been letting the file run though several of my own programs which came up clean, I'm going to install an older pc with a fresh windows. Keep it unhooked from everything and only compile the builds on that pc from now on to be beyond certain any problems will be false positives.


Her resistance can be brought down to 16. You can basically have her do any of the current options in "order" as long as she is desperate/hungry enough.


Is there anymore progression with beastboy after making him into beast girl ?


Nope, that's as far as you can get at the moment. I've just finished the images for a scene with him/her a few days ago, so expect a "confused boner" in the next build ; )

Vincent Masat

How do I progress Raven and Beast Boy? I have done Starfire but now seem to be stuck in the loop. I defeated all 3 opponents, got the poster....


Give Raven compliments(at least three times), keep meditating with her and see if you can sneak into her room at night. Once you can visit the library(text only), read up on animals and talk to Beast Body afterwards.