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Gotta be honest, without cbob behind the curtains putting up his thumbs and telling me to "break a leg" this has become a lot less fun for me like the Halloween standalone versions were.  Still, I tried my best to set up the start of what is to become my "let's see what I can do with this before cbob jumps back into the saddle! " 

I'm calling my new little side project  "8Teen Titans"  and quite honestly I feel I need two more months to at least bring this build up to what a normal FET release is supposed to be. One for the art and the other for the writing.  I don't purport to say I could take over cbob's writing in quality or quantity, just that God knows I need all the time in the world to come up with words which won't resemble a minor car accident.  It's why I'm not making this into an real MITY project and keeping it my own little thingamajiggum.

Anyway, today I bring you the bughunt version of the  first real "8Teen Titans" build!

Your earlier save games, made in the art asset version won't work with this. I had to change a couple of things so I'm afraid you'll have to start from the beginning. which isn't all that far back, but still... I've never been a big fan of back tracking and we've all been spoiled by cbob's superb ability to keep us from having to do so in FET!

My pm's and the comments below are open for your feedback on whatever you'd like to feed me.  Hope you'll have a bit of fun!  Oh and I'll also add a short text file with a description of what you can generally see/do in this build as an attachment to this post. That way you won't have to wonder if there's anything you've missed once done. 

8Teen Titans - PC version

8Teen Titans - Mac version

8Teen Titans - Android version


Lemon Life

I mock battled Raven and lost :( She mentions we should train again but the option isn't there. I'm using android.