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Hey all!  How you doin? The Halloween build really took it out of me and I needed at least a few days of downtime.  Not getting enough sleep is always like playing Russian roulette for me, but worse. There's a fifty/fifty percent change I'll walk around with a headache all day the next day which only clears up in the evening. At that point I feel like having wasted a day and the temptation to go too late to bed again is strong. 

Anyway!! A Halloween build can be nice and fun but it's not the real deal, right? It's missing that gravitas a single shot build can't provide. That's at least how it feels to me. It's an in between meals thing to me... a snack. So when's dinner time? After al, most of us will have found the apron, carrots, sharp knife, cauldron and club by now.

Well, I got a message back from cbob and he gave me a date. Not just a date, but a "do or die" kind of date. There have been times I was more confident in cbob's dates.  I love the guy, but he's going to have to win back some trust when it comes to his estimations and if he can stick to what he told me it'll be a good move towards that.

I've suggested for him to take a break once the current build is done(or before), even if it's just a short one, but he's been fighting me on that. I think he'd be way more effective if he actually took time to wind down... like officially and more regularly.  Because just sitting behind your Mac and trying to work all day can be just as effective as not doing anything at all if you don't have the energy levels to go with it.

He will have to convince me he's doing fine and this month's build will be a part of that or I'll wait with sending him any new drawings/scenes for the next build and basically force him to have some down time.

I don't like being a party pooper but sometimes those are the kind of poopers needed if only to keep on pooping better and more reliably in the future.    ...What the fuck did I just write...

Let's wait and see. Maybe my spidey sense is just over reacting and he's going to surprise us all. I'd like that very much! But if tough love is needed I'll provide some.

Btw. I haven't actually given you the exact date which cbob gave me yet and I won't.  Even in the best of circumstances he's bad at estimations!  However, I will say that cbob's date is around halfway this month. I'd love to be more precise and we've been getting pm's asking us, but I don't wanna jinx it and give cbob a few more days if it turns out his "do or die" date turns out to be "die".

And since my head's still filled with Sokka after creating the Halloween build, I'm going to add a pic of Aang and Katara!

Although I'm kinda surprised some people found the earlier version objectionable, I've moved it to the attachments so anyone feeling that way will have a choice to see it or not. 

"This one is for you uncle Sokka!"

But what will (and have) I been doing in the meantime? Revisiting some of my scenes which are meant for the current build! I thought they were fine, but when looking at them again after working on the Halloween build for a couple of weeks, I was less appreciative of the results. I can't do anything too rigorous because that would mess with cbob's work, but I feel some touch ups are needed.

And that's it for this small update. I'm looking forward to seeing what cbob will have for us all once he's done and ready to show it! 




I can relate so much with Sleepless days, but I also get gastric flux, muscle fatigue and diarrhea


Is there no way to get another person to help out cbob? Cause he's gunna be absolutely dead by the time this whole thing is done. He needs a break, but it's obvious he wants progress to be made. There should be another to be able to keep progress going.

Neb the Pleb

Fingers crossed we get the update we've all been waiting for, even if NNN keeps me from enjoying it just yet

Finn Ryan

I feel like you should look into getting a second coder, even if only part time. Anyway it’s your call best of luck


NNN is messing ALL of this up for me UGHHRRH

John Haar

I hope that there is an ending once it is all said and done that the MC can have all his gf's with him in any time line without paradox and a in their prime. After all the shit he's been through so far, not to mention what shit he still has to deal with in the future. Also, sequel idea, MC slice of life in said time line with his harem of gf. Add plot and suspense where needed.

John Haar

Edit. After all the shit he has been through he damn well deserves it.


Has he really been through shit? I mean he has fought mooselions, earth kingdom troops and ajala's (interns?), but considering all the pussy he's been drowning would kinda make it equal


Coding is like cooking, more people just makes it harder. Also cbob has said that he prefers to work alone


lol that's where you draw the line in a porn game?


I actually had to think what NNN was for a moment...I'd like to think of the first N as Nonstop. I mean the other option is just as impossible, so why not?


Well, I'll still stick around MITY. Already love the work and looking forward to the next project. Can't really say I like sokka as an mc but I do like his character alot. Nice drawing btw. If Cbob gotta take a break hopefully you can convince him to take one. Better than getting ghosted for days/weeks waiting on his reply. Not hating on him but would hate to lose a coder over burnout.


When it comes to things which can make his life easier I'm all for it. But he has to want it. As odd as it may sound, officially/legally I'm just a contractor working for him.


I really hope when you finish this your next project is STEVEN UNIVERSE where his love route is like how he is in the series exploring his human side and slave route is he takes on his diamond side theres so many beautiful characters or maybe even have maybe even turn that mail man character who was into garnet into a chad and dominates the entire cast if I had the power to make it I would


Who invented that insanity anyway?! I mean what kind of resources are saved by this?!?


Always great to hear back from you MITY. Mid-month is longer than I'm sure some have hoped, but its better than never. I hope Cbob is feeling alright. I know how tiring overworking yourself can be. He should take up that break offer, just to regain some energy. And todays artwork is surprising, but definitely appreciated, haha.

Josh Spicer

If anything, I say a allowing Cbob this opportunity is a nice gesture, if nothing else. I'd say allow him this. Provided he meets it, no love lost. I'd say that bringing in another coder to lighten his load would be the ideal move and just allow Cbob to writer the dialogue. I know that's where he's having problems right now, but if he has less to focus on maybe that'll help out in the end.

Peter Vanusanik

cbob worse at deadlines than CDPR! sorry, that was too mean

Don kibonk

the fact he has worked on that so hard and for so long gotta mean that the next build is gonna be pretty good isn't it? and very long too?


Hopefully you two do get the rest you need after this build if it's that tiring. Please don't over-exert yourselves. Gotta take care of yourself sometimes.


This isn't about a new mini game. Or is it? XD Love your Katara comics. But where is my other waifu?


I'd like that to be true but we'll have to wait and see. there have been times where I spent a lot of time on things only to decide it's crap and start all over again. for example, originally book 4 slave route had a fighting minigame where you could fight mecha tanks, equalizers and street thugs. The player would also have helpers to fight along with him and items like poison darts and healing kits. In the end we didn't use it but it swallowed a lot of time. We released the proof of concept in one of our art asset updates. It was all temp art and such but it was playable.


He has trouble knowing when to take a step back. And that can do more harm than good.


I'm feeling fine, but I'm not so certain about cbob. We'll see how things turn out and figure out what to do about it.


You might be kidding but if this really turns out to be a secret cardgame... I'd be relieved! I've added your other waifu in the attachments : )

Tom Ristenbieter

yes blue is a nice colous whtas next maybe your fav sx position XD i enioy some nice 69 and mating press

Darren S

Question about the last update. Is there a guide to the puzzles? I'm not a great puzzle person.


Here's a quick solution! Get the pans in the kitchen so Tylee can cover herself up with them. Just keep on walking in the maze if you have everyone's clothes. Joodee will appear automatically - Click on the cooking fire to get a makeshift torch. It will will let you enter the darkened room and click on the pile of bones for a chef's hat and apron. Visit Mai to sharpen your knife and once she disappears, click on the leftmost coffin to find a key. This will open the cell door. In the cell you'll find rope and holy water. Written on the wall will be directions to escape from the maze, f,f,f,f, r,r,r,r, f,f,f,f, Click on the fire in the kitchen and again on Tylee's bath to warm up her water. You'll need to wrap the rope around Mai's coffin if she's inside. get pepper and salt from the kitchen and make Tylee smell the pepper. Enter the maze, drop holy water and salt on the ground and make your way out of there! AAaaaaand that should take care of most problems which could stop you. Rest should be easy.

Darren S

Sorry I should have been more specific. In book 4 the dream airbender puzzle


1st: turn 2,2,2 2nd: turn 1,3 3rd: turn 1,1,1,2 4th: turn 4,4,4,1,1,1,2 Those aren't the only or sometimes even fastest solutions. I couldn't remember and hadn't written solutions down so I played it myself just now and these were the first combinations which worked. After the highest level it becomes much easier because the clouds only need to point in the same direction then and not necessarily to the right.


Where do I get your link to send to people


The link to the public version of the game? That can be found at https://www.patreon.com/mity?fan_landing=true You'll have to click/read the about section to see them.


Have you ever watched Hunter x Hunter? And if so i think it would be an AMAZING idea implementing that universe into the mighty hands of Mbob (Mity and Cbob together you like?) there’s a WIDE arrange of female characters that have I’m sure a lot would like to see in many different ways ;)


"I don't like being a party pooper but sometimes those are the kind of poopers needed if only to keep on pooping better and more reliably in the future. " Now that is an out of this world Iroh quote if I've ever seen one.


Guys, just cause im kinda bored: what universes would you prefer as next project? Can't find others which are that detailed and massive like avatar. Maybe star wars or some Anime 🤔


How about Highschool DxD? That's pretty massive and detailed.


Dragon Prince, for the visuals only. Good story and interesting characters is another thing ...


I think it'd have to be some super popular anime like Bleach or Naruto, though Naruto is unlikely as one of the devs mentioned they HATED Sakura, so she's probably not showing up. I am curious what they'll do next. Maybe a crossover like they did for a previous demo?

Bill Kurtis

I think Mass Effect. Lots of party member possibilities. Shepard MC can already be a saint or an asshole. Lots of alien races for variety.


Maybe like a Teen Titans or a Young Justice Academy/MHA? Superhero universes normally have a pretty large cast with decent crossover characters and a specific enough plot. Making it a school/academy builds an overall goal for the MC to get better, creating opportunities for minigames between story driven events and has enough built in excuses to give opportunities for certain students to interact w/ one another.


Give me harry potter lol!

Billy bounce

Grumman TBF Avenger I literally just sent MITY a PM about a Star Wars game idea a little while back. The idea was that it would be done using the new "Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures" art style from the YouTube series. Idk if you guys have seen any of those videos but if you like Star Wars and animation you should really check it out. Basically the idea would be that it's set up like FET but instead of books there would be sagas for each trilogy and the Clone Wars. You could still use the player character from FET, but now you would be using the force to travel through time instead of the avatar state and spirit world. So starting off in the prequels with some, then the Clone Wars, then the original trilogy, and finally the sequels, I'd just really like to see what MITY could do with it story-wise. Star Wars has a lot of material and lore to work with with the movies, books and even Old Republic stuff. Also noting the fact that a lot of people seemed to dislike the sequels MITY could do their own version of them. Personally I like what the sequels could have been. The characters on paper sound really cool but I felt like they didn't use them as well as they could have. Although it was entertaining I felt like the story could have gone in different ways that would have been more interesting but hey I'm just a random schmuck who can barely right a paper much less a script lol. But yeah I feel like they could really have fun with not just the sequels but the whole saga. There's also so many great female characters. You've got Ahsoka, Leia, Padme, Rey, Ventress, Mara Jade, not to mention all the different aliens and Jedi. Then you've got some really cool and funny characters like Obi-wan, Clone Wars Anakin, and motherfuckin Han Soloooo! Lol as you all can tell I'm a big Star Wars fan haha. But jokes aside I feel like Star Wars has a lot of content to work with much like Avatar did. I feel like it would really shine in dialogue and story. MITY was my introduction to porn games like a year or so ago and they're still the best I've ever played since. I feel a lot of that has to do with the dialogue and story. FET is hot like other games but it's also just fun as hell to play. Idk, what do you guys think? Also if your interested here's my favorite "Galaxy of Adventures" AMV, if you're not then that's cool too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXgC_nVkemA


Just watched Seasons 1-6 of that. Though I'm not adverse to fairy tail either


more dragon prince related stuff would be "amazing".


Seeing Shizuku or Menchi in action would be TOP NOTCH I’m telling you


Could always do some multiverse deal and implement gals from various games, animes etc.


It would be nice if you added Princess Yue from the Northern Water Tribe and H-scenes with her. And for Korra- Other female villains like the combustion girl etc... also h scene with the painted lady spirit

Chimiest of changas

Sorry for the ESKAlation but all the APPAthy is filling me with AANGst and causing SOKKAsm full force I just hope no one gets lost in the IROHny 😗😗