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Hey all,  Happy Halloween!  This year's Halloween isn't nearly as fun as others because of certain restrictions(and because of the news one of my favorite actors passed away), but I wish you all scary dreams about skeletons wearing g-strings tonight or other stuff which will make you wake up in a cold sweat!

When it comes to skeletons, the ones in "Spooky times 2" aren't wearing g-strings but other unspeakable are being done to them. It's a small standalone Halloween themed side story for FET. 

This latest version(0.3)  has a few small bugs fixed(no worries I'm sure there will still be at least a few in there) and I changed/added a couple of images.  But most importantly, I finally managed to fix the android version so you'll be able to save your game! It was driving me nuts for the larger part of a day, but it's fixed!

For everyone who has already played and finished it earlier,  there's no real reason to dive into it again unless you want to get that 9/9 score. Something which wasn't possible because a bug in yesterday's version.  Not that it will will unlock anything besides bragging rights ! 

SpookyTimes 2      -   pc version          -  Alt link 

SpookyTimes 2      -   mac version       -   Alt link 

SpookyTimes 2      -   android version -    Alt link

If there's an afterlife... they're in for a treat :D       R.I.P. Sir Sean Connery

For those stuck, here's a roughshod walkthrough which should take care of the biggest hurdles.

- Introduce yourself to Mai and Tylee, return to azula.  Azula will ask  you to keep searching for another person.

 - You won't find the other person so return to azula. 

- Talk to Tylee, she'll tell you to search the kitchen, In the kitchen  you'll come up with an idea.  

- Visit all the other girls again and ask for their clothes. 

- Get the pans in the kitchen so Tylee can cover herself up with them.  

- Just keep on walking in the maze if you have everyone's clothes.  Joodee will appear automatically   

The main objective is to escape safely and asking Joodee  what she needs  to prepare the meal will slowly get you the knowledge and means to do  so.  

- Click on the cooking fire to get a makeshift torch. It will will let  you enter the darkened room. 

- Click on the pile of bones for a chef's hat and apron.  

- Visit Mai to sharpen your knife and once she disappears, click on the  leftmost coffin to find a key.  

- The keys will open the cell door. In the cell you'll find rope and  holy water.   

- Written on the wall of the cell will be directions to escape from the  maze,   f,f,f,f,  r,r,r,r, f,f,f,f,   

- Click on the fire in the kitchen and again on Tylee's bath to warm up  her water.     

 - You'll need to wrap the rope around Mai's coffin if she's inside.  

- get pepper and salt from the kitchen and make Tylee smell the pepper.   She'll start sneezing. If you visit her again the pepper will wear off  and you'll have to give her some again.  

- you can take Joodee with you when escaping, or not. 

- Enter the maze, drop holy water and salt on the ground and make your  way out of there!



Hello! How do ye get that jinora scene? Please someone help me :/

Jdogzero Silverblade

anyone got bleach so i can drench my eyes in it. god damn that picture is haunting. i shivered the second i saw it.


Anyone knows where the Secret Painting is located ? Thanks !


Well if you're talking about the sister painting, you go three times to the right in the maze. Once you give it to Ty Lee and she puts it on the wall use the knife on the painting.


How do you go about finding the box spirit in the side story?


LOVED the additions you made Marty!!! The Joo doo scene was amazing - And thaaaaank you for the Jinora scene (Incest is Wincest muahaha) The Azula and Pema one at the end had me cracking up xD 9/9 and speed score of 71... now to finish it even faster o/


"Haunting" you say... Means I picked a good one! You should see him moving around in that gear : D


One of the first comments in this thread explains it. But in short, click on the cardboard box in the bathroom when Tenzin goes out to urinate, and keep visiting "other rooms" after Tenzin's story is done.


i cant find the chef's hat and apron. are they in the maze?


does anyone know what you're suppossed to do about tylee's smelling?


protip, you don't have to wait for Joodee to give you the map to the carrots if you remember the route! Also glad to see you liked it. the Jinora scene was the last addition. I almost didn't include it! Wait.. the azula and Pema scene...? I didn't get much sleep these last days, but... I don't think there's such a scene is there?

Brian MacHott

Having trouble figuring out how to stop Mei and find a way out. I think I figured out Azula and I figured out Ty Lee. Is there something in the maze I need to find for Mei?


What about Azula, I have the water and used it on her dragon dildo but i still got caught


Happy Halloween everyone, and stay safe.


Once you have the rope, which you can find in the cell with Yue, you can wrap it around Mai's coffin when she's inside of it.


When you enter the maze, pick tools and use both salt and water.


Quick question...how do I get the Azula dildo scene? I found the dildo and the empty coffin but I can't hide in it like I can for Mai. Any tips?


Can't seem to get the Jinora scene. I've pressed the toilet paper box then I looked at Jinora changing, I looked at the other rooms but once I go to the tower it automatically ends with the Pema scene. I also have tried going into Jinora's room before pressing tower but it just says it's locked. Any help guys?


How do u find chef hat and apron


It's in the dark room. Gotta grab a log from the fireplace in the kitchen and then go to the bottom room. The hat and apron are in the bone pile


Found a small text error. A the end there Jinora and Ikki say "Okay, goodnight dad" it says "Jinora $ Ikki" instaead of &

Tristan Neese

Dude, Yet again you've knocked it out of the park. Nice & to the point. Not super hard to figure out the puzzles, but like in a good way. Plus I appreciate the scene checklist & the speed time. Makes it fun to repeat for more reasons than the obvious lol (my best score after 4 playthroughs is 61). I also appreciate the new sound effects & the little secret scene at the end. Took me a few playthroughs to figure that one out. 11/10 writing as always. Just all around 15/10 Side game. I cannot wait even more for the main game update now. Just wow man.


I can’t seem to find what to cover ty lee up with or find Jodie Pls help

morris ridgeway

Thank you for Zardoz. You re right.


ST2 was a ton of fun! Thanks for that.


I got to stop that one girls ability to smell me, but how do I knock the other girl out?


How do you get the jinnora scene on Android, (we don't have ctrl) any help??


I'm not familiar with android so I don't know if there is a substitute for control, but Marty would know. But, you don't really need control to get the scene. It would just take forever to get the scene because you have to keep trying to go into the room.


Great side story . 1 question , is there something to use the sugar on or is it just there for looks?


Is there anything else than the jinora scene, which isn't on the list? Can't believe that I got a perfect first try


what is the jinora scene cause all I got was a go home ur drunk


Ah thanks for telling. If I find any bigger bugs I'll add that typo to the fixes, but if that's the worst among the problems I think I'll leave it as a testament to my writing skills. $ is used for setting variables which I clearly wasn't trying to do at that moment, but apparently I was sleepy enough by then to not see the difference between $ an &


Lol, well that's a lot more praise than I feel we deserve, but thanks all the same. I tried to keep everything very doable and to the point. Mostly because I simply didn't have a lot of time to finish this, but I think the limited options are generally speaking responsible for this not being too hard.


Always remember, the gun is good and the penis is evil!


Thanks, I feel like it's more a matter of being incredibly lucky but regardless, if the result has been enjoyable, I can be happy.


Mai is supposed to be locked up in her coffin by wrapping it with rope and azula must be stopped by dumping salt and holy water on the ground in the maze to prevent her from following you.


It's just there for looks. I was thinking about making it have at least some sort of function but I couldn't really think of one.


No that's pretty much the only thing not on the list.


If you've played and unlocked jinora's scenes during the slave route, you might recognize the cardboard box with the toilet paper during Tenzin's bathroom room visit. Click on that. You'll hear a sound to confirm it worked. After that finish the story. Once that's over with visit "other rooms". After seeing jinora change keep visiting "other rooms". After awhile Jinora will come out telling you to stop it. You'll get a few menu options. Pick the last one repeatedly. After than, visit her once more and things get naughty.

Ricky ortiz

I really like non pregnant Pema please she's so hot can we have more of her


How do you escape the maze


Forward forward forward forward right right right right forward forward forward forward


Cant seem to get the Joodee scene, not sure where it is at.


Any info on the main build?


Where is the family painting for ty lee? Searched the maze forever and couldn't find it.


So what's up with the F.E.T. and with Cbob?

Gwen Evers

i cant figure out what to do at the end i done the 3 things it wanted me two but still get court do u have a walk throw im very lost

Brian MacHott

Just out of curiosity. Mainly because I'm stuck and can't figure out what to do to progress, is there a walkthrough of some type?


I added a quick walkthrough to the post. Should take care of any problems you might be having.


how do i "take care" of Azula?

Space Cadet

The best score i can get is 8/9 and can't figure out what I'm missing


Where is the secret painting?

Kenosha Bonisha

wish i coulda fucked the daughters dissapointed


Put some water on her dragon dildo. Once you are given the "report card" there's a button to click and which let's you see what happened to her afterwards.


Perhaps you didn't get the secret painting? Just use a knife on the Ty Lee's sisters paiting.


Once you've found the painting and it's on the wall you can use a knife on it if you have it.


Well... it's extremely well hidden, but you can get funky with one of them.

Kenosha Bonisha

I did it but can you only do it with Jinora?

Kenosha Bonisha

You gotta click the box in the bathroom. Then at the end of the game just keep spamming other room and when she answers the door keep clicking the bottom dialugue choice. Then click the door one more time

Kenosha Bonisha

Bruh its on the floor next to toilet when u take a piss


So anyone knows why it closes itself shorttly after i opend it ?


IDK why but it deletes the exec can anyone help?+


Hey, nice standalone project! Your games amaze me with the incredible art details and story writing it has. Now, I'm writing this comment to ask if it would be possible to have more scenes with both daughters (both main FET and other FET side story games), I'm not really into that, but since it has been teased many times, I think it's time to delve a bit more and add more sexual scenes, even with their mother. Since sometimes they share the bed with you when you are with Pema, would be nice to get a little creative there. Nonetheless amazing work. I became a Patreon to support your hard work, keep it up!


the jerome box. or Box Spirit Box. take a pee break and click the box


I say this on the hub . I didn't watch it cus I had not yet played it but now that I finished it up. There was a h scene with jin and now I'm wondering how do you get to the that scene or was it removed?