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As much as I dislike having to release these new versions with only minor bugfixes, the last one still had a bug which can potentially lock players out of progressing. 

You might not have encountered it,  but the problem occurs when talking with Korra about the Equalists during book 4's love route.  Doing so would make her not want to talk anymore for that day in version 0.9.0b. 

Not a problem the first time, but it can cause BIG problems later on if you repeat the conversation again and is able to lock you out of progressing.   It's fixed in this new version, but as long as you don't repeat the Equalist conversation later you should be safe in the old one as well.

FET  v0.9.0c  -  PC version  -  alt link 

FET v0.9.0c  -  Mac version

FET v0.9.0c  -  Android       -  alt link

Warning there might still be a bug in these versions where you can get soft-locked if you talk with Korra about more than one new subject  on one day.



Will we ever ask Katara what became of the relationship between Aang and Toph. I know they got married in the love rout.


Maybe my lore is fucked up here, but aren't Aang and Katara together?


Where is the 3rd piece of evidence for Asmai's father?I got the one on the home island and one on Aang statues. I keep going back to the hideout for the last one but the goblin doesn't have anything.Where is the final piece of evidence?


Visit Zhuli on the streets. She should be able to give you the final piece.


The love path for Air is really well written. I feel the writing for the love path gets stronger with each nation. You're doing great, keep it up!


dammit I was hoping love route we be playing korra


go to the house in the city judi is the one you gotta talk to next

Neb the Pleb

From what I've seen you were literally the only one hoping for that lol

A.E. Pessimal

Great, there's this wonderful "hint" with Shady and I still get stuck. Or Shady is buggy. Or both.


The love route really is radically different from the slave route. Different location, different host, even picked up the story further down Korra's timeline so everyone's older now. I like how you gave Tenzin the "Whiplash" persona, very fitting. Extremely frustrating to run into the "In Development" placard in the middle of this.


Man for not even being at version 1.0.0 this was really freaking good! I was hooked

Kodi Green

Really want the next part soon it was a bummer for the in development card to hit me


Guys, in book three: Earth, Slaveroute, at Ty Lee in the brothel is an option with several questionmarks. Does someone know how to unlock it?


It's a reward for people who've been crabfighing and managed to beat Iroh until he won't fight you anymore. It's a pretty difficult thing to achieve!


Thanks! The start of a new route/book is always difficult, so it's great to get these messages telling us we're on the right way!


Never trust Shady! But if things get too frustrating, just pm us and tell us where you're stuck and we'll try and get you going again!


From the very start we knew we'd be having very different routes for this book. TLOK has a looot of female character which we'd like to include and putting them all in one route would make things super convoluted. So instead we decided to have the routes differ significantly so we can add different(or different looking) characters in each of them. It'll hopefully also make it more interesting for people who play both routes.


I really can’t wait to see how this turns out, this may be the best love route.


does anyone know where to find the key to free june in chapter 3 slave route


In the part of the maze where June is shackled to the wall there's a big hole in the floor in a corridor close by. Drop down there(by pressing the down key ) and things should progress again.


Nah no screenshot is needed, it should be easy enough to find. We do sometimes mess up dialogue when we make a lot of changes so that's probably it. We'll check it out and fix whatever needs fixing. Thanks for mentioning it! But yeah that's definitely supposed to be a Korra line.

Carpe Brewem

This was the first 0.9 version I installed. I finished book 4 slave route and returned to main menu, but can't figure out how to start love route.


Tenzin's mouth is so low holy shit. Scoot that bad boy up like one entire mouth-height.


So I play on PC and Mobile versions. I'm am having an issue with Slave route book 3, crab finding, I don't know how to interact or move with the screen. There is no joystick or interaction menu, so Idk what to do. Also is there a way on mobile to open the menu without having to talk to someone?


For pc you can use the arrow keys, but on mobile it's borked. We didn't always offer an android version and when we started it had a lot of problems. It's why we don't always have a functional workaround for things like the book 3 arena crab and opening the menu without having to talk to people. Although that last one can also be done by holding down the left button on older models. The crabfights are optional and not needed to progress the story, but I do intend to take a look at it at a later date. But that's still going to take a long time.


Really? I'll take a look at it tonight and see if I can see it myself.


Ok just finished up to where i can in book 4 love how its going ran into no bugs aside from the already mention crab thing in book 3 but yeah good work cant wait for next update really like my talks with Korra and Ikki


Has anyone ran into "under development" bug in the latest android version ? I'm receiving this message when I go to sleep in my room after the massage part. And the game's not moving forward after that.


I just got the same thing on the PC (0.9.0a) version. Hopefully this version will fix it for me at least.

Crimson Slaughterer

im on 0.9.0c and got the same thing and the same spot. any fix?


did this add anything new or is it just fixes to bugs cuz i finished 9.0a without encountering a bug