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Hey all,  just finished uploading 0.9.0b    

This is basically 0,9.0a with a few small bugfixes. I would've uploaded this way earlier but for the very first time ever cbob's email got caught by my spam filter and I was just waiting patiently for him to send me something which he had already sent! 

Quick recap, this build contains the start of book 4's love route.   The main differences between this version and 0.9.0a  is the fact we added some music and fixed some parts of the sexdoll mini-game.  For some people the mini-game was over the second it started and for others,  the clicks wouldn't always properly register. Should be fixed in this version. 

So if you didn't have trouble with the mini-game earlier it's probably not worth downloading this version.

FET 0.9.0b     -  PC version  -  Alt link 

FET 0.9.0b     -  Mac version  -  Alt link  

FET 0.9.0b     -  Android version  -  Alt link 

Update to 0.9.0b  -   Alt link , if you don't mind copy/pasting some files manually for the pc or mac  these files can update version 0.8.7d or higher to 0.9.0b   Much smaller files, so perhaps a good  alternative for anyone with a less than optimal internet connection, but a bit more messing about. 



Btw are you doing any end game stuff for Book 3 love route like you did in Book 3 slave route. There still are few things that could done ( Iroh's trophy, Ajala anal renacment, Cameo of Skye?)


There's never a lack for fun stuff we could add, but right now we want to focus on finishing the current route and afterwards the conclusion to it all. Once that's done we'll start considering what the next step will be.


I know this is unrelated, but are there plans to include more Asami in this route?


I was wondering how you would appoach bk4 love route. I really enjoy your appoach with an original host character. The releationship between the player and katara is something I very like. I loved your nostalgic solution with katara in slave route, but also like the more active role of her in the current version. I'm looking forward to the next update.


The start of the love route is already amazing! You guys are great! Can't wait to find out what happens next! I love the little kya dom action on the side


We're in general very secretive about what will of won't appear further along the route... and this time is no different! Sorry, but that'll be something you'll discover as things move along.


You've gone ahead and made Korra really sympathetic and likable, with the whole part feeling wholesome, I love it. Probably my fav part intro to date.


Since katara is the first girl during this whole journey we had to make sure she'd get the attention she deserves. During book 3's love route she was also there to help things along. I was actually expecting a few more raised eyebrows when it comes to the fact you can ...romance her... while she's old.


Spoiler ... mad beginning too the game i love the change in time and environment ... its like a whole new book


Not sure if this is a bug or not, but in the couple of newer versions, I have lost the ability to raise katara's respect with walking through town, thereby stopping the story, anyone else having this problem?


Yeah, TLOK has a slew of female characters(or older versions) whom we'd like to.. do stuff with.. but we didn't want each route to take forever so we decided to have each route for this book focus on different characters( or their older versions) which necessitates doing things differently. Happy to see you've been liking it so far.


Okay digging into my memory here... but respect was something which was decided by visiting the elder council and finishing the quests. but if you're stuck and can't seem to progress it might be you need to hunt some more mooselions and get further along with Katara. If you focus on training from the start first, hunting mooselions should become reasonably easy. If that doesn't help send us a pm and we'll try and help you along.


Thanks! Kya is a fun character to draw and write for so it's nice to finally be able and do so.


That's great to hear! We want to make her likeable but without completely turning her character into someone else's.


yeah I thought so too, so I maxed out affection and waterbending, and still nope, but tried it again after your reply, and it works now, sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for the fast reply, I really enjoy the work you put out thank you. started a new game to replay the whole set again for fun.


I'm stuck. Can't get past Korra's first rehabilitation scene.


I tested a little before and after, and the update definitely improved the blow-dolls functionality. I haven't had any issues with the clicks not properly inputting. Thanks for the fix Mity.

Toxic FX

im not a fan of tenzin training dont like his attitude


Great job on this build and the start of the route in general. From the writing to the naughty stuff there’s nothing I disliked. Also you did a very good job with Korra; She feels so alive and natural and the whole relationship feels actually real to some extent. Humor is on point as always. Keep up the great work and take your time if it means we can continue to enjoy this awesome piece of art.

Don kibonk

When,approximatly, will the next version air?


either the absolute end of this month or next month. It's once a month as long as there's no bad bugs to fix.


Does anyone play on android? I just downloaded it to my phone and I'm absolutely lost on how to do stuff! Can't access the readme pdf either.

soldier123097 .

I don't know if i'm currently soft locked or this is the end of the current build, but after korra asks to get her soda, I can't seem to find a way to progress into night time.

soldier123097 .

For reference i've done therapy, talked to korra, done training, talked to ikki, and done the opal side quest where kya is being all creepy.

soldier123097 .

After doing another quick playthrough I figured out that it was because I asked about equalists on that day instead of the 3 spirits thing. Seems that asking that doesn't allow me to progress into the next day when I talked with katara.


Have you gotten Korra the bear yet? you might need to get that. Try talking to Jinora again. If you talk about cheering up Korra then this is the part. go Jinora, Opal, Ikki, Katara, Korra.

soldier123097 .

That part happens after where the game softlocked. It was purely due to me selecting equalists instead of talking about the 3 spirits and not being able to talk to katara for the next thing to ask her about because i hadn't talked to korra and couldn't talk to korra about them. I


You mean you don't know how to install it? Sent us a pm and we'll see try and figure it out.


I'm checking it out and seeing what I can do about it. I suspect cbob introduced this bug when trying to solve another one. Now I just need to fix it without doing the same. He's unavailable right now, because of labor day.


oh no not that. I've already installed it just fine. Just that there's no controls unless theres dialogue! Only ever played on my pc so far.


Oh you mean like getting into the menu for preferences etc. Yeah that's something we've never been able to fix in a good way. I press and hold the left lower button on my phone to open a menu screen. Don't know what the button's called but it looks like a rectangle with an L lying on top of it.


I think I've finally figured out what that might be. Gonna send you a pm soon.


We have "supersized" his behavior here. Like dogcatdog already mentioned it has it's origin in the cartoon. It's very much unlike Tenzin's true nature of being calm and patient with people, but it's not a permanent thing.