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this is the start of the love route for book 4! that means you can spend more time in this world?! with korra?! anything could happen! you might have nice moments! or be yelled at!

just start book 4 and once you get presented with the choice to pick the slave or love route, pick love! 

it's an introduction build so it's hardly overflowing with steamy sex scenes.  those are for when we pick up the pace along the way. still there's some of that in there. 

you won't be able to miss anything in this build so just keep playing until you've reached the "under development" sign.

Also, bughunters thanks for your feedback! As always we thought we had things pretty stable but you managed to find and tell us about all sorts of horribleness. Except for the bugfixes and some slight dialogue changes you won't find much of a difference between the bughunt and this version so no last second additions. 

(edit: One final thing!!! There's a minigame during the love route for book4. This game might cause problems for you if you have transitions set to skip in your preferences of the game. Changing that setting will solve it and we'll fix it in the next version, but just be aware of that for now... There's always one more bug we didn't catch!)

PC Version   -   alt link 

Mac Version -  alt link 

Android          -   (slightly behind version compared to pc/mac but should still work fine without bugs.  Cbob's asleep and I don't have the latest version yet.)

Update to 090a (experimental!)   Smaller files to update from version 0.8.7d to 0.9.0a   Won't work for android, but for pc and mac it might be a nice alternative. You'll have to copy/paste some files manually. I've added instruction inside on how to do this, but it's experimental. So if your internet connection is slow or you have a data cap, you might want to try this. This should also be able to update the bughunt version to 090a







Gonna have to wait for Android.

Peter Vanusanik

I loved it! Honestly though, my fav girl has to be adult jinora tho.

Peter Vanusanik

also noticed that there are more naughty art in the rpa, preview content for next build? :P


So is this going to be the final book? (Haven't touched book 4 yet, so I don't know what happens)


I know you've still got this whole route to go through, but do you have any plans for what's next after it's all done?

Anthony Michelli

Heads up, this is still labeled as Bughunt Version on the main menu


Wow, I wasn't expecting this for the player character. Not a bad idea, and I'm interested to see how it plays out. And of course I hope we get to see more Jinora in the future!


Amazing start! This game never fails to make me laugh my ass off, keep it up!


having trouble with the blow up mini game? how does it work? it's not giving me an option to do anything and I can't progress the story...


I love it so far, but will there be more characters? Right now it feels kind of restrictive in that aspect.

Peter Vanusanik

restrictive? There are like 8 girls right now (6 + 2). Not everyone has porn yet obviously


Hi! You need to click on the little cloud button to put some air in, and give it 1/2/3 blasts of air until the doll fills up.


Forgot to mention it before but I love that teacher tenzin is reminiscent of Fletcher from whiplash


I'm disappointed that Katara's test didn't ask you to repeat words like "Person, woman, man, camera, TV"


very nice start you got there MITY:D there is only 1 thing om sad about an the the blow up dolls, the wind in the wheel are going way to fast, its more luck to hit the right spot, nothing to do whit skill sadly;( But if we see past the you got a nice story some sexy sceens an i didt not find any bugs at all:D Great job an keep up the good work:D


uploaded! it's not entirely up to date compared to it's mac/pc version, but should be pretty stable.


Just wait until you can see all of her tattoos : )


Yes... but also not entirely. We'll still need to tie some story lines together and that'll be done in a final chapter. not really a book though since it'll be waaaaay smaller.


Well, we'll also still have to do the final chapter, but that will be much, much smaller. Anyway, we haven't really thought about what comes next beyond a few fleeting thoughts. Nothing set in stone (or even jello!). We're entirely focused on FET.


Ah, well of course we couldn't get this right the first time, because when have we ever done that : ) ?


We considered making it another "make your own face" - thing, but that didn't really drive home the point it's the player being 100% in control so we opted for the well know hoodie head. Oh and I think we'll be seeing a lot more of jinora's tats in the future : )


Well, I mean... the voice actor for Tenzin is J.K. Simmons : )


That would've been hilarious, but probably not really hold up over a longer period of time or anyone not really into politics which I imagine is most of our audience?


Hoping in this one IKK gets scenes she looks so good


Can you Say Next Update?


Really enjoyed what iv played so far. Especially like the fact we play as a no named character over an existing one


They made this from ground up and it had way more content than most first builds. Have some patience bro


I was hoping that too, would be epic to find out that he is Aang's grandson (because of PC)


Was amazing and so worth the wait, but where is the scene of avatar having sex with a pumpkin? Was that a joke?

Billy bounce

Is there any way to change your character's name? I put Avatar in his name at the very beginning and now it kind of breaks the immersion talking to the real avatar lol. I don't want to start a new game and go straight to book 4 because I'm afraid some of the choices I made won't appear in the future if the game keeps track of them. It's not a big deal, just a little fuck up of my own design.

Billy bounce

Personally I didn't find it very challenging. I'm not saying that to be a jerk but maybe they can have an option for normal(slower) and hard(how it is now).


I think you can change it somewhat easily just by digging to code, if you can get access to it. Don't ask me how, still a fledling with C#


I am replaying it to see if I can find any major bugs but they all seemed ironed out but this time I saved my youth potions for katara, I am sad she isn’t more like the milf katara and is instead seems to be just last air bender katara but maybe that’s just me


Would've liked that too!

Sir M.Bater

That is the perfect image for this lol

chance mullins

Honestly love the direction you toke the love route with helping korra through her recovery and all the side characters like opal I’m a super huge fan and excited to see the rest

Billy bounce

I was hoping for the same. Her design seems slightly different but that's just me. It was still great and I love that they implemented the youth potions .That was something I was actually hoping for so I wasn't disappointed. But yeah when I saw the option for it I thought she would look more like the Katara from the family photo with Aang and the kids. Like a design closer to Kya (Katara's mom and daughter both). But story-wise it makes sense for her to look like ATLA Katara since that's what your character saw her last as and she wants to relive those moments. The main character has never met Milf Katara although I doubt he would mind if we're being honest.


Same for me, I am really exited what this route is providing and I ofc already played through it, eager for more to come. But I am super duper hyper exited maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan !

Aeryn Monet

the korra/MC interactions are cute as shit and I wasn't expecting that


After the game is finished, will you be going through adding bells and whistles, extra pregnancies, futa options(like playing as dickgirl korra in book four, for example), or will the game be considered fully finished?

James M Heinonen

love where this is going excellent job once again


I know I'm a horrableu bitch but did we stop having cheats after book 3?


Definitely a quality update overall. It actually makes Korra seem like-able, and the interaction between the two is almost wholesome. And man, theres always a lot of comedy in each route. Only thing I had annoyances with are the "action figures" not blowing up on clicking it, and the repeat after me being really slow.

Bill Kurtis

A fine start - I have to say I am really looking forward to all the side ladies this time. LoK books 3&4 are a goldmine - Jinora, Opal, Ikki, even Kya (funny subplot going there). I had a few comments based on this build: I tried the experimental option and it seemed to work fine, other than there being no music for some of the beginning sections. I hope there is more agency for the MC to be harder/sarcastic/an asshole built up in later builds, like in love routes in the past. I also hope that Tenzin returns and there's an opportunity for us to whoop his ass. Make him humble. Anyways, good start like I said. Titilating, even.


Awesome update! Love routes were always my favorites, so I was looking forward to this, and I certainly wasn't disappointed! It feels like an entirely new chapter- and in a way, it pretty much is. Different point in time, different host so the MC can be himself, and a new location (even if it's just for the start, I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll find ourselves back at the city. But I never watched TLOK, so I could be terribly wrong). Of course, writing is superb as always. Love the comedy, but I love the narration, and Korra's dialogue during the more serious conversations. Awesome as always!


glad to hear it! I hope we can do the characters justice!


Can You share some info about future of this route? we will stuck on this island or we will later continue in Republic City?


Wonder if Jinora will be a possibility since she wasn't in the Slave Route, despite interest

Prof. Walker

Porn music didn't stop after the 'sexual scenes' for me. Stops after the time of day changes.


Since this seems to be taking place after Book 3, since Korra was poisoned and is currently rehabilitating, will we be getting into Book 4 stuff? Like are we staying in the South Pole compound the entire route? Or will we see Kuvira and the Earth Empire? I'm really hoping we see Kuvira, Suyin, Toph (old or otherwise), or others we may have missed along the way.

John wayne

spoiler: well opal already kinda implied that she wants us to visit Zaofu and the way MITY's done it in the past I think Kuvira and Suyin being in the story is a safe bet.

John wayne

Honestly, I did not expect you guys to do this good of a job. This might possibly be the most excited I've been for a book/route. First time I'm feeling obliged to comment about how good it is.


The slave route had some ups and downs but in the end they delivered a great product, at least in my book. But I agree, this start is excellent, I'll pray to the goddess of lewd games they stay healthy and focused and maybe still can surprise us in some ways.


Your dickgirl korra example (as fun as it sounds!) would be simply way to much work, so that's a hard pass. We're really not certain what we'll do. I imagine we'll take a short break and during that consider our next steps. No other series comes close to my personal enjoyment as much as the avatar series and staying there for a little longer doesn't sound that bad to me, but we'll see.


Awesome update! So many girls! I look forward to continuing!


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it so far. But when you say the action figures not blowing up on clicking it, do you mean you'd prefer to click on the dolls themselves instead of the puff of air? Or do your clicks on the puff of air not always properly register?


Thanks Bill, glad to see you've enjoyed it so far. Also glad the update files are doing what they're supposed to do. And yeah so much great side characters to work with... I am looking forward to when I get into the more hardcore scenes with them!


Your sneaky suspicions might not be wrong. Let's just say we have a lot of ground to cover for this route if we'll stick to our initial plans. Good to hear you've enjoyed the first build for this route, we'll do our best to try and keep it going like that : )


You won't be stuck at the compound forever. We can at least tell you that much.


Thanks for mentioning it! I sent it to cbob. I know he was working on a new build with some minor tweaks so I hope he can correct that.


Quick question what made you go blank face but not custom like slave route for book 2 i don't care personally but would like to know. P.S Great work with Kya it nice a twist.


Good Problem to have, but this build ended way too soon! The only thing I'm not sure about is the training mini-game this time around... you actually have to pay attention! Can't wait for the rest of this route!


Really great start to this route. The scenes are all superb and the writing is top notch! Great job guys!


Decided to repledge after seeing you guys going back to a regular update schedule and the start of the love route. Great work on the update, I must say. Looks like you guys are back on track. Loved the old Katara scenes, though I'd wish there was more of a difference in body type between the two versions. Keep up the good work!


I knew we were gonna start out as a no one character aka "our character" and also i freaking love how you done the other characters Katara, Korra, Jinora even Tenzin its even better when you learn from the master himself( He just needs to calm down a liiittle bit just a little, he kinda scared me). Not only that but you included Kya and Opal...BEST ROUTE EVER. Seriously this is the best stuff. Cant wait to see whats next.


Please let us use the youth potions on Toph in one of the next builds 🥺


how do i tell when its done


Any chance for better animations for the early chapter? Maybe a new frame or 2 for each animation? The new ones really outshine the old. I really am liking the game as is tho!


I'd rather they not put more time to that and continue with the story, but hey, each to their own


excited for the next build!

Feras al harbi

you think that i'd pick the love route for korra? hahahahaha! that'll never happen! that bitch needs to be trained, like the sow that she is! great work, by the way


Honestly the start to this new book route is amazing. I’ve played every other route the game has to offer but so far I’ve not clicked as much with the others as much as this one. Definitely got the best characters, and the dialogue is great so far, I feel actually connected to the storyline, keep it up!

Bill Kurtis

You can still roll-back if you make a mistake. Not so bad so far.


This is a weird question but does anyone else not have music in the love route?

Sir M.Bater

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this bug yet: PC version, whenever I hit the "Go!" for Shady's minigame it immediately goes to the failed dialogue without doing anything else. Restart of the client didn't help either.


At first we were planning on doing a custom face again, but that didn't really relay the message of the player being 100% in control of his own destiny and his body this time. so we opted for the well know hoodie head.


Ah yes, we noticed that problem and it will be fixed in a new version, but you can already fix it by going to "preferences" on the menu screen and turn on the "transitions" option. Once that's changed it should work as intended again.


I'm at the end of book four slave rout but I can't find the harbor where Korra is fighting Amon.


Sooo is the slave route finished? :^) I haven't touched book 4 until one of the routes was finished at least


Hey RockD great to see you again. Man if we can stay on schedule that would make me a very very happy person indeed. Not going to proclaim I actually think we will, we've had the opposite happen too many times. I agree on the body type difference not being what it should be. A big part of my considerations when creating a scene is "how can I keep it all small?" And that's where reuse of certain assets happens.


Here's hoping we can keep that momentum going : ) We'll try our damn best. Glad to see you've been enjoying the love route so far!


But don't you want to get nasty with old Toph?? She has the most experience!


But, but... you won't see Kya during the slave route or opal, or Jinora with tats... ! : ) but yeah let's just say if I were solely a player I'd probably pick the slave route to play. At the very least the first time around.


Well that doesn't put pressure upon us... : O Glad to see you've liked it that much! We'll do our best to hopefully make the next build just as engaging.


Remember where you met Ginger? Go to the left of that place.


Yep you can be horrible to korra from beginning to end now during the slave route!


I just end up playing both routes. That's what I did for book 3 too.


Lol I love tenzin was more like JK simmons' character in Whiplash. Great update


I really did not want to talk about this, but that "honor his memory" line has been bothering me since I played this update. It made me really uncomfortable. I don't want to start a fight, but are there anyone else that feel the same?


Like at all? Because at the start of this build there's no music but the next day it should kick in again.


Really? can you explain in what way? If it felt like we were trying to mock him, that's really not what we were going for.


It is the Leaving Neverland documentary. It is a controversial thing because both sides have proof and truth is hard to find out. The entire thing have made king of pop a very uncomfortable topic. What makes it worse is that this project softcore includes minors so it feels like we accept what he might have done


It’s just the start, which you’ve also now fixed via this patch anyway, thanks!

Neb the Pleb

This is a fucking masterclass. I enjoyed the Slave Route quite a bit but I already like this even more. Korra is cute and sympathetic now that her bitchiness has been quite literally beaten out of her. I can't wait to see this arc grow and expand. Also hoping that we get some Toph with the youth potion later. Please.

Neb the Pleb

Oh who the hell cares? Its a fine joke. MJ was a good performer but hes not immune from a joke at his expense every now and then. No one is. Get over him.

Neb the Pleb

Korra is a lot more fun to be around once the world has viciously beaten her ego out of her.


It's about him having allegedly having molested 2 underaged boys. Which makes honoring his memory really uncomfortable


I think the best way to think of it as is, they're not honoring the allegations made against him, they're honoring his career as an entertainer, I personally loved the "Did she just moonROLL outta here?".


Words just really matter, they could change it to " honor the classics" and it would not be uncomfortable anymore


He's not a loser for voicing his opinion. My view on this is, like everything in life you need to find the right balance when talking or writing about something. But, and this is a big but, freedom of speech is one of the most precious human rights and I'm against any (self)censoring because someones feelings might get hurt. There are some exceptions like personal attacks, but in my opinion this line is far, far away from being offensive. MJ had a huge influence on generations if we like it or not. Using references to something he created doesn't imply any judgment about him. And to make any connection from this sentence to child abuse seems honestly very far-fetched. “There’s no such thing as too far. If it works it’s funny, if it doesn’t work it’s too far, it’s stupid. Really there’s no such thing as ‘too far.’ You’re joining the politically correct when you use words like ‘too far.’ You don’t want to join the army of politically correct.” – Mel Brooks


I never even minded the bitchiness in her earlier seasons, honestly. She had heart even then. I guess I just fell for the character or saw something others don't? I won't begrudge anyone their opinions though; I do understand why a lot of people really do not like Korra. She's really grabbing at my heart in this love route though.


Man, people really hate Korra... :,( She really was never even that bitchy. You try being an Avatar. lol


I was getting serious Metal Gear Solid V vibes from the opening lmao. Also, as I said in a different comment section: You're really doing Korra's character justice. She is so... precious. Sympathetic. Also STACKED!

Simon Perkic

hi every one I'm struggling in book four i can't get past stretching with her and then on the hint thing from shady its says that's i need to get her resistance to 88 but it only goes to 95 im so lost please helpppppp