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Hey all!  I think most of you will have had a chance to play the latest build by now containing the start of book 4's love route, so I'm gonna talk about it for a bit. If you haven't and really don't want to know anything about it, this is the point where you can stop reading and start again when the font isn't italic anymore.

You've finally been able to shag old Katara in all her oldyness! You did didn't you? Youth potions are for pansies : ) !  I say finally because I've wanted to add such a scene for a loooong time.  I've been talking about it in various forms, Sometimes as a joke, but more recently as a poll option for one of the extra scenes during the final build for the slave route. 

Maybe you already expected we'd include the option during book 4 and even expected it to happen way earlier. It did happen during book 4's slave route at the end, but that was more of a joke with just a few nude idles

Surprisingly I haven't seen anyone express their horror over our addition of old Katara sex! I was expecting at least one person to ask us if it was really necessary to have granny sex included, even if it's just optional and not forced upon you.

Perhaps playing FET has slowly expanded/eroded the limits of what you can deal with : ) ?  All I can say is...  that scene with her old self is a personal milestone of mine. 

I knew I was going to do it waaaaaay back when we started FET and to finally have reached that part is a small victory for me. Quite frankly, there were times I wasn't entirely certain we'd make it to this point.

We're usually rather tight lipped when it comes to telling you what you can expect in the future, but just let me tell you that OF COURSE we can't let you have fun with just old Katara and not another old love interest too. I've been working on her scene the last week. Oh and no that won't be present in the next build. I'm already working on parts of future builds for this route(currently drawing a new map!) When I work too long on the same thing I can't see mistakes anymore so I need to change the stuff I work on and let the scenes "rest" so I can look at it again later with fresh eyes. 

Realizing this will be the final route for FET makes me equal parts happy and sad. I love mucking about in the avatar world and that won't necessarily be over once FET's done, but at the same time it'll be really nice when at least the routes are done. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, we're still just at the beginning of this route and there's still the final chapter to tie stuff together. Plenty of things left to do before  "the end" will roll across the screen.

Last weekend I sent some more stuff(the final bits for the next build) to Cbob for the next build. Don't ask me when that'll be ready though. We do our best to keep it all going at a nice pace, but estimating this stuff and have it ready in nice evenly spread dates has proven to be more and more difficult over time. Love routes are generally speaking more of a challenge to do anyway. We're still aiming for an end of the month release, but at the same time... don't be too surprised if we won't make it.

I feel somewhat pressed for time since I haven't been working at top efficiency.  There's just times when drawing feels like a constant uphill battle. You get stuff done, but nowhere near your normal speed and these last weeks are such a time. Annoying but it happens from time to time.  I've finished everything which needed to be finished, but not all to my satisfaction.

It'll be nice when we're further along the route and I can start the more hardcore stuff for more characters. No worries though, the next build will have it's fair share of "hide the dick". I'm also using a new option which we couldn't use during the earlier routes. Saying more would spoil it, but it'll give me a bit more creative freedom without breaking the "rules" of the avatar universe.

I've also been trying out some different ways of "inking" the characters(again). I like to try and stay close to the original designs of the cartoon, or at least as much as my abilities allow me to. Now the cartoon has little to no varying line width when it comes to their character lines and I've been trying to mimic that, but it really doesn't look that nice when I do it. This is one of those regularly returning pet peeves I have. I'd like to have it all look like the cartoon but I simply don't have that skill.

Oh, I've also finally bought the non-frankenstein version of that mouse with a freely moving mousewheel! You might remember me messing about with a mouse, putting it together using parts of two broken ones. Well, I think it was starting to short circuit because it stopped working sometimes. Putting it in another usb port would fix it for a short while, but that's hardly a real solution.  My frankenmouse was literally put together using tape so... not too surprising. 

I bought a new one (like a normal person immediately would've done) and been using it for a while without problems. It's a logitech mx400 and meant for right handers(couldn't find its left handed version). I'm left handed when it comes to using a mouse but I had gotten used to using a right handed version since  my frankenmouse was also a righthander and haven't experienced problems despite of that so I figured I'd just get the exact same version. I don't think I'll ever want a mouse without a free rolling wheel again when given the choice!  

I'm trying to come up with anything more to say but there really isn't much interesting to mention. Me and cbob are just slowly chipping away at the next build, trying to make it as funny/sexy as we can. So instead of more text here's a pic of Korra,Asami and Kya!

And Toph.  She'll only go in till the water reaches her ankles.





Yoooooo, what is that Ass on Toph? Love it.


cool words very inform


Glad to see toph again, even in chibi mode! Definitely my favorite. Thanks for the update on progress. Excited to see the next part!😉


Hmm I need to revist the italics. Hopefully this weekend I have time to play (that said work have come calling for my Sunday). Soon I'll read the italics, sure I will....


Take your time! You deserve it!

Peter Vanusanik

all is all and nice but where is my Jinora? All legal and ready! <3 Btw I would recommend mx ergo, it's amazing to switch from mouse to trackball!


Toph chibi just broke the cuteness barometer. And the other ASSets are nothing to be ignored also.


I don't think it's "expanded limits", so much as you warned us a long time ago and people around here don't kink shame as much as most communities. Personally I'm not going to play the scene, but so long as you don't spend so much time on it that it noticeably slows down game development I don't really care if it's included. It's important that the developer be turned on by their own work, otherwise there is no passion and no fun. So, whatever floats your boat, man! Just keep those youth potions as an option and we're all cool.


I mean, personally I just kinda live by the idea of "as long as it's optional, it's fine by me." I'm not quite a fan of the older ages, but I also wasn't a fan of watersports either and that's been included before. But as long as I can skip it, I don't see any harm done. Glad to hear you guys are doing well though, I hope that continues! I'm sure this build will be just as great as all the rest of them. And yes, the chibi Toph is too damn cute.

Shawn Jackson

Book 5 spirits. Could be the wrap up where everyone gets transferred with our mc.


Why is no-one commenting about the South Park what what in the butt video attached to this am I the only one that found it I find it hilarious


Obligatory youtube link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP41wmesWsk


I almost didn't include Toph because I didn't really feel there was a reason to... but then I decided I don't need a reason. My only regret is not having her shake it : )


"The italics" feels like it's a place which I should be able to point out on a map or maybe go on a vacation to. Sounds like a sunny place with a nice breeze!


Oh you'll see a bit more of her : ) Let's just all hope Tenzin won't step in when you do. I don't just want to buy an mx ergo and hope it'll be great but once I have the opportunity to try it out in a shop(or something like it) I certainly will.


But I also really like for you guys to NOT wait too long.


Relatively speaking she has the biggest butt of them all! If only I could spend some time on making her twerk it : )


Lol, the youth potions will absolutely stay. I just feel the option to go old needs to be there because it's the love route. The slave route is mostly about the character getting what he wants from others, but the love route should encompass a bit more than that. If you're out of love potions but still want to do katara a favor... well that's possible. ps. I've been heavily swapping parts of that scene in between the old and young version to keep it's filesize etc small so the difference is probably a lot less extreme than you might imagine. Still, if you don't feel any need to ever find out for yourself, there's no need storywise.


We do make it a point to keep the less generally appreciated scenes none obligatory. Live and let live! Also, I want a chibi toph nightstand so she can "look" at me as I sleep ; )

Neb the Pleb

Mity you are a gift to demented perverts like me. Thank you for working so hard and doing everything you do, I am eternally grateful.


I very much appreciate that you've made it optional. I am personally not into it, but out of curiosity I will probably go down the route anyways. Keep up the good work. :D


I can't wait to see more of the book 4 love route. With all the characters you've got and the setting in book four of lok its looking to be my favorite yet.


We might not always have a lot to say, but we'll try anyway If only because it'll give me an excuse to draw some more butts ; )


I wonder how many people actually noticed the link. At first I wanted to add the MC Hammer song about big butts, but I think I already did that before.


Can I get some help here? I'm in book four, and Korra has no stat choice in her dialogue options. I have no idea what to do to progress.


Hey reagan, just pm us and describe where about you are, what sort of things/scenes have already happened etc. You're playing the slave route, right? Which version number? Didn't Shady have a hint for you on how to progress?


OH MY GOD I AM FALLING IN LOVE WITH KORRA ALL OVER AGAIN! MITY YOU GENIUS! And to think I was under the impression that you really hated the character and didn't understand her when you were starting to work on the Slave route. Jesus christ though, that was a packed first build as far as character building went. Even with just the two sex scenes with Katara, I found that the lewd scenes with Korra were hotter than anything else in this build. That back massage scene was legendary! Please keep up the good work!


Congratulations for all the good work. Gotta be honest though: Katara isn't doing it for me in this version. The Youth portion doesn't help. She still looks wrong somehow. Probably because she is basically wearing a "young mask" over her old face and still has her old body (not slender)?

A.E. Pessimal

I love the option to have old Katara. She's my love from book 1 (love route) and it's only proper that I'll want her even when she's old. I hope the same option will exist for Toph. It's obvious that the bodies of the old girls are decades younger than their faces.


I sometimes kinda wish TLoK had a lesser amount of female characters, it would make things easier : )


It's nice to see you liked it and now we don't feel any pressure at all to fuck up with the next build : ) But seriously, thanks for that message. We do our best but it's sometimes difficult to gauge whether our best was good enough.


Hmmm yeah I kinda get what you're saying. I'm doing some stuff to keep file sizes and time spent on each scene low because I have a lot of stuff to do and don't want the size of the game blowing up. It's that shortcut which you're noticing.


yeah, bodies are pretty much the same. Something which I did because of time, but also out of file size considerations. I'm already kind of feeling unhappy with the time it takes to load FET and the size of the game as it is now, so I'm taking shortcuts to limit that. If there was no option to use a youth potion I'd have made their bodies more reflective of their age.


Would splitting the game in half be a consideration? To borrow from the Pokemon game themes, make a Sun and Moon version. Sun is all the love routes. Moon is all the slave routes. Just cut the text box before the option, and skip the choice over slave or love route in each version. Not sure how much work it would be to copy paste into a different game, but it would cut out load times. Probably my lack of programming knowledge showing, but to someone that doesn't know any better it sounds like a good idea lol.


Honestly that not a bad they will kinda have two games and people can pick what they preferred slave or love route.


What programming language does MITY use


I am LOVING this. I am so excited for how this game will end! but if I could give ONE critique? I played through this entire game once again. from book 1 to book 4. both routes. and I repeat it every time you guys put out a new version. I have discovered and seen everything from Sokka's fuck Den in the sewers of Lake Laogai, to Shadies FLashing service in the Fire Nation, to taking Korra for a walk like a dog in the park. there is always just one thing missing though! alwasy one thing i always want to see! one thing always missing from EVERY SINGLE BOOK! It astonishes me! you guys should be ashamed! There NEEDs to be MORE COWBELL! XD


That's actually one of the options I've been considering. And it might be possible, but our scripts and images are truly a horrible horrible mess during the first couple of books. I've already been tentatively trying to put some order in those, creating a fork of FET, but it's dangerous because I can introduce a whole new slew of bugs and it absolutely wrecks everyone's savegames. But yes it's something I've been laying some foundations for. Whether I can actually make it work is something different all together.


We're using middleware, called renpy to create FET. It's basically python with a bit on top. You can check it out yourself at www.renpy.org


You should've asked us earlier!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVsQLlk-T0s but seriously is cowbell some sort of fetish I don't know of? I don't want to come across as not a major pervert, but I seriously don't know. pm me!


Absolutely loved the old Katara scenes, stopped being a patron for a while and now re-subbing and seeing the comments in the art assets was great. You are my spirit animal, man.


Welcome back. I am most definitely an animal. I just never expected anyone to put "spirit" in front of that... maybe "filthy" but not spirit ; )

Jimbo Johnson

anyone know the money console command for book 4?


is the pic of Kya Korra and asami just a tease or will that be included further down the line