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Okay this should be the  last 0.8.5 version.

0.8.5c works fine, but it was missing a couple of things we had planned on.

In general the differences between 0.8.5.c and this one are few. We added some more hints about what to do next along the way. For example, finding Kyoshi in this last build had a lot of people stumped, so we added something which will make meeting her a lot more natural.

There's some minor bugfixes and we added a new scene for Toph's mom at the end of book 3's slave route. It's when you pick "give toph a little sister". 

So if you're one of those people who has to be careful with the amount of data they can download each month, there's no major reason to download this immediately.

0.8.5.d  PC version  -   alternative link 

0.8.5.d  Mac version  -   alternative link  

0.85.d Android version - alternative link 

I've removed the android links for the time being since I got a message there was something wrong with it. I'll do some investigating an might upload a new version again later.

Speaking of which! 

I'm doing a small test where you can update any 0.8.5 version to 0.8.5d. The advantage is the smaller download size.  Does this work? I dunno. I got it to work but... who knows how this will go for others.  This is purely a test for those who want to give it a try. 

How does it work? Download the appropriate file below and copy/paste its content into your already existing FET folder in such a way it'll overwrite existing files.

0.8.5.d PC - update files for any 0.8.5 version

0.8.5.d Mac - update files for any 0.8.5 version 



Thanks i was pretty stumped


Thad you


fyi opening the trash bin after dropping off the package throws a slew of errors, i think at least 4. you can "ignore" your way through but I'm not sure if anything else is affected


Is there anything else new other than dropping the package?


Thanks! Did you download the full version or did you use the smaller update test? I've replaced the update test files with new ones and that should fix the errors.


No, except for the addition of the new scene at the end of book 3's slave route and some minor things to help guide the player more smoothly through the new content, that's pretty much it.


Forgot to mention, I used the update files. It seems to have worked very well other than this little portion


I dont know why but everytime I try to install the apk it says app not installed any help?

Bill Kurtis

ahhhahah, love the Jinora progression lately. hope for more optional deep-dives into the depths of depravity. i'm ready, coach.


Does Toph's mom get a baby bump? :3

Peter Vanusanik

I haven't tested it yet, but unless you update the exe you shouldn't need to have it inside the "patch" afaik. Also you can skip on cache directory but it would load little bit slower.

Peter Vanusanik

yeah just images_plus.rpa and scripts.rpa were enough to "patch" the game, you can ignore other files just fine

Peter Vanusanik

lol I like how you don't even mention new jinora stuff XD

Philip Reed

What Jinora stuff?? That was the box spirit, Jonira I believe :P


Me neither - do you have to talk to Jinora by the statue or?

Peter Vanusanik

Go talk to her at the statue, pick last and last then go to treehouse and pick correctly ;P


There's only one new item right? Just the first tree house scene? Or did I fuck something up?


The update to 0.8.5D works just fine for me. No issues so far. Smooth sailing from my end.


I'm not certain... but I'm going to try something and will get back to you later. btw. you could copy/paste your savegames, put them somewhere safe, uninstall Fet and install it again after which you could place the saves back. If all else fails, that could work.


I found it by sheer dumb luck cuz I just check every location every day cycle.


Thank you for the ... minor things in this update. Very much appreciated. Used the update version and no errors so far.


I'll remember that for a next time. Thanks. I suspected as much but wasn't certain so I figure, let's put them in.


Hey, I check in and play your updates every few months, but i never read the change logs. The last time I played book 1, you had just started book 2. Has anything been added to book one since then? I'm about to go replay it


I've been going at the 2 extremes for either route. For the love route, I try to be the nicest and most lovey dovey character. For the slave route, I go meanest and most fucked up route possible. Seems both are going well, keep up the good work. 👍 Can't wait for the next patch.


The PC update file worked perfectly for me.


Great! The smoother the better... erh.. I just thought of a really bad joke concerning what I just said and one of the new scenes.


No prob we like Milf content a lot too. Because you are talking about Toph's mom. Yes.


Ehmm, I think we added a scene later to the love route (?) I honestly can't remember. Someone's mom drops by at night to give you the weirdest bj ever.


Well, I did warn people this route might be a bit meaner than they had come to expect. We're going to make the most rabid Korra hater feel sympathy for her by the end of this route : ) Or at least try.


Awesome! Here's hoping we can start making a habit out of this.


I have no hate nor sympathy for her whatsoever. Just gruesome and harsh plans that you will be hopefully coding in soon for her and the others you come across in FET.


Oh snap. I can think of a few scenarios with one of my new favourite characters. If suspense could kill , id be hanging from my ceiling.


" No hate nor sympathy"??? Wow so you saw the Korra series and you say you feel nothing?


Well the actual TV series is a different thing in my mind to this game. Not only that, but this game is in the part of the series where Korra is a still an egotistical, cocky brat with a hero complex. I'm sure most people playing the slave route are fine putting her in her place.


The update file worked perfectly!


I can't get past the "capture an equalist?"


E.T.A on 8.6?

Ryan Bidwell

no issues as far as i can tell. i cant get past the part where you give the equalist porn, and i guess those pictures werent enough

Porch Snowmonkey

Is Toph's mom in the slave route now?


How much left till love route sorry advance if you already told us I just can't remember


Is there any past Korra tie up scene


I figure no more than two. One more isn't enough but two should suffice.


I'm excited for this! Hope we get another scene with a certain someone who likes to conceal her face *wink* *wink*. The scene of her in the last game was AMAZING!


It says the app isn't installed


I'm using this version and the older one and it says it isn't installed on my phone

Marshall Iblis

Is there anything after the footjob yet? E: Apparently there's more, footjob is .8.3 content. I can't get the cold island stuff to trigger though? What do I do?


The android version has always been... a challenge to get working. I've recently tried updating my software to allow for newer android devices to" play nice" with FET, but had to revert to my old software because it broke down constantly. Might have had something to do with it. The only thing which might work is to copy your savegames somewhere safe. Uninstall FET entirely, reinstall and return the savegames. It's a shitty solution but the only one which I can see solving your problem right now.


Did you already see the "fanservice" scene with Kyoshi? You might have to go meditate with Korra. If that doesn't work send us a pm and we'll dive a bit deeper into what might keep you from progressing.


I can't seem to get the eating out scene after getting everything else. I don't see a new option when calling Asami, like you suggested in a previous comment.


I'm using the android version, and works as far as I can tell. I can't seem to get the image to fit my screen, its somehow stuck in 1:1 aspect ratio... Any advice?