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Hey ho folks!  Let's do an art update!

So first of all, we thought we'd need one more build to close this route, but that would get us the sort of ending we originally had for book 2(love route), very unfulfilling. Any of you being with us for that long will remember we went back and redid that ending after the reactions to it were those of disappointment.  My estimation is two more will bring us to the end of the current route.

Regardless, we got some hopefully interesting developments planned for the next build and depending on what we will or won't be able to put in, it will be a sort of sadish(no I'm not trying to spell sadistic although that could be part of it) cliffhanger or an exiting cliffhanger, but yeah the next build will most likely make you feel like we ended it at the worst possible place. In theory we could just say we're going to take as long as it'll need and include the end, but looking at our release schedule during the last half of 2019 I am in no way eager to do that.

I sent out three extra scenes to the coder a few days ago and those are the last ones I'll send him for the next build. We'll have a few scenes in the next build which will only trigger when you've made  a certain choice. So choice A will get you scene A and choice B will get you scene B. I like offering some real visual changes for different choices, but that sort of stuff effectively halves content for the player and creates twice the amount of work for us which is why we don't do those too often. Still, I'm looking forward to this build. You'll have the option to be super mean to Korra but also not to. That's where those scene A and scene B stuff I talked about earlier comes into action.

Yes this is the slave route and the player character is in general more concerned with satisfying his  own lustful needs than anything else, but we'd like to offer the player an alternative when things  get really dark. We imagine there's quite a few people playing this route simply because the love route isn't there yet. Besides, it's always nice to have more options.

Oh and the twink scene I mentioned before is also going to be one of those A or B choices. No worries,  there will be no doubt whatsoever what you'll be getting yourself into. In fact I even added a C choice for that scene! but you'll find out what that exactly entails when the time is there.

I'm really happy to see my little test of offering a smaller file to update to 0.8.5d has worked out nicely. I really like offering a smaller sized file to update the game instead of you having to download it  again in it's entirety. It has been a growing annoyance to me but I always figured there's either no way to do it differently or so complicated I wouldn't be able to get it to work.

I've been doing some more small experiments and after some frustrating moments (only to find out a certain line of code should go in front of the other...)  I *think* I've come up with a  way we should be able to make a habit of offering update files. All thanks to one of you guys giving me enough of a pointer to start figuring things out! 

I Wish I did so a lot earlier, but that goes for a lot of things. I still have to tell the coder exactly how and what needs to be done to make this a recurring thing, but things look reasonably simple once you know how to so I'm not expecting problems.

Still, exactly how trustworthy that process will be is something we'll have to find out over time in practice.  My internet connection  isn't nearly as fast as it should be so I can understand anyone else's pain when it comes to downloading larger files. 

So right now I'm working on some more scenes for the final build of this route.  Since we've decided we're not going to finish all of this in one more build I might as well try  and "fill some more holes"... literally  *badumm tsssh* .


Also I think I should mention this NOW before some of you might be disappointed, but the end of this route will NOT be the end of FET. We have no intention of creating book 5, 6, 7 8 etc. but we want to create an extra... hmm let's call it a "chapter" instead of a "book" where stuff will come together and  things end. This is something we've known about since the start and have mentioned in comments before but it's better to make it super clear to everyone.


What's more, that chapter won't be divided into a slave or love route. We'd like to have FET end  for both slave and love players at the same time. An ending is way more exciting when you can experience it together with everyone else at the same time. That's at least how we look at it. So of course the disappointing part is if you expected each route to end the game by itself and you're playing slave route, there's not going to be any sort of closure soon!

I've also started doing some suuuuuper minor preparations for the love route even though there's still two slave route builds which need to be finished first. That preparation is currently consisting out of re-watching the  TLOK cartoon.  

I'm really happy we decided to split the characters and have some of them appear during the slave route and the others during the love route. I think I already mentioned that, but if not, that's what we're doing.  I guess it's not the ideal solution, but if you want to have a lot of different girls and not take forever to finish a route, choices have to be made. Naturally there will be some overlap if only because Korra will be there and Tenzin etc.  Ps. you won't be playing as Tenzin. You'll find out who you'll be possessing when the time is there.  I'm looking forward to include some Tenzin being his own self instead of a sock puppet for the player.  He's one of my favorite TLOK characters after all.

In general you can expect the characters you didn't see during the slave route to make their appearance during the love route. Everyone? Well, maybe not everyone, but we'll try to keep things varied.

And that's all I have for you right now. Hope you'll have a great weekend! Till next time!




I have been waiting for an ending that ties everything together. Something like: Someone says, "Manny," (I named my avatar Manny), "the world isn't supposed to be like this! The timeline is fucked... literally, FUCKED!!! Katara isn't supposed to be a raging whore! Nor Azula! Nor Toph! Nor anyone! You've ruined this world!" My choice: Manny: "Correction: I made the world better." But seriously, a unified ending would not be bad. I originally thought of how I wanted to see a different ending... sluts/slave girls instead of wives... but in truth, a well thought out ending can make it so you can't even tell the difference. I remember seeing an image out there with Ozai and all the Avatar girls... I can imagine something like that for "Manny". I think it would be nice if we CAN have some 'slave=true' or 'love=true' flag conversations in the ending, however. Just a request. The ending doesn't have to change, but hopefully, we can have some closure on our wickedness/kindness. I look forward to beating this slave route and then the Love route. And super duper UBER look forward to the true ending. (Hey, if you want, you can make a false ending where "Manny" fails.) Of course, I have stayed away from playing all the routes again, but once the game is complete, I will play an entire playthrough of Slave and then Love. I think we'll enjoy it!


Firstly: HONK! HONK! HOOOONNNKKK! Secondly: I hope I'm not the only one saying this, but it's going to be unbelievably hard to not fuck korra up from the beginning when I try out the love route after having played the slave route so much! Oh well, can't say the slave route korra didn't fucking deserve it! Haha!


Every time I see or hear the name Manny, I instantly think of Manny Calavera from Grim Fandango. My first PC game and one that I still replay countless times today. Nice name choice👍🏾


Extremely excited for the next build. ETA when we'll get it? 🤔


I wonder if we are playing as Mako in the other route and i hope even after all the good Korra hard love we get some nice lovey dovey stuff with her in the love route.


I think it couldn’t be Mako since it needs to be an air bender for the main character to learn the element. Doesn’t leave a crazy amount of options, but maybe you’ll be one of the new benders that pop up in season 3?


I just hope we get more from a certain someone who likes to disguise herself and to drug people.


When will $1 tier patrons be able to download the new build? Android version, please.


Can we name the coder "Honk"?

Peter Vanusanik

Honestly I never expected to enjoy your game as much as I do. I patiently wait for every update lol.


Hopefully the MC of the love route will be an OC like book 2 slave route. Don't really want to be Bumi or that Red Lotus guy. Didn't know there would be an epilogue after book 4, always thought it would just be a few lines about how the MC was now trained and ready to take on the world. So curious what that it'll be like since it will be set in a new time with new cast, or somehow mixed cast from previous books, but without a fixed aim of training his bending.


I realize this probably won't be a super popular opinion, but really hoping that the love route involves the MC inhabiting Korra with, y'know, a not-so-small addition.


I wish too but I doubt it, since, you know, not enough popular. So far my best theory is Korra will be gender bendered into a male, and let's roll. But well... I hope for a futa too

Barbarian Badger

Yeah I'm really interested how the end unifies everything considering how different the slave and love routes.


We are waiting for a long time for the love route to exist, we can wait some more. You rush - you fuck up. Please don't set deadlines.


As soon as the new version is ready for the early access crowd the older version is released to others. It's a bit too early to make any sort of predictable estimation on when that is.


Well that just put a smile on my face : ) I vote for yes!


It still feels unreal that our little project got as big as it is now. Sometimes I wonder how it would look like if a lot less people would enjoy it. Would we already have reached the end? And what sort of scenes would or wouldn't be in it? Basically we're doing what we like but we're always paying close attention to what the players are saying.


Well, like I said it'll be more like a small chapter than anything grand. Btw season 3 of Korra is my favorite. Not in the least because I like the bad guys in it. Btw. this is not me foreshadowing or anything.


If we had started the game(book 1) with something like that wed be totally up for it. The fetishes I can't enjoy are few and far between, but we have a certain set of expectations from the general audience after three books of having a male protagonist so yeah, don't expect that to change for the last route.


It does bother me to have the love route crowd waiting for as long as they have, but since it's the last real route I think, once we start working on it, the inclination to rush will lessen immensely.


My only request is moar bi/lez Korra scenes.


Honestly I thought the Book 2 love ending was beautiful I hope to see if we really can go back to see "our" kid grow up (with the Mai ending)


I know I'll feel a little empty after FET is finished, I'm already starting to miss Toph .... Sadly I haven't had much free time lately but whenever I can spare some hours and feel in the mood I'm working on my little project. So please don't forget to share those art files, even if you think they're not good enough to show us (you're always wrong on this anyway :P) Focus on the lewd stuff, not the mini games and give us something we'll keep fondly in our memories. And now I'll not only honk for Toph but for you guys and your well being too. Honk! Honk ! Honk!


I hope that we can see Asami, Eska and that we could have sex with each of them in the pussy.


The Love route can wait if there's any more ideas you have for the slave route then put em out and in all honesty i play both the slave route and Love route and then compare them so its good to start on the slave one first.


Real talk tho with all three of them together that would be a super hot scene.


I know how it feels (being a creator n'all), I suggest you take that inclination and strangle it right now. It's worth delaying if it means adding some more fun stuff.. Be it acts or just random jokes or a Silance of The Lambs refference, it's gonna be in the game forever and everyone will see it and they will forget about the delay roughly 2 seconds after the patch goes live.


Haha, thanks for the honks! I'm hard at work on the scenes for the last build. Really trying to add that little extra and feeling pretty good about today's results. More raw material for whatever you'll come up with eventually I guess : ). It's going to be pretty cool to see what you'll put together in the end, but you can spoil me whenever you feel like it though : )


We were very lucky the players told us the original end was lacking. It's not something you enjoy hearing, but without those complaints we wouldn't have changed it and I am glad we changed it.


I keep getting rollback errors for the last update


You mean when you load a savegame? In that case your best best would be to try and load a slightly older savegame. The fact we keep adding stuff sometimes results in some broken savegames. Quite annoying but not much we can do about it.


I hope the love route takes place in season 3 or 4 instead of season 1 so we have characters like Opal, Su Yin, Not-preggers Pema, Kya, Eska and Kuvira to satisfy my depraved fantasy


Just out of curiosity MITY, but is there a rough estimate for when the next update will be? couple weeks or next month? No rush or anything, I'm just curious, as well as perhaps some others. We do still rather you take the time to do a good job over rushing of course.


I think I can safely say book 4's love route will be more different from it's slave counterpart than any of the earlier books and we'll do our very best to have all the girls which didn't appear during the slave route appear during the love route. If only to satisfy our own depraved fantasies!


If it's going to take longer than a couple of weeks I'd be surprised and very, very sad. I'd like to just give you a date, but we've been wrong about those too often so I gotta be vague for my own peace of mind. Us doing our best is all I can unequivocally guarantee.


No problem, you don't need an exact date. Just was curious whether it was soonish or not. But it seems like hopefully within a couple weeks sounds accurate? And you guys always give the best work, so no worries about that.


MITY, bud, that wording sounds suspiciously like you might try and squeak in an Ikki scene...


Hey Mity, when will the common folk (and $1 tier patrons) be able to download the latest build? I can't find it anywhere. Thank you.


Once we have finished the new build we'll make the older build public.


Maybe, Just maybe you can add interaction again with old Toph where tenzin met her in the swamp and old Toph realize when she meet with tenzin, is actually the MC and reunited again once more, just like you did with katara in the Slave Route