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And here's 0.8.5c! 

Okay, small explanation. We wanted to have this finished way earlier and could have finished it way earlier... but we got some good feedback from the bug hunters about things besides bugs. That made us want to add and change a couple of things to make it a better build.

The changes we thought of  seemed very doable within the set time frame. But, we got too greedy and found some more bugs along the way which also took up time to find and fix.

So instead of waiting until we finish all of that, we decided to release the version with just the bugfixes, not the other changes. Once we finish the version with the extra's we'll upload that one, but until then please have fun with 0.8.5c!

FET 0.8.5c  - PC version         Alternative link 

FET 0.8.5c  - Mac version      Alternative link 

FET 0.8.5c - Android                Alternative link 

  A small summary of it's contents

  • Lin jail sex
  • Pornlove
  • Zhu Li bj
  • Wolfbat sex
  • Korra tied sex
  • Zhu Li sex
  • Korra eat out



So you're making the android version, will we get it in another post, or will we have to go searching through the about page when it's ready?


I've just uploaded it. Its link is added below the mac and pc link.


What are the additions you made if I may ask?


Have you ever considered making update versions of the builds that can be merged into older builds? For example, along with releasing 8.5c as a standalone, you would release an 8.5c that can be merged into the 8.4c, making it so we don't have to download everything that we already have from having downloaded 8.4c. Seeing as the download for new builds is over half a gigabyte, it might be easier to release builds that only have the new stuff that can be added to previous builds. That would make it so that we aren't downloading all of the previous content every time we download a new build. Just a thought. I know it would actually increase the amount of data that you are hosting, but it would probably decrease the amount of data being downloaded every time you release a new update.


The 0.8.5c is pretty much 0.8.5b minus any bugs we could find and fix. The version which were still working on would have some extra (optional) scenes and a few other things to help guide people through the content of this build more easily and some text changes. Nothing too crazy since we expected to do this within the time span of three days, but enough to prevent some of the bigger frustrations.


Besides your nickname being great, that idea certainly isn't without it's merits either. There's a but though... When creating scenes I'm already jumping through hoops to keep the size as small as I possibly can. I'm usually aiming for 1 MB for each scene. Although it most often ends up being twice the size. The but part is, I'm not sure how we could make update versions. In theory it could be done by having uncompressed files and having people just copy/paste the small new data into the old. However, I can already see a lot of people not understanding how or what to do, but more importantly, uncompressed files would wreak havoc on the speed of pretty much everything except download speed,

Peter Vanusanik

So when will we be able to tell Korra that there is cum in her shake without it being a joke? I think she is ready, no? :P


Will we be getting a repeatable blowjob scene with Korra soon


Seems like something which the player can casually drop after she gets a face full straight from source. But that's not ready yet.


Well... not soon. Originally we thought about having the upside down one repeatable, but now we're thinking more along the lines of near the end of the route.

Peter Vanusanik

man I honestly felt a little bad during Amon scene tho, poor Korra :(


Why is the downloadspeed so slow :( only 100kb/s :c


Yeah, I imagine "stern warning" is the preferred way to got for a lot of people. But still, the choice is there.


NO Jinora...


Those "ambitious changes" you talked about, since they've been worked on to try and get them out for today, does that mean they're closer to being done than other additions and will come out sooner than expected?


You'll also need to give him the evidence you find in Lin's desk. You can also try talking to Zhu Li on the streets. Or perhaps do some spinner training.


Yep that's what we are working on right now and since the bughunt days. But it's taking longer than we thought and we wanted to upload at least something while it was still weekend.


Well, "ambitious" considering we were planning on doing them in a couple of days and that clearly fell through, but yeah we really hope it's going to be a matter of a few more days.


Probably way too late for you to benefit from, but I put up an alternative.


My save file got corrupted while i was transferring it to my new pc :( Does anyone have a save i could borrow that completed everything until the end of last patch?


Ok im really stuck here. I alrewady got with the girls from the park and given the equalist the mag/evidence. Also got lin jail scene and zhu li bj scene. I cant find any way to progress from here....


Perhaps, you'll have to train with Korra some more. Otherwise try and visit the streets where Zhu Li and Ginger are(all the way on the left)


Here's a link to a save situated at the start of the new build. Right after returning from the southpole. https://mega.nz/#!H7g0xaiK!cM2GRkmpHOBkX8GvVQ44D7NNiHPDxCq9gDKmb6_AOPY


Everytime I try to train with Korra, I give her the same scroll and the same dialogue happens. I have tried exploring the entire streets area and haven't found anything. Shady isn't selling rope.


Is Ther Gonna be A 0.8.5d Version Or This Is The Last One?


I'll pm you shortly, because I think there's either a bug or you haven't arrived at the new part of the build yet.


I've already seen the ghost and learned half the technique, and slept several times. I can't train anymore and there is no rope available to buy from shady. When I go to the room by the statue, it just says it will come in handy.


how do you get to the korra eat out scene?


Very nice and i have to say really love the OC girsl you added That scene was super hot wont not mind more especially the middle one


Is the korra tied scene repeatable?


Is/will there be a way to have update downloads instead the full builds with 750mb?


Third comment up top mate :) billy mays got an answer to this


OC girls? Nope! But they certainly didn't get much airtime in the cartoon! You can see them first in season 1 episode 5, called "The spirit of competition."

John macbride

how do i get the wolfbat scene ive done everything but never got that


what do I give to the prisoner to and where do I get it?


How much left till love route sorry advance if you already told us I just can't remember


It says the app isn't installed


I'm block here too. I spam the street, visit all location at night etc... but nothing, help