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Okay, important things first! 

I got a reply from Rob about the state of the build. He says he thinks it'll be another couple of days before he can send it to me. Those are the words which when last time I heard them from him, things went south. Waaaaaaaaaay south. 

People do/say strange things when they've been faced with several life-events and didn't take enough time to properly deal with it... and still somehow think a few all-nighters can make up for it... I certainly hope he has learned from that experience.

But, despite being slightly triggered because of past associations with those words, I'm looking forward to finally be able and test the build when that link does finally reach my inbox.  

After Rob has sent it to me I'll probably need a day to check it out and find any major problems  before the bug-testers get their turn. That means only in the very best of circumstances it could be available to the bug-testers on Christmas day. 

Many people will find that day already filled with social obligations and other things to do.  I at least, in my recent recluse way of life won't be able to escape from that. Add some more days of testing to that and... boom!  It's already past Christmas for the early access crowd.

When I said "Christmas build" in my last art update, this was not what I meant or expected. Now that we're here... well, all I want is for this thing to start rolling again. I'll be happy with anything which let's us end this string of postponements in 2019 and have a fresh start in 2020. 

That's the most important thing I wanted to let you know. Now let's talk about some other stuff.

I asked for some suggestions for possible future projects and damn did we get some! Just catching up with some of the series mentioned will take me forever. Some because I've never seen(or even heard from) and others because it has been an eternity since I've seen them. I think we might have to do a poll in the future and load it with all of the suggestions. I have my own slight preferences, but almost nothing which can't be bullied into something else with enough pressure from you guys.

The first few days I was kinda like "Oh shit I was hoping for a clear winner". So instead I decided to pick something which I thought would be nice to try and two other things which got mentioned a lot in the comments and just slap something together, all the while thinking of it as the equivalent of a sketchpad. Trying out things, see what happens and all that, but nothing set in stone. 

Rob has mentioned to me, on more than one occasion, the possibility of not doing just one thing but several things at the same time. Like mixing different characters from different cartoons. My first inner reaction was: "you... must be crazy."  

I'm more of a "you must never cross the beams" -kind of person, so mixing things did not sound that good to me. As in a "Get away from me you heathen!" sort of way.  But then again, NOT keeping strictly to the storyline of the Avatar cartoon also sounded like sacrilege to me at first. We've been doing that a lot though and imo it worked out for the better. Still, it took some time for me to get 100% behind that idea too. 

So I was playing around with ideas while in the back of my mind considering this as a possible surprise for you guys. A surprise test build just for you to play around with and see how the bigger concept behind this whole mix/match thing would feel. Giving it your yay or nay etc.


And then ...I got sick...   I still managed to answer some of your pm's etc, but not much else. 

I'm mostly better now. Enough to write this and I'd like to continue working on my "test-sketch-build" some more. If the FET release is less than stellar I could release whatever I got finished on the 29th or something? That would give me some much needed extra time. I'm gonna take some time off on Christmas, but I should still have enough time to show you what a new future project COULD look like in a very limited way...  so far it was/is fun messing around with it. 

And since it's almost Christmas I feel I can do some seasonal greetings. I don't expect to post an update before the FET build is ready  and since that's likely after Christmas I might as well do it now.

Guys, the last part of this year has been more than rocky. I don't believe in the astrological good/bad years kind of thing, but I'll happily make an exception if that means this was the bad one and the next will be awesome.

We hope you'll have a great time for at the very least the rest of this month. Hug whomever will let you and not call out for the police, share some joy, eat/drink eggnog (depending on how good you are at making it) and don't catch whatever I caught!  

Merry ngwccutcwsiat!



Last part is soul crushing when you will spend christmas alone..... At least I will spend Boxingday with cousin and her twins


Sounds good. I hope everything goes well with the release. This time at least. As for the possible next game, I personally wouldn't want mixed stuff. It's nice having one story and you playing as a character that's an actual character. Not just some anonymous guy. Mixing series can be really really messy.


Personally I wudnt want to cross over stuff since it wud take me out of the actual “immersion”.


I also wouldn’t cross the beams but if you wanted to do it as a side game with some sort of convoluted reason that multiple cartoons are in the same game multiverse, dimensional portals etc would be alright the biggest benefit is you could use assets to make new scenarios


For idea on other series you could make something of i would suggest a another western cartoon again there were other that had that anime feel like Avatar did. The Teen titans could be good there lots of DC girls on that. or you could pick an anime something nobody has done a game about or a Disney series.


Well, damn, that's not what I wanted... at all. I changed it a bit hoping there will be less of that crushing part.


Even if things go well it will still take a while until a lot of the lost trust has been regained(if ever). I'm not a big fan of mixing but Rob seems to really like it so a simple test build should do a lot in helping us decided the viability of it.


It's a big part of my initial resistance. A test-sketch-build seems like a good safety measure before committing to anything.


The overwhelming reaction to the test build would have to be positive for me to commit to anything but a short game when it comes to mixing.


There's so much, just thinking about it is already pretty much like trying to drink from a firehose.


BTW have you guys considered something original? You could even sell it since it is not made out of copyrighted stuff. I mean think about all of the possibilities and no limitations


A possible solution would be e.g. that you have an original character that you develop and that can jump into a series using a magical remote control and experience nonsense or sexual escapades there. Here is the possibility to visit several universes without there being a direct overlap and each adventure could be set up as an episode. For example Futurama and 4 month later Flintstones or Teen Titans.

Kuzuha Chan

Great idea, and the original characters can even be adapted to the different preferations (big, small, etc..) Like Milkcown, Bootys and 18+ flatboards ^^


After your last post I was thinking a lot about what future project I'd want to see from you guys. Thing is, I couldn't think of a single one coming close to Avatar regarding story and cast options. The Dragon Prince female cast is still my favorite but compared to Aang's story that one is pretty bad. Have you considered including games characters. I'm thinking Lara Croft, Ciri etc.? But to be clear, I'm not given up hope on an overhaul of book 1. Katara deserves it. <img src="https://i.imgur.com/MGXQO6m.png" title="source: imgur.com"> edit: Forgot to say, I wish I had such tree at my home. (And did you do a little show off on your feet drawing improvements?) ;)


Hopefully you dont choose to make original idea for the next game too much work and they are always hit or miss. Wakfu would be my number 1 choice second would be the newer Shera series 3rd Thundercats. Making a poll seem a great idea just dont choose any super popular 1 which have tons of NSFW media made like star wars,simpsons and any japanese anime serie i do really like them but they dont need more content.


.... I'm doing something a lot like that... Not gonna say too much about it yet and there is a big difference, but you're not far off.


Hah! Another pretty damn nice job of stitching you did there. I agree with you on the story aspect of The Dragon Prince compared to the Avatar. I don't think I really want to just pluck characters randomly from different places and simply throw them all together. Right now that feels too hamfisted imo.


Not sure i want a crossover either... i am looking forward to the update though. But words are hollow right now, so we will see come the 25th.


In general I prefer picking less well served series too, unless it happens to be something I really love myself


Like I mentioned, I'm not exactly a hardcore fan either but I'm willing to take a tentative look over the fence and see what it's all about. And yes, trust arrives walking and departs riding. As much as I wish we were still at the walking part it just ain't so. How could it? Still, Rob's "couple of days" is hardly exact science so I hope nobody will explode in rightful rage if he ads another one in the process. Though I really reaaally hope he won't.


I'd be OK with a cross canon slave trainer. Also... Christmas... Can't wait.


Hey how about you wait for months and pay for nothing oh yeah the new build will be for bugtesters first even though we said new build will be out for everyone as soon as it is ready -.-


It's hard to tell if you'll like certain weird looking foods until you eat them. Maybe it would be helpful to try a short chapter of a crossover, and see how everyone feels about the story, characters, etc. I'm a purist, like you, but exploring things is pretty fun! :) I'm sorry you and Rob have had a bit of a tumultuous year. You should know that I've only discovered this game a month or two ago, and have been playing it for hours every day (and doing...other things while playing)! Even from a non porn point of view, it's quite well executed, and is very close to (if not equal to) a lot of the bigger visual novels out there. Thanks for both of your hard work! I'm looking forward to pretty much anything you come up with! That ass on Katara though...


I am thankful for the update, and how do I get my hands on a tree like that!


What about a Captain N or Reboot (shit, other people might not be as old as me) Kingdom Hearts type crossover thing? Where there is a fixed world, or cast, and then a mcguffin takes them into other worlds where they interact with events or characters, for a 1 - 3 month arc, then back to base, or just jump to the next one. Aang, Kitara, Korra, and Asami fall into a portal and end up in the New York sewers and team up with April O Neil and the turtles, and fight Shredder. Then they get summoned by Timmy Turner and have to stop Vicky from getting ideas from Azula. An Alien from Ben 10 shows up and takes them...


Your anger and frustration with how long this has been going on is more than justified. But I believe I stated you would receive the perks you were entitled to in November even if you aren't a patron anymore now(In December). So if you were in the bugtester tier in November you'll still be send the link now regardless of your status. Of course the people currently in the bugtester tier will also get access. That seemed at least approaching fairness towards everyone. Besides, bughunts can (and have) seriously f'd up savegames before, so immediately releasing that to everyone feels like a bad idea all by itself. Does that change your opinion at all? I'm not trying to be a dick here, I seriously want to do the best thing for everyone, but that includes giving the people who stuck with us at the bughunt level, even after telling them they could stop being a patron, a few days of a headstart


Yep, a short test to test the waters/attitudes. Both the players' as my own. I usually am the break to Rob's accelerator, but I'm willing to test something even if my initial reaction is sometimes "no". As for the year being tumultuous. Yes. very much. far too much. I absolutely friggin hate we haven't been able to give the players what they deserved. 2020 needs to be a return to better times.


I prefer the ornaments in the tree myself : ) If knew where I could get those I 'd keep it a secret though. Gotta catch/buy them all!


Ahah! you betrayed your age! Well, not really, I enjoy watching/discovering animations decades after they've been made. But yeah I'm working on something slightly the way you've described it. As I said, just as a test to see how it goes.


It may be abit much to ask, but could we get some Toph artwork like the stuff in that tree while we wait? would be nice to see some test angles / ideas / random fan service. Really loving the art style of this game!


I think a game in the world of SAO or My hero Academia would be awesome


Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Best wishes for the new year and hoping it will be better.


I think my hero academia would be good as you could be the next to inherit “all for one” and would give you the freedom to invent some characters with sex based “quirks” at the same time


I'm up to my gills into trying to finish this crossover test thing. I'd like to show it off before the new year is here. so I really don't have the opportunity. it's certainly not because I don't like drawingToph!


I support that 100% both of them, as he said you could be the one to inherit all for one, and in SAO there has been so many different *stupid* characters which would make a lovely Mity 2.0 game &gt;D


That drawing... Is amazing!


Completely understandable! Don't overwork yourselves and don't feel overburdened, especially during this festive period! maybe once the game is finally done and there's time to muck about? no pressure no worries bud. Love the work that's been coming out so far.


It's was a bit of an inner battle to choose which girls I'd add, so in the end I simply went for the obvious choices. Glad to see you like it : )


Hey, there loves! I hope you have a good holiday! To the FET team, I am proud of you as always! Please be well, and take care!


If you're looking for suggestions on crossovers or new series... I'd say Danny Phantom. Just a suggestion though.

Butt Lover

I for one still suggest you do something new and original. your original characters are really good, and i think you could fairly easily come up with a decent plot.


The Legend of Zelda series has a ton of potential content, especially with the multiple timelines and different personalities/aesthetics across the series.

Billy bounce

Okay first off great job with this game you guys. I especially love the love routes( no pun intended). The whole game just really feels like the Avatar universe. Secondly you mentioned before about ideas for future games and I have like three, any of which I think would be a good idea with tons of content to play around with. 1)Naruto 2)Loud House 3)My Hero Academia. I know their pretty standard but I think they would be a lot of fun to play. If you want another challenge but with a lot less variety of girls you could even do Neon Genesis Evangelion or gravity falls.