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The title says it all.

Heydiho people, this update is just going to be the equivalent of elevator music so don't expect to hear anything too exciting. I'm mostly going to blab for a bit and see what comes out.

First of all,  it's very humbling to see we still have so many of you here with us.  I called everyone who was willing to stick around a little longer saints in my last November art update, but I really was not expecting this many of you here.  After thinking for more than ten minutes about how to convey my feelings and still failing, I'll just say thank you very much.

I'm very happy we still have this much goodwill left after what has been an extremely frustrating ride of postponements. For all of you this was and still is a rocky ride. For us no less so.

I can't be truly happy unless we're... let's say six months into the future. With a more or less normal release schedule again and all of this far in the past. That's when I'll really be able to breathe a sigh of relief. Till then it'll be a balance of trying to make up for it and not make the past mistakes of going on until the wheels fall of.

I mean, the shattered ankle thing is just a horrible dumb accident which happened to occur at the worst possible time. The timing  of that is almost a work of art in itself.  However, if we had taken that vacation a lot earlier the broken ankle thing wouldn't even have happened... Probably... Maybe something worse would've happened instead. (Where the hell am I going with this...?) The future is unknown but we'll do our best to make better choices with a higher chance of sustainable success? Something like that.

Anyway the coder... I'll call him Rob today, Rob already is or should almost be home again. He was staying over at his parents place to "get his legs under him"...  *badum tsssh* and have another doctor's checkup. 

I'd certainly like to be at "voice distance" from people who love and can help me when severely limited in my movements. It's nice when other people can drive you places and get groceries among other things. Apparently there's a lot of stuff which becomes a hurdle when putting pressure on your ankle is still mostly a nono and then there's all the other side effects.

I've never broken a bone in my life and I prefer keeping most of my ignorant bliss when it comes to the problems that brings with it. Just spraining my ankle once was bothersome enough already. It happened when my dog had escaped and I was running after it in the dark over uneven terrain... The "good" thing about it was, she came back  to see why I was making such weird noises all of a sudden while lying on the ground.

Anyway, Rob has been doing whatever he could during the time with his folks, but now that he's back home he should be able to devote some more serious time to whip this Christmas build into shape. Since it's December I think  I can call it that now. I don't know when it will actually be done as in a date, (except for and I quote  Rob "absolutely this month") but we've at least got a lot better circumstances going for us again. Not having your parents around helps when creating smut! 

This month's build, although I'm calling it a Christmas build, has nothing to do with Christmas and yet somehow it does feel slightly like a build meant for Christmas. You'll understand when you'll get to play it. Or maybe you already have an inkling of what I mean. Some of you guys are pretty damn sharp.

As for me, I need a break from FET. I've been working on it by myself in "darkness" for too long without much (or any sort of) feedback from Rob and it's gotten me to a point where I want to jump out of my skin. November has had a bit more impact on me than I realized at first.  So I'm not doing any sort of work on FET until Rob has finished the build.

Problem is I can't really sit still either so I'm choosing to do something different, some work on a game which we might or might not make in the future. Nice and vague of me right?!

I'm not entirely certain myself, but I want to prevent myself from burning out on Avatar stuff and become the limiting factor once the coder is 100% up to speed again. That'd be way too shitty. So I need to do something which isn't avatar related but still makes me not feel guilty for not working on FET in some way. 

I have some ideas, but if you have one too, like a cartoon you'd like to see MITYfied eventually, just mention it in the comments and perhaps upvote anyone else's idea you see and like.

Now I want to stress it might be ages before you'll ever see the result (if any at all), but it'll be nice to get a feeling of what you guys consider interesting.  I mean, the avatar universe has always been my number 1 (and second and third etc) thing I wanted to smuttify and while I do I have some other cartoons I enjoy, nothing at the level of avatar so it'd be nice to see what most of you guys are into.

And that's already it again for now. Thanks again for being a bunch of madlads and sticking with us a bit longer. We hope to make it worth your while in the end.




But I didn't miss anything right? The "christmas" build will be the next build after the last one 2 months ago?


I appreciate the update. Hoping that things run smoothly going forward. I understand how it feels to be burnt out, especially on something that you were passionate about. If I had to choose on a new cartoon for a project I would pick either Danny phantom, Kim Possible, or teen Titans. I know there are some games out there that cover those but it would be nice to see them Mityfied.

Evan Showalter

i wish it would've been possible to go further with franka

Evan Showalter

so i just spanked korra but when i go to the island it says i need gear. what am i missing?

Lord Crusade

Hey, no worries about the schedule, I’m happy to pay every month just to keep you guys going, your work is worth every cent my friend. As for recommendations, I would say “The Dragon Prince.” The first season is a little slow, but the second and third are excellent, really capturing the spirit of Avatar in the best ways. I honestly can’t recommend it enough, especially since one of the creators helped create Avatar as well.


Top 5 picks for future games: 1. Naruto/Boruto (5 villages trainer) 2. Boku no Hero Academia 3. One Piece 4. Dragon Ball 5. Fairy Tail


Hopefully you guys finish faster than my holiday depression


Thanks for the update, my man. As for idea's for future projects, I might suggest My Life As a Teenage Robot. If robot's aren't your thing, I would have to second Danny Phantom.


I think for many of us this has become way more than a way to see some dirty stuff to avatar girls. I admire the passion and wit that you guys put into it and am amazed time after time by the innovative ideas you come up with. And i think any of us has had tough times in our lives, so to me it’s only natural to stick with you during yours. Hoping both of you get better soon and can enjoy doing FET again. I sure enjoy being along for the ride and am looking forward to what lies ahead. Personally i would just flat out LOVE to see your take on Hermione, even if it’s just in a very compact form - maybe the size of one route or so. I truly couldn’t think of anything better, but I understand it has been done before. Still, I believe what you guys would make of it would blow away anything out there. If I had to choose a cartoon, it’d probably be Kim possible. Crush of my childhood, source of some dirty fantasies ^^ however I hope you will try a few different things and maybe put on a vote or something. It’ll be great either way!


Thanks for the update, yes if it has to be a cartoon based one Naruto or Fairy Tail would probably be popular, if not I'm thinking like Sid Meier's Colonization / pirates of the Caribbean type of universe, plenty of Smut with pirates, prisoners, native Americans, slaves, governor's daughters, exploration and discovery. Pretty much unlimited what you could imagine in that setting


would love to see some Dragonball or Star Wars stuff from you. But anyway keep up the good work!


Great to hear that thing are getting better. As for my cartoon choice il say Kim Possible i don't really like the show but the girls in it are S+ material for some Mity smut. If not that then Danny Phantom is a good runner up. Keep up the great work looking forward for the next build no matter how long it will take :)


I think Teen Titans would be a great choice Edit: after thinking a little longer on it there are actually a lot of girls to pick from, and for a love/slave route difference you could side with the Titans or Hive


Have you visited Shady to see whether he has something new for sale?

Geth Who

Mystery Future Game Update Hint! Ooh, now I'm stoked. I agree with Damien, Titans would rock - but then, RWBY has SO many female characters to play with, and superpowers aplenty...so RWBY would get my vote.


Thanks. I was vaguely aware of it's (dragon prince) existence but had no idea it already has a third season.


Damn, when people upvote your comment I'll have no idea whether it's for any special series you mentioned or not. But I do notice a strong similarity among your choices so it does tell us something.


Not sure a holiday depression can be cured by anything we'll create, but if so I wholeheartedly hope so too.


I would've never even considered "My life as..." Just didn't cross my mind, And robots are definitely my thing as long as they're antrhomorphofe--ized enough.

Bill Kurtis

If you wanted to express your thankfulness for those who stuck around.... A couple new Ty Lee drawings would go a long way ;) ;) ;)


Wow, thanks for that meaty reply! I still feel we've just stumbled into our success and seriously aren't particularly deserving of more loyalty than you would give any other smut maker. But nonetheless it's much appreciated. Kim possible! Now there's an art style which looks deceivingly simple but yet can be so hard to pull off. Thanks for your suggestion!


Thanks, shounen anime does seem to have a large pull on people. Strangely enough western stuff has a bigger appeal to me personally despite being an avid anime watcher for most of my life. It's a weird sort of dichotomy.


Thanks. Star wars... now there's another thing I had never even considered.


Thanks! I'm starting to see some recurring suggestions.


Go? Lol, just kidding : ) But yes TT would be one of my own personal preferences.


i would love some naruto or teen titans!


No worries. Keep up the good work and k second that on Naruto


I have yet to see a good Teen Titans game come out but I worry about how far you can explore that... Long running anime are always good options it gives you a plethora of main and side content that you can MITYfy so Naruto is a really great idea. But for cartoons for example if you wanted to explore crazier things Ben 10 would make it wacky or if you wanted to keep it the same genre as you have you can still to simple HUMAN things if you catch my drift. Don’t do Pokémon. Overdone that’s all I have to say.

Kuzuha Chan

Thanks for the update Arthur :) Maybe you take the time and make vacation in the Philippines. Christmas is nice there and still pretty bikini chicks and delicious Lechon (grilled pork). And maybe it will get you inspiration for new games, too :) Take Care Kuzu


The Dragon Prince has a great collection of female characters I'd like to see in lewd situations but it's probably quite hard to get that style right. A good Kim Possible Trainer game is still missing either.


I would suggest my favorite ip the teenage mutant ninja turtles it’s a popular series but yet gets no real Smut besides april


Thanks for the heads up and little tease of some side content :) for some suggestions that I haven’t seen yet in the comments, a marvel one, but mainly more Spider-Man centric (Mary Jane, Black Cat, Gwen Stacy, Silk, or even some other marvel girls that don’t necessarily hang out around Peter) or another could be Total Drama Island, lots of training opportunity there, maybe play as Chris and give the girls some “rewards”. Last suggestion would have to be Scooby Doo, though it’ll probably be a smaller project. Unless you add some spicy side characters like those vampire rock girls or others. Anyways thanks again for the update, and looking forward to your next release, whenever that is.


So seeing as you said Avatar will always be your number 1, outside of mityfication I'd say you should watch The Dragon Prince on Netflix if you havent yet. It's made by big dog Aaron himself and has that same feel while being more euro-high-fantasy. Oh and Sokka voices the main main character... Literally can't reccomend it enough (and mityfication would be sweet, but I just thought you'd like the show) Otherwise, you guys have been great with sharing as much as you feel you can and in a way we can all understand and relate to. I think that one of the big reasons so many of us are still here is that we can see that MITY isnt just some yank fountain, it's two people with real issues and lives and we can all relate to that. So hell yeah, take all the time you guys need, and then some more, I think wed all be fine with it.

The Scyle

After reading most comments I have to agree with Dragon Prince, if it is just for "Some Art" but if you are considering a new game/Project, it probably would not be the best, because it has a very straight storyline and not as many places where you can have a "break to have some training sessions" so the type of game would have to change. Meaning you as the artist would have to create TONS of background changes cause every couple scenes would get a new area etc.


Thanks for the elevator music :). I surely hope we get to finally see the update this month/year. As for the ideas for future stuff, i think Boku No Hero Academia would be awesome. To be honest, it's so hard to think of anything specific since your art style would make a lot of things interesting and unique.


I think my hero academia has tons of characters to play with, and would be super fun to play, but teen titans works well too! Thinking about it pragmatically, it only has like 4 girls in the show, which is a *LOT* less than ATLA.


It may sound a bit odd, but One Piece. Huge, rich world full of lore. Loads of interesting and weird characters + locations. Tons of hot women (and a guy in the current arc who is even prettier than the girls xD), Luffy, the protagonist would be hilarious to write too. He's surprisingly quick witty, but dumb as fuck at the same time. He's also completely oblivious to any person being attracted to him xD. The best part though... he's made of rubber. And can expand his body. And make it move faster. You know where I'm going... The author even jokingly admitted he could increase his dick to any size he wants lmao xD It's a bit more Niche in the west compared to Naruto, bleach etc. But is huuuuge in asia.


I think Steven Universe would be the best thing you could get at with a new project that could have the same scope as Avatar. That plus anything like Teen Titans or such is already done by SomethingUnlimited. Nobody has tried doing a big SU thing, and the potential there is great both character and storywise, with more waifus coming along as the show progresses. So one could easily do a book approach on it with seasons, season 1 being the Crystal Gems, season 2 being Lapis Jasper and Peridot, Book 3 being the space gems that we see like Aqua Marine, Emerald and that one from the zoo, and Season 4 being the diamonds. Fucking fusions, both as the fusion being the player and the player fucking one would be a very interesting mechanic to add in that could have a mini game included. All in all lots of interesting mechanic ideas there and characters to enjoy, now if you ever go this route is a "probably not" but the idea is out there.


Glad to hear things are looking up now. My suggestion would be Fullmetal Alchemist. (Your writing style would work great with a snarky protagonist like Edward, and there are lots of great characters in that series.) possible girls : Olivier Armstrong, Izumi Curtis, Winry Rockbell, Lan Fan, May Chang, Riza Hawkeye, Schezka, Gracia Hughes, Lust, Maria Ross, paninya, Trisha Elric, Rose, Martel, and of course Envy. There's lots of great ideas you could do with the different town and Alchemy. The comedy in the series, along with so many sexy ladies gives you tons of room for cool possibilities.


Naruto for sure or One Piece.


If it was either naruto or One Piece, I vote one piece all the way. There's been a bunch of naruto games already. But none of One Piece. The world is massive and there's tons of cool possibilities you could try. Sooooo many great girls in that series as well. And many cool abilities to use during scenes. Also with luffy being stretchy, there's lots of interesting things you could do with that. Even with the girls that are larger than others, luffy can stretch to accommodate them. So nobody is left out.... Even the creator of the series says he's fine with smut of his characters being made. So you have the creators approval, lol.


I like One Piece or Digimon


I think that a Star Wars game set during the Clone Wars would be dope


Good to hear from you guys! I think a My Hero Academia or a Marvel game would be awesome


Thanks for all the wonderful updates! Really glad to hear things are slowly getting back to normal for you all and you haven't lost your spirits! I hope you have a fun, stress-free Christmas season, and whatever you do should be something you enjoy and fun. As for suggestions for future projects, one I think might be interesting for you that I haven't seen suggested is Gravity Falls. Its a more contained cartooniverse with a smaller cast, but also a more focused location with plenty of potential for lewds. Plus there's been plenty of fan art/AU suggestions for it in the years its been out, so Teen/Adult versions of the characters wouldn't be hard to do. As a less massive but still plenty fun/lewd project, I think it would have a lot of potential, and no one has as yet succeeded in doing anything with it.

Jdogzero Silverblade

i vote for one piece too. also mity once everyone gives their suggestions you should take them all and make a poll so you can get a good idea what everyone wants the most.


I agree with Stove Jeebz, I believe a Steven Universe MITY game would be really cool, and the variety that would be available is definitely great too.


My Hero Academia or RWBY would be my vote.


Drawing wallpapers is a good standby. I have a couple of guys I follow that take a few weeks off once a year (just like almost everyone else with a job), and to keep people from bolting they put out a wallpaper or two each week during the vacation. (I assume either they drew them ahead of time, or they consider drawing/rendering nekked h-girls a vacation.) I know you said "not FE related", but what if it was something almost like a parody of your parody? That might be relaxing for you. Honestly, I'd be happiest if you did some fun, non-canonical scenes with your FE characters. Lesbian scenes between characters that would not normally meet in the game would be cool (Korra + Ty Lee or Mai + Spirit, for instance) and you could have fun with it by doing silly things like making someone dom who would normally be submissive, having them wear superhero costumes, putting them in an out-of-place scene, etc. ("This week we have Korra dressed in a Lara Croft costume dominating her slave Azula here, in the middle of this Olive Garden...")


RWBY would be great


Yeah but there is no *good* naruto games. Especially not MITY quality


Since Capcom isn't interested in making a new Darkstalkers game, it could be cool to see the characters in MITY style.



A person

My vote would be for Harry Potter. I know Akabur already did Witch Trainer, but it's set entirely in one room and has only one (fuckable) character. Having seen how much you can do with the Avatar universe, it'd be amazing to see what you can do with the HP universe.


I'd love to see some stuff from Bleach. It has a treasure trove of quality characters


There's a lot of great games that cover the universes of Harry Potter, Star Wars, Naruto, etc. Although, a universe I feel that doesn't have many high-quality games for it (high quality referring to MITY-level quality <3) is Teen Titans. I know, it has the sacred texts of Zone-sama's three animations, but it doesn't have many (that I could find) games that MITY would make (unless you count Something Unlimited). I think a trainer-MITY-esque game could be really fun in the Teen Titans world. You have a great cast of female characters (my favorite being) Raven, and a realistic, but fantasy-lite setting.


My Vote Woul Be Backyardigans ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nah YK My Vote Would Be Kim Possible


I like other people saying Harry Potter too. Star Wars, Teen Titans, and Incredibles would be cool too.


Code Lyoko would be great for your style! You should definitely give it a thought!


As much as i'd like to see something Harry Potter or TT related, I'd personally really like to see something along the lines of the Dragon Prince... Same creators as Avatar and all that, i think it'd fit your style really well.


Power Ranger trainer


How about Dragon Prince, it's sort of a spiritual successor to Avatar.


Loud house with ""aged up"" characters(maybe with sin kids too) Ben 10 trainer. Ed edd and Eddy with aged up culdisac.(kanker sisters, nazz, Sarah, maybe a oc character or two) Maybe a multi universe parody that gets characters from different CN shows


Probably something like teen titans, danny phantom for cartoons and bleach, fairy tail, fate and naruto for anime.

The Scyle

I commented earlier, but I totally forgot and have not read someone else suggesting: Carmen Sandiego Kinda under the radar, but could be a really fun thing, with a base of operation, training her still on the VILE Island, both as a Thief and as a Slave/Love Interest.

Kodi Green

Funny enough one of my favorite youtubers Six Shadows busted his ankle and it staying with family rn and has been for a while... coder you got some splaining to to lmfao jk get better fast my guy

Kodi Green

Maybe Mity-fy My Hero Academia

Peter Vanusanik

honestly I don't get why are people complaining, sure no updates, but since artist was okay, we should get tripple porn in next release, no? :)


A trainergame with Kim Possible and the other cheerleaders and maybe Shego would be very nice. Maybe let Wayne discover his dark side and send Kim on naughty missions? Or let the bad Ron out and give him the possibility to conquer the world :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I08x2H89nI


a lot of people said it already, but i want to join in on voting for "The Dragon Prince" if you want to stay in a similar feeling series. Other then that i'd vote for a Star Wars - Trainer. I quite liked Orange Trainer by Exiscoming but i think there is much more that can and should be done with and to those StarWars Characters. And finally i know there is a lot of trainers in the Harry Potter universe already and (as a lot of others) i got into those trainer games through akabur. But i'd really appreciate to see your take on that universe.


The two I'd like to see most would be My Hero Academia or Naruto. It'd be real easy to make an OC for each. You can make an MC with a mind control or charm type quirk so you can go the hero or villain infiltrator route in MHA, and you can do Shinobi with similar abilities who could join up with Orochimaru in the Naruto game.


well i would go for, naturo, dragon ball, one piece all look like great options, but i think pokemon is better, lots of characters, also different chapters and story to develope.


+1 for the Naruto universe, plus there are multiple characters already known to be total pervs in that world, so it's not even much of a stretch!


A Kim Possible Trainer-like game would be amazing. Teen Titans is a favorite of mine (Raven #1).

Nit Rogen

teen titans is a good one. mayby shera at one point? one piece is always a good coice haha. and kim possible would be intresting. i would say dragon ball and naruto are already oversaturated tho compered to the rest.


Cartoon - Teen titans Pokemon Star wars Total drama Honorable mention justice league Anime- My hero Rwby Naurto Fairy tale Honorable mention Black clover & soul eater.


Pretty much. Even the Halloween side story can easily be skipped without missing anything.


Except for Danny, I like those suggestions because I've never actually seen an entire episode Of Danny Phantom. Just snippets here and there. I'm not sure if this applies to other people, but there are series which somehow I've always managed to not see.


Yep she was the only one without lower penetration. I was very aware of that when putting it together. I figured since Katara (strictly speaking not Franka but still...) is also present in book 3 a lot she could stand to be the one without during this small side story.


I know... nothing of RWBY. I usually at least know it exists, but yeah this one is a complete unknown to me.


If you're having trouble deciding based on all the great options, you could do a camp scenario where all the characters from various different series are included. But imo it should be focused on something like Teen Titans


Lol, I said no avatar until the build is out : ) I should've expected requests for Ty popping up again. seriously though, I need to make sure I don't reach the point where I don't like to draw avatar stuff anymore... We've seen with the coder where things can lead if you aren't careful.


And looking at the hearts below your post not just you.


I really loved pokemon, but yeah that's something I would not want to do for exactly that reason.


Lol and thank you too Kuzu! I'm pretty sure the Philippines is a great place. Never been there... If only I didn't hate traveling(with a passion!)... I guess the bikini chicks over there are safe from me. For now at least.


Yeah, translating 3d to 2d does have it's challenges. Kim possible also has a more unique sort of style which isn't always the easiest if you really want to try and stick to it, but it certainly would make for a change of pace.


Are there many more interesting female characters in tmnt? I honestly can't really remember anyone but April.


It's nice to have some new stuff among the suggestions. I'm kinda surprised to see you're the first one to mention Scooby Doo.


Lol, don't be so nice, you'll make me feel even worse! Btw. If I were the one with the ankle I'd probably have shown you all the gory pics by now so be happy it happened to the coder and not me or you might have to chang your mind about us being great with sharing. Ah, another vote for the dragon prince. looks like a strong contender so far.


Hmmm I see your point. Still... the main thing will always be how much love/appreciation an animation can instill within us. As long as there's love, there's a (smutty) way. But yeah lots of backgrounds changes can take the fun out of things.


It certainly has a big roster of females to work with. So it at least has that going for it. And yeah I seriously seriously hope Rob can turn this thing around despite his diminished hopscotch abilities.


Hmm, certainly, but a project doesn't HAVE to be massive. FET has become bigger as we went along and that's not bad but neither a requirement.


I would love a Kim Possible themed game. In that universe, Shego and Bonnie Rockwaller are my favourite characters. That being said, I think you would have best success with somekind of game that allows for all kinds of characters to be added and aim for the long run. It just require a well thought through, fun and simple base story/gameplay to work. :-)


I gotta be straight to the point with you, but Steven Universe has zero appeal to me. I've tried watching it several times, but my mind pretty much started wandering elsewhere within a couple of minutes. Chances of me doing something with that are not good.


It's certainly not like I didn't enjoy the anime(s). The new one less than the older one but still.


I feel like Pokemon or My Hero Academia would be perfect IPs to take on, but I'd also love to see Teen TItans or Dragon Ball

Jonathan Smith

Stardew Valley maybe? Similar to FET in that the MC isn't actually given a face, just a dick to go around fucking things. I don't know, kinda spitballing here. But I definitely agree with Teen Titans an Attack on Titan.


Best IP for the next game WAKFU rich story many characters and similiar to airbender in if is it anime or not. It would totally need more audience in west. The last reason there arent any naughty games made of it just few animations all the other sugestion has already enough content for rule 34. I rest my case for known.


I haven't watched much of One Piece, so I'm afraid just catching up would kill me with the amount I'd have to watcdh. Still thanks for the suggestions.


Thanks for the well wishes. I'm not sure I'd be any good at even sort of capturing thatcal art style, but it's an interesting and not much mentioned possibility.


That poll thing is an excellent idea. I've been trying to keep track with pen and paper, and taking into account upvotes, but it's becoming a mess.


Never say never, but Steven Universe has never managed to move my heart or capture my attention for long so chances are very low.


Another RWBY suggestion. I need to look that up since I don't know what it's about.


I am planning on doing something extra, but a lot depends on how things will progress with the coder. I consider drawing nekked h-girls a pretty nice way to pass the time in general though.


TT was a great show, so at least it has that going for it.


I don't know why but I find it surprising to see there's so many Kim fans here. Not sure I could do the art style any justice. Okay Backyardigans it is ; ) !


Alright, my curiosity is getting the better of me. MITY, you mentioned you had some ideas of your own. I'm more interested to hear what kinds of ideas you already had yourself. Plus, you'll probably be more interested in something you already had in mind over a new suggestion like Steven Universe which you said couldn't hold your attention.


No 6Teen love?


Maybe Star Wars? It’s a big galaxy with a lot of different possibilities. Off the top of my head maybe a young Jedi Knight or Padawan who discovered some... interesting force mind control techniques


Continue with the creators of avatar. Dragon prince. Last season is most likely next year, so gives you time.


Pokemon feels like a great game to create. Like your portrayal of the Avatar series, each region can represent a region of the Pokemon universe (of course a majority of regions ending up on the cutting room floor due to so many being available). Anyways, your team's work is very impressive and look forward to whatever it is you create.


Lol, ankles they don't make 'em like they used to!


If only that was how it works! Just scenes pasted in succession after each other doesn't make for a fun experience so Rob will need time to do more than that. But I understand any complaints. Things have been sucky for too long. There's just no way frustrations about that won't turn into complaints.


Man if only were as good as Galaga(?) when it comes to drawing KP naughtiness.


Well, rob has always fancied some sort of combination of multiple series. I'm not sure about that myself, but the best scenario for me would be to (re)discover something which can awaken the same sort of love I have for the avatar universe.


I've seen games of naruto, dragon ball, pokémon, avatar, overwatch, among others. I would like to see something related to the universe of bleach, something like ichigo training all the girls or the most famous bleach girls, I think in that sense it would be quite innovative :D


I thought the pirates of the Caribbean idea was phenomenal and has tons of opportunities for fun scenarios with a variety of different girls. Also I don’t know how this would happen but is there any chance we’ll see more of Azula before the game’s finished?


I always had a faible for the Digimon franchise mainly because I grew up with it (although I like to focus on modified versions with more mature characters since people can get very disgusting with the original source material). Also gives a lot of characters to draw from. Similar things can be done with the Pokémon franchise, although they never really focussed that much on their characters but more on the monsters. I also like some of the other suggestions here, Dragon Ball, Overwatch... I would, however, prefer 90s, early 2000s anime and comic series since they would fit more in the light hearted MITY flair.


Pokemon, but specifically the girls. and I'd personally prioritize the waifus of Gens 7 and 8. The way GF keeps making best girls over and over again is ridiculous.

Butt Lover

I think you actually make solid enough original characters and plots that you should not do what's probably been done before, and just do an original story that carries the same general feel and themes of FET but without the constraints. that, or do a popular non-cartoon universe in cartoon form.


Honestly I'd die to see some RWBY especially a Trainer styled game made by you! Doubt this will get seen but just thinking of MITYfied RWBY gals! There's also plenty of characters to work with outside the main cast.


Any idea when the FET Halloween side story might open to everyone who didn't play it before?


Votes according to my "bank": My Hero Academia, Teen Titans, Zelda, Pokemon gen 1 and 2, Shantae, One Piece, Final Fantasy. Those out of the way, what about a multi-universe harem-type, like with Urd from Ah! my Goddess, Motoko from Ghost in the Shell, Ashelin from Jak II, etc.? There are plenty of series out there with just not enough characters for a fleshed out game.


Seems like a negative metaphor to me, you don't really care if it's there or not, just hurry up and get to the top floor

Cadmon Alima

Rather play to your strengths than just say what I want. Outlaw Star came to mind. Travels through space as Gene who is kinda already like the MC of FET doing missions to random places that could crossover to other series.

Cadmon Alima

I'm all for a My Hero Academia mity that could have Deku replaced by some jerk who Mineta would help just to be able to watch. That lore of the series makes it seem too easy to incorperate a different MC. Bigger issue would be there being no clear cutoff point.


Well here's some ideas: Why not Spider-Man, but use the current 2017 version of Peter Parker and add the Marvel Rising version with it featuring all the characters from there with some additional characters like the X-Men and such. Maybe use the Contest of Champions elements from the mobile game for it as a plot background, with giving Peter additional spider-powers. Along with going a harem route, or a romance route. Each having their own settings and ending to work with. Each route could have their own side missions and bonus chapters and such. And add costume change for added bonus and boost


Another being Ghost in the Shell, were you play as your own original character with their own backgrounds joining the team. Maybe have it set in both Japan and London. The SAC or the new NetFlix version you should consider which you would go for, but the plot would need to be thought off, and what route you would go for each character. Costumes, tech, money, and weapons would also need to be thought off. The plot would involve something similar to the Laughing Man case, or involve the use of mercenaries and how far reaching power can be. There would also be choices were you decide what each outcome would affect each characters


Another would be a Star Wars themed game were the setting is similar to FET, and you play as Anakin Skywalker. Starting from his beginning in the Jedi Temple and ending with the Events on Jakku. Each event would have choices and decisinos that would be carried out, and during the beginning of the Galactic Civil War you can build your own army and capture and repair ships for your use. The female characters would have to be canon-based, but add some Legends cast like Serra Keto. The Ships would have to be Clone War era. That means you can capture a Sepratist ship to act as your base of operations, and depending on your strength and power level you can capture Imperial ships to your forces. Each bing given a color job. Also, you can have your character study different arts in the Force. Again with canon materials, but can involve Kreia and Rvan into the mix. Also, color changing Lightsabers


Or honestly, just go original with anything you want. Why not go with a Harry Potter setting, but with Hermione as the MC getting involved in sexual hijinks, while trying to solve a mystery. She-Ra is anotherwere you play as an original Horde soldier siding with Adora, and they'll be a boss battle were after you can bea them ou can fuck and recruit them. Lonnie is an obvious one. Catra you'll have o think about. Same stuff as FET. Or an Overwatch setting were you play as an original character from London were he's the only male member after an incident with their male counterparts. Or use the Konosuba anime series for this. Teen Titans being another. A NArutoverse also, but you play as Naruto's counterpart Menma instead. Same stuff and everything. O like I said, go original. Maybe use the Isekai genre were you play as a prince in a foreign kingdom and you're suddenly in a position of powere were you have to run your kingdom, or expand it and build it into something else. Maybe use the TERA game concept for it. Whatever works is up to you


Yeah there's a very good chance you will see Azula again. Probably not extensively, but still...


Lol, your cup of ideas runneth over ; ) Thanks for the suggestions. There's so much right now swimming around in my head I'm happy FET will still take a while to finish and we have enough time to mull it over.


That would be an awesome choice and with very little Waifus it would be a quick side game to work on


Ar -I asked Rob to give us an update. I'd like to write one myself but a heads up on how far along he is feels like something a lot more interesting than anything I have to say right now-


Honestly, at this point my worry isn't about this coming update, it's about all the updates going forward. I have a hard time believing after all this that once this build finally comes out, we will simply go back to approximately one new build every month just like before. I'd love to be wrong, but I can't help feeling like the foundation has been shaken.


I also have the same concern after this whole debacle. It's like a bad sitcom, if coder would just communicate clearly and often there wouldn't be any issues to begin with. It's like a dysfunctional relationship...


5 days later and no answer. :-(


Come on are we there yet....


I swear to god if he uploads a bughunt thats not available for everyone after that much time I am done.


Done with what? hmm if you stopped being or never have been a patreon why are you complaining? xd


I believe they said all patreons, no matter the tier, will get this update.


told you niggers he is dragging this out for the pay check


Has mity said what they are gonna do after this? Cause if its another series ill have to binge it in advance.


@ tsukutarasu I preferably would like to give the coder a lot more "breathing room" in the new year at first and see if it's possible to eventually return to the original schedule, perhaps with some more breaks in between


@ MikeWonton. That's not entirely, but close enough to how I see it. I've had a conversation about this with the coder and I hope he has seen the light. If not, there will be a point where I say "I'm done with this."


I've been sick and replied to only a few things here and there, but not much else. Still sucks though.


If you were in the bughunt tier in November we'll treat you as if you still are now, regardless if you are even a patron anymore.


@ Midgaard, so you feel we should just say everyone from the lowest to the highest tier gets access to the bughunt immediately? Just the simple fact the bughunt can mess up someones savegame or a bug ruining the experience makes me not really like the idea of doing that. But why don't you pm us and talk about it. That way It'll be easier for me to see your message.