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It's officially the 25th for most of the world, so merry/happy xmas if that's your jam! I hope your holidays are filled with eggnog and as little Wham! as possible. But more importantly, we have great news! We have a hard release date set for this upcoming build: in three days (the 28th) we will release the latest build to everyone! Due to the delay, and as a little Christmas bonus, we'll send it to every patron simultaneously! For our bughunters, we have a special something planned for you a little afterward. 

Hopefully it'll all be relatively bug-free and won't catch on fire upon release, but all I can really say is that I like it and I think/hope you will too. Everything feels back on track. Good energy and high spirits. 

In the spirit of ominous positivity, you're gonna get what you fucking deserve, which is me trying my absolute best to reward you for your patience and support with quality and reliability.

So pop back in in a few days and you'll have some FET awaiting you!


(artist addition: That little extra for the bughunters which the coder mentioned above will be my crossover-test-build thingy.  It will find it's way to all of you eventually but since we're not doing our usual thing, the "Aang tier" and above will get to see the fruits of my heresy first. ps.  Rob, Wham! can still be fun if you listen to the right covers!  )



Is there anything pertaining to Christmas or holidays in this update?


Also, Merry Christmas MITY. 😅😊


I believe thats mentioned in one of the last 2 update posts. I think an indirect reference to christmas.


If you're still thinking of games to make outside of FET, i believe Star Wars would be pretty easy to pull off content wise, and honestly your writing could fit too if you worked it a certain way. 😉


Good to have you back MITY. Hoping you have a good holiday and exited to hear about future plans after FET


Will the schedule go back to the normal approximately once per month now?


Nice happy holidays


Hi, im quite New patron and i have a question, on this update do i have to play all game from beginning or there is sth like option to transfer my Save?


if you take the save file from the file its on, you can transfer all your saves even if the build is different by taking your original save files and transferring them onto the newer builds.


Thank you


Its the final countdown hapy holidays 4 every1


Merry Christmas MITY, can't wait to try it out. 😁


Happy holidays guys, looking forward for some Korra action. Maybe the family gets some attention too. :)


Wham! covers?! Could you possibly be referring to sir Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian in the awesomeness that is Ninja Sex Party?


Merry Christmas guys! Glad to hear things are getting back on track :D (Also, Wham!'s fun to listen to all year round... or is that just me xD)


Good for you guys, I also somehow survived eve and can't wait to sink my teeth into the new build

Derik Ferry

Merry Christmas MITY! And I thank you in advance for the wonderful present you will be sending our way. But seriously thank you for creating such a beautiful monument to degeneracy. It warms my heart to know how much time and effort you’ve both put into this project. Thanks for the memories


Merry Christmas everyone at MITY! Can't wait for the new build! Been replaying the earth kingdom bit again and again cuz i just love toph! Can't wait to see what happens to Korra next if there's any story progression there! Thanks for all the hard work from you guys!


Merry Christmas Mity! You and the coder are great for making such a wonderfull game. Looking forward what 2020 brings!


Hi team! First of all merry Christmas to you as well :). I just wanted to thanks you to keep us informed this means a lot to us. Keep up the good work. Please take some time to relaxe!

Don kibonk

just to be sure, this update will give the 4th book a love route right? (please say yes...)


I'm hoping it will either compete the Slave route or will be only one more.

Daniel Everest

Will it be tonight or tomorrow


Are we there yet?

i love MITY

Yeah im dyin here xD


Super same

Daniel Everest

Welp see you guys at 11:59


*patiently waits not knowing what timezone Mity is in*


Yeah Mity if you're around could we get a time?

Lil Pump

Where's my "wait til 11:59" squad at?

Lil Pump

when its the 28th :/ and theres no FET

i love MITY

Any Time Updates MITY?

Daniel Everest

11:59 squad here to the end

Lil Pump

Does anyone even know what TIme zone mity is in? Ive been waiting for this update

Daniel Everest

No clue but it's been more than 36 hours since he posted this.


*plays worlds smallest violin*


Maybe he did post it but it's taking ahwile to upload the file? Until then I am here


Last version was half a gigabyte. It won't take long to upload unless he has some outdated internet speeds.

Daniel Everest

11:59 squad in my timezone

Daniel Everest

And now some of us are in the 4 day territory


Hopefully it comes out tonight or tmr morning. It's 7:30pm on the 28th for me now.


Y'all need to chill the fuck out right now. I'm pretty sure the artist is based in the US, meaning it's still morning on the 28th as of now. Do something else with your Saturday until it gets posted.


hahahahah all yall waiting to rub one out, yeez man do you realise the work behind every single update? 5-7000 word written, hours of drawing, DAYS of coding it all together so that you can take a wank, nah fam allow it. Cheers, merry christmas


Uhhh... Are you aware how long ago the last update was? People have been waiting (and supporting) for months, not just the last 3 days.


The house on fire already? :P


what time does the update come out? today is 28




nigger you had half a year, and you can't even hold your own fucking deadline.


Wow these comments got toxic fast. The day ain't over yet folks and I for sure am willing to wait for the level of quality that has been not only promised but delivered in full! This update I believe will be the best yet and we should all just be a little more positive and patient before we start throwing out racial slurs or complaints that we're all in different time zones and to understand why it's the 29th in some parts of the world and still the early morning in the US give him some time everybody I'm sure they'll communicate soon


This proves how fucked our brain chemistry truly is. The actual best thing that could happen is if it never released. Relax guys


we were positive and patient the first 2-3 months. Now not so much, these niggers derserve no leyway. monthly update my ass.


Also for real if you don't want to wait then don't wait. Save your$$$ and support someone else. I don't know about the rest of you but I took them on time and researched how often this was getting updated before I decided to pledge I knew what I was getting into I knew the difficulty they were facing and it's worth it to me maybe not for some of you but I know where I put my money and I'm fine with that clearly some of you are not. All frustrations aside if you don't like it don't pay for it


all these niggers white knighting a porn company lol.


----> Built2fall fake account


----> Hængeklumpen 100% chance of being butthurt


Somewhere, probably out west in the US where it's currently about 530 in the fucking morning, there's a real life person who, potentially very soon, is about to wake up to see his patreon fans losing their fucking minds demanding to see his home made porn. What a life this man lives 😂


----> Hængeklumpen 100% chance of being a White sweed with daddy issues

Lil Pump

Haengeklumpen kinda speakin facts


https://www.google.com/search?q=time in america


I've been here since since January FYI and yea it sucks we have to wait but until it's not the 28th anymore (in all regions not just my own) I can't really complain. They said the 28th they didn't say what time on the 28th so all these people saying I paid for a product and I didn't get it!.... you paid for a product that would be released on the 28th and 28th isn't over yet get over it


they have plenty of time left if you go with the timezone MITY operates from


this should have been released in september. if you were here since January you would have known that.


I know damn well when it was supposed to be released but I know that they had setbacks and I completely understand that and I continue to support them Beyond that if you were so frustrated you should have stopped supporting


Smart enough to to know when to quit. You seem way more upset than everybody else here and I get that you spent money and you feel jipped that sucks. Honestly if it's not out by the actual end of the 28th you could probably ask for your money for this month back and they may even give it to you but for real like what are you accomplishing. Complaining and using racial slurs isn't going to get it to come out faster but you can use whatever language you like and you have every right to complain just seems odd that you're so angry and you haven't even given them the ability to meet their deadline things happen and if they don't actually meet the deadline I'll be right up in arms with you because that would be shity but until then I don't see the point in complaining it's not going to change anything


Oh I'm writing a comment to you in English which is clearly a language that you do not speak or properly understand


Kind of like timezones apparently you just have no concept of how they work

Lil Pump

when your meat has been in your hand since 11:59 and its already 10 hours past


Lil Pump trying to Big Pump haha


We all know why we're here haha


All waiting to get their treat with jinora. Have patience folks, we'll get there.


as long is its out before 12 am today i'm good


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend.


I hate sand


Darth Plaguis is a dark lord of the Sith, so powerful and wise that he could use the force to influence the mediclorins to create, life.