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Well, that took a lot longer than I expected. Coder here, I thought I'd get it done in a few days but it took me about a week to get it all in place. I've officially sent it on to the artist for a final check though, which means the bughunters should get it today! 



How long after they get it do normal people get it?


anywhere from 1 to 3 days depending on the ammount of bugs




All good estimating time aint easy lol


woop woop! all prepare for some great fun testing


I hope it does come today that would be great cause I need something to help me relax after my final


Nooo I'm happy it's coming out but I won't have time this week! Love you mity and coder


So is this the final release in Book 3 or is there still more to go? Not impatient or anything simply curious.


Sorry to hear it Mouseman, but at least you'll have something to look forward to when you finish that busy week? Love you too ; )


One more major build probably before we can call this route done and over with. I think we have about 8 unique scenes ready for the next one, but some of those will be entirely choice dependent so it's gonna be effectively less than it seems.


You say less, it just means I have a reason to play through the game 8 different times.


Will old saves work on the new update?

Dan Curtis

yeah they should, I haven't had any issues with saves after updates.


how long is the bug hunt gonna last?

John wayne

thanks captain obvious, it usually takes 2-3 days for the bughunters to be done


So I know I'm just being impatient, but this game is just so damn fun. Any idea when 0.7.7 will be out of bug-hunt?


We're currently dealing with one specific bug, which only wants to show itself to a very select amount of people it seems. We're trying to get to the bottom of that one and as soon as we did (or decided we're just gonna chance it) it'll be ready. "Phantom bugs" are truly the worst, but we absolutely want you to be able and play it this weekend.


Please do not hurry at all, development and quality assurance takes time. You are doing a great job. Keep up that marvellous work. :)


Does this just finish off book 3 or also have book 4 stuff in it?


Take all the time you guys need to be happy with it, I can make myself wait for something so great. Keep up the good work!


Pretty sure its not even the end of book 3. They said there will be one more massive build