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This is us yesterday.

This is us today.

We might joke around a little about it, but we really do hate it when we don't manage to keep things within our planned month. Whenever some time frees up it's immediately filled with a new idea for some extra content. We want to impress you guys with each new build and that makes it awfully hard to say: "no, we're not going to include that because we don't have enough time." We're usually like: "Fuck yeah! let's cram it in!" and then we have to make sure it plays nice with the rest of FET which always takes up more time than anticipated.  

This time however you can put most of the blame on me. The coder was all pumped up a week ago, telling me he was gearing up for some allnighters and getting things done even if it meant he had to cut stuff out! 

That didn't sound that great to me. It's not the safest way to put things together and he wouldn't have had time to put in something nice (I'm not entirely sure what it is myself, but he seemed pretty happy with it.) That, together with his slightly low power level (definitely below 9000), made me decide to try and convince him to slow down. Even if that meant breaking into Febuary. Well, I succeeded in making him forego the rollercoaster ride of sleepless nights and do it the safer/slower way. And that's where we are right now.

As you know we're getting close to the final build of this route(not the one the coder's working on atm), and it'll require a little extra oompf which means a lot of extra work which I need to have finished as soon as the current build is done and released. Afterall, if I don't have it finished the coder can't start.

I think I have close to about eight new unique scenes ready for the final build. Not because I'm favoring quantity over quality, but because some of those scenes are optional so I need to have more to make sure you still have a nice amount of scenes when you don't pick a certain choice. 

Some scenes have some extra options, really ramping up the difficulty of putting it together and that started a really bad cycle of staying up too late, walking around with a headache for the entire following day (which only resided late in the evening) after which I returned to work instead of sleeping because I wanted to make up for lost time.... and hence the cycle repeated itself. I managed to get out of it, but it's just sooo tempting to tell yourself "juuust a little longer".

Coming back to the scenes I've been working on... I'm seriously happy with some of them. Others still need some more work, but in theory stuff is finished for this route as far as necessary scenes go. Well, in theory. There's always a big chance the coder has some idea up his sleeve  which'll require some special attention and there's plenty I can and WILL do to spice things up. I'm currently reworking a scene which I finished three weeks ago and making it all sorts of better.

I'm responsible for catching the worst of the bugs before we send stuff off to the patrons in the bugtesting tiers and I'm looking forward to play it as much as anyone else out there. We sometimes have sent out the bugtest version in the past without me looking at it first, but since we're already out of January we figured that kind of haste is useless right now. 

So right now I'll keep working, refining/adding to the already finished scenes and patiently(but eagerly) await the coders' email with what I hope will be a link to a solid and fun new build!



Kuzuha Chan

Alles gut, Mity. Take your time 😊


Always better to take your time and do things without any regret


I don't think anyone will be upset if you take your time, we don't want you to burn yourself out.


Vielen Dank : ) It's a difficult decision, but I (very much)prefer having the coder create fresh and funny stuff than be on time.


just take your time it helps no one if you rush things and stress yourself to much.


We very much prefer to do both, but if a choice has to be made it needs to be taking our time.


True, but even if noone else would be upset, I'd still have that itch of disappointment in my head. Not nearly enough to just want to be on time for the sake of being on time, but still.


Quality takes time. I personally think you should take as much time as you need to release the best product that you can.

Peter Vanusanik

I read that as plea for patrons to not leave and was scared that patrons are leaving lol


You know, a true FET fan can be patient and wait for a build. From us true fans out there, we are happy you guys slowed down and are patiently awaiting the build. As always, thanks for all of this. :)


I can be paitient, it's much better for me if you take your time and make an awsome thing, instead of just putting something out.... <3 love your game

Dan Curtis

This works out for me anyways, I have homework and tests to study for. If this update was released right now I wouldn't be able to not play it. Keep up the good work!


I couldn't help reading out the speech bubbles in a frantic, high-pitched voice. :P My stance remains the same, though; take the time you need to make the game totally awesome. :)


So no one mention Azula is in the (adorable cute) comic? Just saying...


Take your time, I for one know it will be more then wort the wait.


It's just January 32nd guys. Calm down


Heh, I only realized it could be interpreted that way afterwards, but we have a pretty tight and loyal bunch of FET-fans(for which we are very grateful!)


That's.... exactly the kind of reaction which makes me want to stay up far too late and keep on working to make the next build is the best we can make it : ) Thanks.


Hmm absolutely, but there's also the danger of trying to make it perfect and us adding little things which eventually become quicksand to progress. What I'm trying to say is... we really don't want to become complacent and start counting on the fact we could always postpone a build.


Ha! Well in that case we're happy we can inadvertently help you out and hopefully pass those tests :)


Reading speech bubbles in another voice is something I rarely do, but when I do it's usually when I find something funny/cool so I'm hoping it was the same for you. And thanks for your patience :)


I really don't know why.. but I've slowly started using chibi Azula as an avatar for the coder and chibi Toph as an avatar for myself... some psycho analyses seems in order :s


That literally made me laugh out loud :) I'm gonna keep that in the back of my mind. From now on my year will only have one month : )


Hi! I hope one of you can help a new guy out. (Discovered game and patreon only 4 days ago) I completely understand and highly respect your decision to postpone the release till it's ready. But I'm a little confused as to what version we're talking about. With the 0.7.6b there was a spoiler log. But for this release I can't find any info nor a version name. I'm sorry if it's in plain sight somewhere, but I just can't find it.


They are talking about the new version that is ot yet out. The changelog and the build number most of the time is revealed after the release


Look under Happy New Year! post. Typically the version up to date can be found in one of the posts.

Kuzuha Chan

Open your eyes, Bro :D <a href="https://www.patreon.com/mity/overview">https://www.patreon.com/mity/overview</a>


if this "final release" has impregnating toph and katara(or more) choice...i will forgive everything lol (because this is the last time we will see them before we jump to korra)


I don think its final, i thought i read in one of mity's earlier post that thr will be one more update after this one


- Tin foil hat, ON. The constant push back each month, is a marketing strategy, aimed at patreons who are known to be impatient. With just the right amount of delay these impatient patreons will get the urge to upgrade their tier, so they can get the early playtesting version. - Tin foil hat, OFF.


Lol! Yes and next up we're going to include "lewd-boxes" with 0.01% chance you'll get what you want ; ) But seriously, the only way we can keep it within the month is by cutting content. We could just say from now on it'll take 1,5 months to create a new build, but I can guarantee you we'll end up trying to put in more than we have time for and end up in the same situation. So instead we'll keep aiming for a monthly release (except for the start and end of a route) and just freak out(and end up taking more time) whenever it's the end of the month.


Hope so. Jinora and Ikki are my favorite characters in the Korra series. If they are too young/small for these guys to feel safe, they could age them up a little but please include them!


I prefer you taking your time and providing great content rather than rushing things and producing a bad product. We all know that you're not lazy so it's ok if a build takes longer than a month to complete. At least that's what I think.