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Here it is, trusty compadres! Play through it, makes sure nothing explodes, you know the drill. Spoiler log is below, this time! 

Mac Version 

PC Version 


Spoiler Log:

  • Katara romance and rub/sex (repeatable)
  • Go fish card game (repeatable)
  • Jin romance and anal/vag
  • Toph anal 1
  • Toph anal 2
  • Ty Lee quest and sex
  • Ty Lee dildo (if gotten from maze)
  • Naga clawjob
  • Maze quest


Randall Fawcett

Yeah, I'm stuck, I think? Unless you're supposed to give whoever her gift (not Katara, as I'm still unsure of where to find her gift?) and complete all of the content prior to being able to advance the story? Otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing. Can't unlock Go Fish either :(

Peter Jensen

Is there a android version of this update


Not yet, we create the android version a few days after the early access version is finished. The coder can't create android versions. I(artist) do those and would like the android versions to be as bugless as I can get them.