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Season's greetings, all! This one's a small build because we haven't had much time, but we really wanted to get something out before Christmas. Please don't find bugs.

Spoiler log:

  • Taking care of the shop quest
  • A walk with toph quest
  • Toph and iroh flashback chat
  • Melonlord training
  • Toph nightmare
  • Joo Dee full nelson
  • Ty Lee blowjob
  • Haiku battle
  • Iroh in the street




PC Version 

Mac Version


Tom Mettner

#1 In the maze, when you want to fight Ajala, the first time you click on the fight option she just disappears and you're left alone in the dark tunnel. When you then leave and go back, she's not there. If you instead click on leave and wait for the next day to return, everything works.

Tom Mettner

#2 Go to Ty Lee without a cabbage, select Blowjob, she reminds you of the deal and then just stays. If you now select another girl she's just there in the background.


Thanks a lot for the feedback Tom. We knew about #1, but the Ty lee one had escaped our attention so far.