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Hey everyone! 2019 is approaching ridiculously fast and every time we blink it seems the calendar jumps up a day.

We've been trying our damnedest to leave you with something besides a holiday inspired pic and although we had far less time than we initially hoped for, we managed to shuffle some scenes around, brought to the front what was planned for later and created a new small build.

Hopefully it's size isn't indicative of the amount of fun it will bring, but we tried to make it count.

We've released it's bughunt version for the higest tiers earlier today so if you're in that tier don't forget to give it a whirl! The early access version will be ready a couple of days later, so it should land on Christmas or shortly after.

For everyone out there who celebrates Christmas, have a great one folks! For everyone who doesn't, Merry Mooselion season! Or whatever festivity it is around this time of the year which makes your heart beat faster and brings you joy. This year has had it's ups and downs, but let's focus on the ups and hope the new year bring us lots more of those. Suck up any emotions of annoyance you have with your family during Christmas dinner, and just smile. Suck it up and push it deep, deeeep down in your gut. Once the novelty of the new year is over you can let it all out again ;)

We still have a couple of things to do (including the art asset reward) this month so we aren't 100% ready to turn off the lights and close the door to the MITY office but once all of that's done we'll go dark until that 8 turns into a 9.

While we have your attention we also want to come back on the subject we talked about earlier in the post about the email we received from Patreon. This concerns the Iroh tier ($35) patrons so probably isn't interesting for most of you, but if you are in that tier(or have been thinking on joining it) be sure to read on. 

We pretty much explained the situation about raffles in the post before this one, but to recap: Patreon wanted them gone. We asked you guys for some suggestions about alternative rewards and got a couple of interesting ones. If you sent us any, thanks a lot for thinking along with us.

We've been thinking it over, proposed some of your ideas as a possibility to Patreon in order to make sure we wouldn't get a repeat in the future of this situation and did some more thinking. We haven't been able to come up with an alternavive yet we feel we can truly be satisfied with, now and in the future.

We already mentioned considering sneak peaks, and those could most likely be very successful as a reward. Who doesn't like getting a view into the "future"? But as you also already know we very much prefer scenes to be discovered as they're meant to be - during the playthrough itself. 

So after a lot of hemming and hawing we're going to leave the $35 for anyone who wants to show additional support, but it'll have the same rewards as the $20 tier for now. We've just had too many other things to take care of and still want to have some true downtime to relax with family so we're putting thinking about this off till January.

If you joined the Iroh tier in the hopes of getting a scene ticket and are bummed that the option is gone, let us know and we'll refund your pledge. If we haven't heard from you in January we'll pm you to make sure you didn't just forget or something.

2018 has been quite a rocky year (for at least half of our team) and we're hoping the next one will be a sea of tranquility in comparance.... with deadlines actually being met etc! But whatever happens(or doesn't happen) in 2019, it won't be because we didn't give it our best. 

Thanks for everything folks, you were and still are the best.




Merry Christmas to you guys, woo good mouth.


Keep up the good work!

Lord Crusade

Merry Christmas guys, see you in the new year!


Merry Christmas guys. Thank you so much for the hard work and have a great holiday.


Very nice! I wish you all a Merry Christmas.


I rushed it but now i'm block at chat 21/22, i just can do as much as i want the dream with the snack girl but i can't do more. Is it a bug or is it normal to be lock at 21/22 ???


Happy Holidays!


Having the same issue. I also had to fight Ajala twice for her new sex scene.


Happy Holidays


thanks for the great Content this Year! Can`t wait for the next One!


It's a bug, but you're not blocked from new content. This is simply the end of the new content for Toph. Thanks for the feedback.


@Franks, yep I just tried it myself(ajala) and had the same thing. Pretty simple to fix. Thanks for mentioning it.


Thanks! We'll do some quick charging this last week of the year and hope to be ready for another one soon : )


Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year


Gotcha! It really isn't a pressing issue, so... wait until after the holidays to worry about it:P


Waiting for new FET content is what gave me great joy this year and made me watch the series 4 times again. Thank you for making this game, thank you for being honest and open minded. I wish you and your families as much health and happiness as possible. Happy Holidays, you guys earned it.


I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before. Why don't you allow all Iroh tier patrons into a private FET discussion forum or chatroom (something disconnected from Patreon). Any scene suggestions that happen to be discussed in the private forum would be your own business and not Patreon's.

Peter Vanusanik

man, it has been some time since I was hit with post game depression but I certainly was with this game and it's not even finished. I found your game randomly (I am not even avatar fan) but holy hell, I just blitzed through it in two days almost non stop. At first I did the love routes which were really gripping at times (book 2 ending) but honestly, usually I am not much fan of slave thing (it's nice as porn) but this really didn't feel bad and book 3 ending is just as touching as book 2 love route. Can't wait to read the rest! Honestly kudos to your writer for writing such gripping and funny story (jokes remind me of akabur style jokes which I love). I kinda wish you would acknowledge cheating more but you kinda did in book 3 lol. Anyways, I will definitely keep my eye on the rest of this game!


Too late to wish you Merry Christmas, but a happy new year to you too : )


Thanks! We're doing some final thingies as in pm/replying etc but when that's over we'll go dark till 2019. Hope you'll have a great end of the year. Wow 4 times! Does that include Korra? If so damn...


Hey 04b thanks for the suggestion! The more the merrier ; )


Wow you blitzed the entire thing almost nonstop? We're not sure we could do so ourselves and still feel like playing it after the first day but we're pretty happy it left such an impact on you. Thanks for the praise. : ) We'll do our best to create the same kind of experience in the future, but we're afraid there's still quite the journey ahead until we can write "The end."

Peter Vanusanik

I just keep replaying with new patch and all and still can find stuff I missed so far (completely missed smellerbee blowjob since I encouraged her first time) and such. Can't wait for more updates! I even started watching avatar cause of this game so :) Though now I always insert lines from game when similar event happens in the show lol.


Saying you started watching the cartoon because of FET is pretty much what we like hearing best! We never would've started MITY if we didn't love the show ourselves and hope it'll give you as much joy as it did us : )


Happy Holidays! Keep up the good work! Love you guys ;-;

Peter Vanusanik

Not only started but already finished (what can I say, christmas has lot of free days). And to be honest, apart from some filler episodes, it was great! Though I hoped Mai and Ty Lee would join team avatar bit sooner and with more impact...


And a veeeeery late Happy Holidays to you too! Sorry, we haven't replied a lot earlier.