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For everyone who was waiting for an android version of the early access build, It's here! Link below.

    version 0.7.5 (android) 

    version 0.7.5 (android) alternative download 

So if you've been a patron of us for awhile you already know how the android version has been a rocky road for some time now. The coder has never been able to get it working and me(artist) sometimes did and sometimes didn't.

I think I'm finally starting to get better (repeatable) results, so I want to try and start treating this like the normal pc and android version as in how often we release one.  

It'll never be as fast as the "normal" releases because I can only start working on it once the coder has finished his  work and sent me the files but from now on I'll try my best to give you guys your android fix. Please let me know if I made a mess of things.

As for ios people.... sorry guys, but I'm already at the limit of my abilities here with the android one.



I really appreciate the fact that you'd bother with the extra hassle of making an Android version - I hope I can play it soon! On the same note though, if it gets to be too much trouble, my personal opinion is that work on the PC builds always comes first.


What Franks said. I can only play the Android version but would rather you guys not stress yourselves out trying to make it


Thank you so much! I don't have a laptop or computer as of yet, so this right now has been a huge help. I love this game.


PC absolutely has our first, second and third priority. Without that being solid the android won't be of much use either. If all keeps going like it's now the android version shouldn't be too much extra work.


The stressful part was mostly back when I had trouble getting it to work, but I think I can repeat the proces now without much trouble. I dislike stress as much as anyone out there, but a bit of it to have an android version isn't too bad.


I want to Cry men, thx for Make this for real!.


...ive tried downloading it several times... Mega seems to work fine but this new place won't seem to download from


mity i have a question. I know its a long ways away but after four elements trainer is wrapped up do you know what your doing next?


I already pm'd you, but just for anyone else reading this, I added an alternative.


We have literally zero ideas! I mean there are some other cartoon series we like and wouldn't mind if they'd get their own smutty game version. But not yet anything which we feel should be a next project of ours.


You make me enjoy life again my friend! I'll invest whatever I have to to keep this going! You and your team are blessings!