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New in 0.7.5:
  • New maze section:
    - Rescue
    - Footjob
    - Lesbian and threesome guard scene
    - Joo Dee rescue
  • Story continuation
  • Rescue Joo Dee quest
  • Suki cowgirl
  • Joo Dee french maid outfit
  • Jin romancing
  • Jin blowjob
  • June quest
  • June missionary
  • Mean girls reward scene (if you freed them without abuse)
  • Ty Lee footjob variation
  • Toph romance
  • Toph lotus sex
  • Toph missionary sex

New in 0.7.5b:

Just buttloads of bug fixes. If you played 0.7.5 and ran into bugs, it's probably fixed in 0.7.5b.




"Mean girls reward scene" .... (looks at them still in the cell) ... WHELP, FAILED THAT ONE. o_O


"Ty Lee Footjob" Mity has answered my prayers.


*In Kokichi Oma voice* "Oh boy, I've been waiting for this!"


Donation money was clearly worth it to get this a little early ;)




how far back in the story do i have to go for the "Mean girls" thing so i can free them without abusing them?


Sad you can't repeat the sitting cowgirl with Toph :( Here's hoping in the next build ................................


Small bug I just found, After saying "Not now" to Jin when she asks for a blowjob after doing it once, her sprite will stay on screen behind any other girls if you talk to them. Goes away once leaving brothel/boarding house.

Hot Bunny (Adult games 18+)

Did you hear what happened with Studio Fow? They did 18+ parodies of famous games. They were blocked forever. Maybe you know the reason why this happens?

John Hamilton

I don't know where to go next. June asked me to find...someone...to join the Brothel, but I can't do so without upgrading, and can do that without more Obsidian. I've searched everywhere and talked to everyone and can't make progress. Toph won't teach me during the day, nor will she Chat with me at night. I've gone as far as I can with Suki as well. She said something about a Key, but can't find that either, if it references a real key. So I'm stuck.


ok i know you just read the stupid article of angry gamer that is really old news that happened back in october and the reason for the ban was because they didn't change anything after 3 warnings, dont get me wrong patreon rules are stupid... (im proud of studio fow for sticking to what they love to do) but yeah it was old news just this news reporter wanted to grab more attention with all the tumblr and the patreon recent bans of left/right people.


Thanks you very much~ Please keep up all of your hard works~ ^^


That way I love you men ( No hard feelings), thx


Wait before was 0.7.5c now is the 0.7.5b? I lose what is what? And when is gonna be for download?


But... But... I had a bit of fum with the girls before releasing them! NOOO!!! OH THE KARMA HAS BIT ME IN THE BUTT HARDCORE


Don't know who that character is, but we hope it'll be worth the wait : )


When you first meet them locked up in their cell and start a conversation. That's when you need to make the choice between instant gratification or not.


It's always a struggle for us. We're putting a lot of time into a scene so in essence we want to make the most of it by having it repeatable, but on the other hand the impact is bigger when we leave it part of the storyline and keep it a unique one time occurence.


Thanks for mentioning it Wesley. It's small enough for us to probably save for the next build to fix, but it's good to know. I think this is one of those bugs created by us solving another older one.


We'll try, although admittedly we'll try a little less hard this month since it's almost Christmas etc.


We've updated the public build to 0.4.7.c I'm not sure whether we made a mistake earlier when naming the builds, but 075b is the latest early access version.


Oh well, you had a bit of (evil) fun with them early on and these are the consequences : )


Happy to hear healthy news from you guys but the coders overall situation can't be overseen unfortunately... I hope he gets trough it. Life sucks in such cases. Question: Are these changes just for the love route or general? I couldn't find anything new in slave route related to story continuation or content. Is it possible to capture ALL crabs?. Last question, are you guys going to continue with book 4 or end it here?. You did a very great job til now anyways.


I see a little bug, when you go to speak with Jin, if you answer no for the blowjob, she rest and when you go to speak with June or Ty Lee their sprite are superimposed


Like always a great update.The only thing i want more of is Smellerbee


I loved that last conversation with toph "someday i will go for the baby" i hope so, i want get pregnant toph at least in the love route(and katara if posible too) before we jump to Korra.


Question: I need obsidian to upgrade the hospital where can I get some?


Mmm... so much yummy scenes... to explore :) Nice job, Mity!


i know this maybe asked a lot but when is 0.7.5b release date.



Daito Shoto

I know this has been awhile, but I have never been able to figure out how to get to the June blowjob scene in the slave route, could someone please tell me how to get it?


Good update. Look forward to more Smellerbee and seeing what Joo Dee does now.

j look

When will the next Android version be released


Hey GeflogoArt, these changes are love route only. I think in theory you should be able to get all crabs with the exception of the trainer crabs. And yes we certainly won't stop with book 3. The main menu background of the game started out with a pic of Katara and three shadow figures and we still have one shadow figure left right now! Thanks for your well wishes concerning the coders' situation. Things are looking up again so that's fantastic, but yeah it's still a fragile stability right now.


Awesome, thanks for telling us! So far we've only been getting reports of very small remaining glitches. Of course we'd rather not have any of those glitches, but we prefer getting reports about those instead of scare gamebreaking bugs : ) !


Keep finishing tavern quest and you'll eventually run into a very interesting quest!


Thanks Zana. I think if we'd let ourselves we could come up with 10 more builds of content for book 3 : )


Does the new tunnel area offer obsidian because I think I screwed myself out of upgrading the tavern? I've done everything as far as slave root story mode.


Is it possible to get a save from just before this version? I formated a drive and forgot to save the game, all my progress and saves.


Excuse me but how many scenes of Tylee in Slave Route ?? :((


Who much time before the public link!?




did you lose that lame volley ball game or at least make it optional?


Version 0.7.4.c android:i got stuck when it said to go find someone to convince Toph to build the brothel i think. Can someone help me what to do?


How do I convince toph to get a brothel?


Hey, idk if this was an oversight or on purpose, but the hammer time game has been going at super speed for a few builds now. It used to be I could actually follow the line and play semi well to rack up a decent haul of coins, but now it's basically random due to how fucking fast it is. I think the speed is unlimited or something where it used to have a set rate of movement? Idk, i'm not a coder. surprised nobody has noticed this.


Is there any chance of more Ty Lee content? I really have a thing for her and I feel she's criminally underused in this awesome game


It would be amazing if Ty Lee got a "Footjob 2" a second variation, bless my heart if even more, but another variation with her sitting and facing you would just be icing to the cake. Similar to the Footjob Azula did but using her soles where you can better see Ty Lee's toes, with the option to finish on top of her feet. Might be wishful thinking at this point, but I've been here since the earliest updates waiting for a footjob from Ty Lee and that finally came here. So Im hopeful for some variations especially with how Im sure she will be absent in book 4. Thanks for you time MITY, keep up the great work my friend.

The Scyle

It would be great if you somehow would make it able to skip certain content. Footjobs in particular for example. I know they are a kink for many people, but honestly, I am seriously put off by them every time. And the fact that you feature them so extreme heavily in this book makes it kinda hard to enjoy it all through.

The Scyle

(sorry, early send): What I meant to ask for is just an option up front where you can select some stuff you like, that are more risky. Like the pee stuff, I dont mind that, but I know some people dislike it. So maybe put a menu up front once where the player can decide what kind of scenes he likes and which he wants to just be skipped in the game? I figure that probably would be too much work, but yeah... would make it more enjoyable for a lot of people, I believe

Tyler Watson

Is there anything that can change in later books depending on your options from an earlier route?


If themselves- comrades developers, brought in the new version of the game "Russian Localization" themselves. That would be cool, and then these our "Russian Pirates" long to wait for their translation.


i have a question, when i used to download the latest 5$ tier build it would automatically transfer my saves to the new version and i could delete the old file. now that no longer happens and i lost many pages of saves :( how come?


That sucks hard. Sorry for the major annoyance that must be. I've been trying to recreate the problem, deleted the saves folder entirely, installed this version and tried to load the savegames, but so far I've not been able to encounter the problem myself. My saves are still there. I'll keep looking because there must be some reason this happened. Do you need a savegame towards the end/beginning of this build's new content so you at least won't have to play through all of it again?


thx for the reply and its good to know you are aware of this :) yes a save close to the new builds content would be great! very appreciated. also, where is the save folder normally stored? ive looked around the files but i cant find it so i can make back ups in the future.


save files are in two locations, in the game folder and in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Avatar Harem-1467471742 ... is your username


Awesome as always! Question: Any plans to do a gallery thing for scenes that have been unlocked. its pretty troublesome to go back and forth from save to save for specific scenes.


Hey, got a question. What is the best way to "install" a update version? Just download the new version, play it and delete the older version or to overwrite the older one? P.S. Some of my saves are broken, when i load them it's for a sec normal and then suddenly pops up ty'lees blackjack and i cant nothing do when play it and got stuck in book 2... or the save just get me to the main menu?! P.P.S. A 16:9 version would be really COOL!!!

Maurice Webster

I'm stuck on the love route who do I talk to persuade toph so I can build the brothel also I think I'm bugged I can't build or upgrade anything I have material and obsidian but it won't let me

Maurice Webster

Also is there like a official or fan discord that I can join?

William Mickles

i would also like to know if there is one?