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Alrighty friends, version 0.7.5b is finally here! The route isn't finished yet, but it's on the horizon. This one has a few climaxes if you know what I mean. And by that I mean sex-having times and hints of closure. So. I hope that's clear. 

This one is a bit less lighthearted than usual, but it seemed context appropriate. Fingers crossed it comes across well. 


Enough stalling! The links are below and we hope it's a fun continuation of the adventure! Spoiler log to follow.



PC Version

Mac Version


Kuzuha Chan

Thanks for all your hard work, team Mity ❤️


Notification squad


spoiler alert: this update's good shit




Any particular reason the upload isn't on MEGA this time?


Wow so excited for this! Thanks for still making an awesome games!


MEGA terminated our account, so we sprung for a more reliable service. UploadFiles should provide a better experience.


Alright, good to know. Just thought I'd ask because the download from UploadFiles had a "network failed" error 3 times before finally working. Also, had a bug with the crab battle against Shady. Had the error page come up multiple times in a row, but just pushed past them. Nothing seems to be breaking anymore past that, but thought I'd bring it up.


We hope you'll like what we did in the new build! And thank you for being part of what makes FET possible in the first place!


We do our best : ) and thank you too for sticking around and being part of what makes this possible in the first place!


We'd like to think so : ) but releasing a build is always kinda scary while waiting for the general reception etc.(to say nothing of bugs you might have missed!)

Simon Barkhuizen

Just a general suggestion, love the game so much, (7 playthroughs and counting), is there any chance that you'll revisit book 1 since it's so short compared to the other and is my favorite book of the 4? Thank you


This game made me aware of the anime series and for that alone I'm thankful. But having the combination of both, the game and the anime is the most exciting thing that happened for me in the entertainment business since years. But I agree, the first book looks al little underwhelming now in regards to gameplay, scenes for other characters (Nami!!!!!!!!) and no pregnant Katara. Also the grind for money and respect is really annoying. So when book 4 will be finished I hope Mity isn't tired of the game and the universe and looks over the whole game again to polish it to perfection. Maybe even let the community decide about one or two additions?


Ask us again once book 4 is nearing it's end : ) It's not like we're immediately against the idea, but we still have a "mountain to climb" after book 3 is done and that's daunting enough right now! Wow 7 playthroughs already! That's dedication!


Book 1 is very clearly, something we made when still very much lacking in experience. Still, it's our first baby so we can't not love it. Btw. It always makes us incredibly happy to hear we helped introduce the cartoon to people. We're making this game because we love the cartoon and like to see other people giving it a chance.


maybe once the game is finished their can be a library full of the cg's and extra scenes with characters from previous chapters

Nadav Lugassy

Can someone send me a link for a DL file, it seems like mine got deleted somehow, I don't wanna start over from the start of Book 3.


i have a question, when i used to download the latest 5$ tier build it would automatically transfer my saves to the new version and i could delete the old file. now that no longer happens and i lost many pages of saves :( how come?