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Version 0.5.06b is now out for early access patrons!


You'll need to start at the end of Ember Island to see some of the new content, as some has been added before the "riots" quest.

  • Finally a use for servant collars!

  • Lia animated sex

  • Lia animated masturbation

  • Lia animated blowjob

  • Scene Winner Book 1 animated scene (asked us specifically to be nondescript)

  • Azula piss & lick scene

  • 3 Azula animated sex scenes (2 brand new)

  • 3 different endings, each with unique and shared scenes, and with lots of scene replayability

  • 2 new fights and art

  • New Azula and Mai romance dialogue

  • Azula closeup art with lightning

  • New background art, bug fixes, scene variations, dialogue, and story closure


The Melon Man

Does the scene winner Book 1 thing mean I have to replay book 1 to find the new scene?


Great update, though the "run alone" feels a bit weird. Especially when you come back and have the prison scene : all fun and games until the night after the prison, she comes out of nowhere and [rapes] you (you leave her broken and chained but the same night she's back to normal and bdsm your ass :/). Then there's all this preggo talk, can we get her preg or is it just a temptation left unfulfilled ? Also the throne scene, can we replay it after ? All I get is that "servants are still cleaning", even after 4+ days. /not really a rant


I can only find 1 new azula sex scene


We're happy you liked it. The throne scene is currently a once in a time occurence so the servants will be cleaning that room for a very long time. You'll have to use a savegame to see it again. The preg talk is just talk, for now. We always have more ideas than we have time to include and some other things are meant to come back way later in the game.


So I'm not clear because you said there is scene replayability - is there a different version for some of the endings? I don't want to complain but I'm pretty let down by the ending I got via the Love routes. I know she's not your typical interest, and the relationship is far from typical anyway, but... without spoiling anything, I feel like the Love route was essentially thrown under a bus for the sake of consistency. All the little hints and build-up just kind of got swept under a rug it seems like. Again, trying not to spoil anything, but one of the three endings doesn't even seem to do anything. It locks out 90% of the content and then gives you a "next book" button. I know it's not like the MC is going to have a *real* ending here, since he has to go on to Book 3, but after months of build-up this felt like a let down if my fears are right and there's no alternative ending to these for making all the right choices.

jim b

found a bug i chose not to help ty lee with the bar and now azula wont forgive me because i have no access to serving the in the bar here are the screens <a href="https://imgur.com/a/ZXSL5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/ZXSL5</a> <a href="https://imgur.com/a/4lrEv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/4lrEv</a> i wanted to see if it makes a difference and now i am stuck:(


The endings for the love route are different from the other routes in that, in a sense, there is a right ending. Each ending is unique, but one of them follows a little closer to the show's story line, while the other two endings give you a "what if" scenario (still with scenes and events), but also punish you for ignoring the painted lady's advice. It sounds like you may have gone with one of these two endings. You should try to follow the show's path when given the option; I might rephrase the "explore" option to "find the avatar" to make that clearer. If you did get the correct ending and still feel disappointed, please do send us a PM where you can talk about it in more detail. We'd really like to read the specifics of what you feel is lacking. Maybe we can fix it and otherwise take it into account for the next book. Giving ourselves more time might have made it a better build in some areas, but even with two more months the general outline would still be the same. If you think there's specific moments where we really should have made a right turn instead of a left or didn't add something which should be there, really do send us a PM.


You say that there's a use for the slave collar, but I can't seem to find a chance to use it. Is it tied to a certain book and route?


Hey jim, thanks for letting us know. I've gone ahead and fixed this issue for the public release, but for the time being I think you're unfortunately gonna have to use an older save.


You can use the slave collar on Lia, it should be available in both routes.


'Scene Winner Book 1' What is this? A new animation for the Book 1 ending?


i dont know what the riots quest is. i dont know if my save will let me see everything, its at the end on ember island right before the last day happens


After you come back from the island, talk to Azula to progress her new "quest", then the riots will happen and you'll get the endings choices soon afterwards


Random ticket winner had a new scene implemented somewhere within book 1, we don't know which route and/or where it is. Unless someone goes nuts and replays both then spills it here

Victor Lewis

I really enjoyed the ending to the love rout

Victor Lewis

Now i want to pork toph

Victor Lewis

and cant wait for the end of the month

Victor Lewis

and that makes me think are we going to be aang again?And if so are there going to be any more katara options.


<b>doot doot<b></b></b>


I'm glad that you took inspiration from The Last Aibender. This cartoon, in contrast to Korra, has lots of funny moments and adventures. Korra is a bit gloomier. I like your artstyle looks similar to the original style. Nice to play it!


Don't know where to write bugs but I found one, somehow the count for used cows is minus -1 and pregnant are 1 above what it should be, it doesn't really break any thing can still only get 5 milk and haven't seen any other effect from it. it probably has something to do with skip(V 0.5.04)


I have a question. Is it possible to have a Relationship with Mai if you picked the slave route or is it exclusively the lover route?


Only the zuko/love route will allow you to build a relationship with Mai.


do i need to donate 2$ to download it?, i am a 1$ pledge, cant seem to find the dl file of the newest


I discovered a bug with this patch started all over again from the water nation no matter how many times I mine after the first time I listen to the conversation inaide the cave I can't seem to get to chose to enter the cave to wonder and get the magazine no matter how many times I mine again until I finish all the missions and to go to the fire nation keep up the awesome work love this game so much :)


Also just finished the fire nation slave route the sex scene with lia also keeps giving me the "an exception has occurred " page it doesn't crash at all it appears 3 4 times while the banging scene with lia I just select ignore and it continues just fine 👍 hope I helped with my reports good day ☺


Hmm, did you also talk to Katara during the day until she told you about Sokka's letter? That's the moment when the quest to get Sokka's treasure unlocks.


Better check that again maybe i skipped it accidentally thanks mity :)


Have I missed the 0.5.05 version? Or you are going to skip it? If yes, when will the upcoming version be released?

Lt Doctor

When will then become available to the public? It's been well over a month since the last release and this looks so promising