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Hey guys! 

This build (at the bottom of this message) officially closes out Book 2. It's been a lot of sweat and tears - mostly sweat from the artist, tears from me - but we've made it!

There's a lot I'd like to say, but I'll save that for another post. For now, I'll just say a simple heartfelt thanks for being right there with us as we complete another book in Four Elements Trainer.

Thank you.

We've started planning and development for Book 3, but that's for another post as well. So, without further ado, we on the MITY team are happy and grateful to present version 0.5.06b.






Luv ya just amazing work what u did there!


Suggestion: Since you want a hard reset and just finished book 2, spend the next six weeks working on Book 3 and post the beginning of that at the start of November.


Just finished it. Was good fun, props to you both for getting this out!

Sapient Monkey

Slight misalignment of cumshot texture on throne room scene when you cum inside, the frame right before she stands up. It's well above where it should be.


That might indeed be the best way to go. We're left with very little time to do anything substantial otherwise.


Thanks! It's always great to see people liked the update!

The Scyle

Sad to say I disliked it. The book and route so far was awesome, but the ending just felt like a cupout and cut off before anything substancial happened. And that on all three options

The Scyle

Spoiler, but: Azulas route (going with her I mean) gives you nothing you cant get from the option to go alone, and that one gives you more on top. So why is it even there, it's just a bad ending, feels unfinished and unpolished. The go alone route seems a bit better, I thought as I played it 'finally, this is where the real ending is' but then the same. You enslave her (so far so good, I didnt mind becoming a slave or making her one, but at least something happened!), then the throne room scene with ozai was fun and well made, but then the cut again. Suddenly: snake lady fight and end, no reason no nothing no rolling up everything. It feels like the book is not over yet by far. Mais route is... well at least somewhat concluded, but still, it doesn't really deal with all topics at hand, so yeah, that's my explanation on why I think the update was the worst you had yet, sorry


Hi, i dont Know where to post bugs and stuff, but i found a continuity error Spoiler: When Azula is imprisoned, the guard at the trainingground is still "following" azulas orders


At the very least thanks for taking the time to really try and identify what you feel is wrong with it. This absolutely gives us food for thought.

The Scyle

No problem, I believe the only reason I am so disappointed now is because I have had my hopes so high. The entire book was building up a giant finale, getting better with every update and now this is just... meh. So I am not saying you did bad in general... just maybe this update was not your best one... Then again, romancing azula may be a hard task to begin with^^ At least, based on your other replis to other comments, I seem to have been correct with my assumption that the 'go alone' route is the 'true' one. It seems a bit more fleshed out than the others, so a thumbs up here as well. Sadly it has the same flaw, the snake lady fight comes out of nowhere, and it feels cut off to sharp. Maybe adding some transition later would be fine.... Say if I were a 35$ patreon, could I add as the scene draft a scene where you rework this? Because I dont really care for any special new sex scene, I just want a better ending...


Amazing work as always but it did feel a little underwhelming after all the build up. Not saying it was bad in the slightest, just not the best update you guys have put out. Keep up the good work, loved it so far, can't wait for book 3! Also agree with holding off until november, really give you time to put effort into the start of book 3.

Sapient Monkey

Any chance of kicking out an alpha build for Android for folks to play around with on their mobile devices? :)


We were planning on getting the android alpha build ready after finishing the first two books. That looked like the best moment to us. Since it turned out the zuko-route endings were somewhat lackluster we're putting all our time into improving those. Once that's done we can (finally!) get the android version out.


Critique of it being underwhelming after all the build up is absolutely right on the spot. It wouldn't feel right to us to start a new book when the end of the last one feels lacking so we'll be doing our best to change that.

Sapient Monkey

Awesome, thanks for the update. I understand the priorities. :) Looking forward to it.


i'm a bit stuck, after i came back from the island azula's door is locked during the daytime and at night mai's already locked up and "gone home". is there something i'm supposed to be doing?


Can you titfuck Azula at night in her room ? Need to have guessed the bags correctly on the island 1st. If you missed that quest, you're probably fucked out of her route, and possibly Mai's too if you went fulltard on her. Otherwise, keep trying to talk to both during the day/night and pray to RNGesus you didn't fuck yourself up somehow.


Weird and random bugs aside, isn't the base game already compatible with Android from the get go ? Renpy is, maybe you just need to recompile to include Droid extensions and hope for the best


We had really weird problems getting the android version working. It wasn't until I deleted a bunch of stuff and reinstalled it I got it working. Btw there are also some small things like enlarging buttons etc to make it easier to play. Of course enlarging buttons make some buttons fall off from the screen when having a lot of options so that needed to be taken care of first too.


And this right here is why you're going to continue to have everyones support either way. Ability to take criticism and understand it comes from a good place. Everything has been incredible, you just set such a high standard now we expect such greatness always haha. Take your time, stay healthy, keep your head up, and thanks for always putting your best and most communicative foot forward.

Sapient Monkey

I was tinkering around with an older 4.x build that someone put together, and saw two main problems; First, there seemed to be no way to pull up the menu. I could only save during certain scenes when the little menu would show on the bottom right for quick save, save, back, etc. (So, for example, you couldn't save at the main view of the town, but when you entered the mine you'd see the menu show up on the bottom right.) Second, I hit a brick wall in Book 1 at the point where you pick the flower and fight the dreamstealer. Anything you tried to do would just make you drink a potion, and then you'd run out and it would just keep repeating that you were out of potions. But at least it was fun to play up to that point. The second may very well not be your fault, or may be fixed in newer builds. But I figured I'd mention it just in case. :) As you said, larger buttons (and maybe an explicit button to access the main menu screen for save/load/quit etc) would be nice. Look forward to it, but of course understand the primary focus on moving forward with polishing up Book 2 and starting Book 3 etc. ^_^ Thanks for all your hard work!