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Hey gang,

We’ve been reading your responses (thanks!) and we’re realizing that Book 2’s missing some…. closure.

So, we’re going to spend the next couple weeks extending the endings to provide a better sense of completion (heh). That means we won’t be able to start planning/developing Book 3 until next month, but it’s worth it to try to wrap up Book 2 into a more satisfying experience.

Everyone is welcome to PM us with any specific suggestions; we read and value them all, though they may take us some time to respond to.

We try to make each book and route unique experiences, so the endings for the love route are a little different than we usually do. I thought I might delve into each ending a little bit before we get back to working on them. Full of spoilers, of course.

Azula-only ending:

This is, if I had to pick one, the “bad” ending. It’s a little surprising that ending up with the main love interest is the least rewarding, but while it’s a bit of a twist, there are lots of warning signs. The spirit  tells you to get out, and Azula firmly wants to keep you there. She’s been plotting against you, and has you outmatched in deviousness, leaving you practically at her mercy… and Azula does not value weakness.

It's not so surprising then that when she “wins”, you become her trophy. This ending is a “what if” scenario where Zuko never left to find the Avatar, causing Aang to avoid taking on Ozai, and leaving Azula as Firelord. She’s clearly very affectionate towards you, but is confident, dominating, and jealous in that affection, and both you and the world are a little worse off for it.

Mai-only ending:
This is a better ending… or certainly more “neutral” as one patron put it. You leave behind the fire nation, your throne, everything… to start a life with Mai. If you chose this route, I wonder if you chose the “leave  tomorrow” option? That certainly adds some more stress…. and choice.

You have an easier, more gentle life on the island, but it’s still somehow unfulfilling. Being unwilling to risk the world alone, you have love and freedom, but lack opportunity. 

Avatar ending:
AKA the best ending. You leave to find yourself - being the strong, independent, don’t-need-no-woman Zuko that you are - and get the best of both worlds!  

This follows more closely to the show’s storyline - you find the rest of the gang, learn who you are, and come back stronger -  dominating Azula and keeping Mai. Having proven yourself stronger than Azula, you successfully “tame” her, and she becomes yours, with love.

The Azula and Mai endings are supposed to feel a little unfulfilling, but we’ll work on providing a sense of satisfaction to them all the same.

Now that Book 2 is (mostly) closed out, I’d like to reminisce for a sec. We have a tendency to keep pushing forward, but I think it’s important to occasionally look back at how far we’ve come (heh).

Book 2 was an intentional - and determined - departure from the simplicity of Book 1;  riddled with backstabbing, difficult choices, laughs, easter eggs, new mechanics, and just way so many sexings, Book 2 brought a darker, more nuanced experience that (hopefully) makes it stand alone. Our goal with each book (and route) is to make it unique from the others, so that each one is a new adventure, while still maintaining enough familiar elements to make you feel right at home… even while you’re exploring.

Both books were incredible learning experiences for us. Book 1 held the biggest learning curve, as we were mostly figuring it out from scratch, but we felt pretty confident at the end -- so we decided to continue to push ourselves and do things we'd never done or seen before. We wanted to build more complicated engines, make smoother, more detailed animations, include more characters with far more content, build a bigger world, and tackle all kinds of new themes, including morality. 

We'll probably eventually return to spice up Book 1, but we’re as eager as you guys are to keep steaming ahead into Book 3, though development on that has halted while we continue to work on Book 2’s finale.

Thanks for being right there beside us as we push onward into the great naughty horizon. There's good stuff in store.




Add the throne room as replayable :p


make it so you see what azula and zuko's children will be like in the azula ending

Anthony Michelli

As long as Azula/Mai/Ty whoever is aware and acknowledging the fact the MC is leaving and I'll be satisfied haha


Keep it up, this has easily become the highlight of my month!


More scenes of Azula with her hair down would be nice ;D

The Scyle

Do you prefer email or PM, because I will try to go into detail with what exactly I think is missing/my ideas how to fix it. Of course the final say is with you in how to include (or if you include) it, but I think I can help you with that, so where do you want it? (That sounded so slutty... no apologees)


Really love what you're doing and really happy to see you're considering going back and spicing up book 1. Is there any plans to expand the customization options for books 1 and 2?


If you could PM us your thoughts that'd great.


Customizations like getting bigger tits(or less hair like with Rei) have a strong tendency to snowball their way into hell and STILL grow larger and pick up speed so if we do something like that it'll be confined to some static characters. No plans for that as of yet though.


Fair enough, i only asked because there was a few things allready in place, like Kataras walk and the earings for Azula :)


I agree. It needs some kind of scenes like the ones in book 1. Also it feels like the connection between the ghost lady and Lia was never really explored.


Hello all, I'm new here. Where can I download the game ? .-.


in the avatar rout I cant let azula out of jail need help.


Even after choosing to leave with Mai, she tells you that she still can't go further, which she clearly does, during the boob massage scene. The two beach scenes might need some new dialogue as well. Might be a good idea to change the dialogue during reused scenes to fit certain developments. There are several instances when I thought dialogue did not take events into account. Don't remember the exact scenes though...Might be worth checking the dialogue of some of the other h-scenes as well. Don't know if it would be to much work though...


Well like I said before, I did thoroughly enjoy it. But if you're looking for ways to improve I would say it actually lies in the "Best" ending. It felt rather meh to be told of all the things that happened, them meeting Katara and all that. Rather you should actually *do* those things. I personally let it slide because this is a patreon game. I don't expect the moon. But it would be an easy way to maek the ending feel more solidified. The other two endings kind of felt just "meh" in comparison to the best one anyway.


There is time once all book's are finished they could revisit and add or improve content. If theirs still a lot of support from the community ($$$). If not they might end up moving to another project. Plus i can imagine as there skills still develop there will be better development of story as it goes on.


That's why it more say's reply scene's. But a small change in dialogue would make it nicer context.