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if you've been waiting for updates, asked us a question in the comments or sent us a pm you'll know we've been suuuuper tardy in reacting or didn't react at all. We're really sorry about that. We've been dropping the ball on this as if it's covered with snot while keeping our hands in our pockets and that's not okay. We'll try our best to not let it happen again. I'll go and reply to those pm's etc. right after I sent out this update so please hold on for just a bit longer. 


We were hoping to have the latest build out by now, but some hard to fix bugs were getting in the way of that. The coder says he's getting super close to having those dealt with so here's hoping he's right about that. 

Btw. those are just the ones we know about. Once we send out the bughunter version  there's undoubtedly new ones going to pop up. Hopefully easier to solve stuff though. The further along a route we get the weirder(and harder to track down) some of them are. I spent at least a day helping out to find the cause of just one! 

That's why starting a new book/route will be really nice for us too. Besides new characters to draw and write for, it gives us a new "blank piece of paper" so to speak and less deeply nestled glitches to chase after. 

Anyway, when it comes to drawing new stuff for the next book, I've been putting a lot of time into drawing some idles of Toph a few other characters and some groundwork for two new scenes. I'm always particularly slow when it comes to idles, drawing and redrawing them endlessly and I can't work on new scenes as much as I want since we haven't had our usual brainstorm sessions yet so I've spent most of my time on drawing a buttload of stuff for my own little project which is supposed to replace the fighting mechanics. Mostly backgrounds which always gobble up time.

At the beginning of a new book/route we always sit down and talk about what we'll be doing, filling in details and just throwing ideas back and forth. Except for the really broad strokes we haven't really decided on anything permanent, so I can't run ahead too far. I did do some ground work for two possible Toph scenes though and I especially like what one of them could become with a bit of luck.

I still haven't been able to show the coder my little side project since I don't want to distract him from finishing up the current route so I'm a tad worried once I do he'll say it sucks (in perhaps less harsh words). I think it'll be a nice change of pace, but I've reached the point where I need another pair of eyes to get feedback. I've been on this for too long to trust my own judgement.

I've also been thinking about maybe including an original character in book3(just a small cameo) designed by one of you guys if there's interest. Basically, you draw a girl, include the link to the picture in a comment below(or pm us one) and we'll have a teenyweeny contest in the next art update where we'll present the choices and every patreon can vote on their favorite. 

It can be a horrible  stickfigure drawn with crayons or a photoshop of different bodyparts, as long as there's something visual for everyone to look at when deciding the winner. If you do decide to send something in, don't go all gungho  and spend a crazy amount of time on putting it together(well if you really want to you can of course), but this is just supposed to be a fun little thing for the lulz.




Thx for the update. Just seeing Toph in the header already gets me excited. :)


Not sure but any plans to add the Katara actor from ember island ? she was really hot i think


You mean the fat chick? <a href="http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/actress-katara-avatar-the-last-airbender-72.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/actress-katara-avatar-the-last-airbender-72.jpg</a>

Kuzuha Chan

A Ty Lee undercover Earth Kingdom mission/brothel/bar branch ^^

jim b

Hey i have a question 2 or 3 months ago you said there will be no once a month update bullshit but now the updates are every time more rare then the previous one i get that you guys had problems in the last few months and i totally understand that but it feels like we are stuck at 0 content at the moment and that is sad cuz if you think about it you guys make about 7.3k dollars per month thats more then enough budget for a simple game that you guys are currently making and im sure that most of the small problems you guys are having in the last few months are easy to fix with this budget i mean i could be wrong but you guys feel shady on the last few months and dont get me wrong i love your game i always try to support you but it feels weird on me that a small team of people working on a simple game getting 7.7k a month is having trouble pushing updates can you give us some insides on what is going on? P.S No hate here i just want to get some things straight.


Although I can understand where you are coming from, they can not force people to pay. So pissing off their patrons with delays does not look like a good idea to make more money. If they decide to continue being a two man team, the budget size does not have much of an influence. I would very much support hiring more staff, but it is their decision to make and not guaranteed to speed up development. They are updating more regularly than than other patreons anyways.


All I can say is three words, "take your time." I dont really care about how youre lax and stuff but a simple update like this is reassuring.


RockD made some excellent points which are all true. The amount of patrons we got has far exceeded what we expected and because of that we felt a lot more pressure to try and make the game bigger and better. The difference between book 1 and book 2 should be proof enough of that. That also means trying out new things and losing a lot of time when that doesn't pan out. Just for my new fighting mechanic I've done a lot of bughunting and trying to figure out a memory problem it had. If the coder is going to tell me "Nice try, but you made it more boring", it's going to be work done for nothing. Reskinning the old stuff from book 1 or 2 would have been riskless, but also not really exciting. Even though we are incorporating ideas and scenes which the patrons have come up with, when all is said and done we want to finish the game the way we started it, two guys with an idea and a "what the fuck let's just try and see where this will take us"-attitude. There will be times when when we surpass ourselves and there will be times when we fail. Sometimes because of our own stupid mistakes and sometimes because of outside stuff. All I can say is we do try our very best and if I could invite you to take a look into my mind to see for yourself I would. Personally, nothing bothers me more than have people think my main motivation isn't getting this game out in the best and fastest way I can possibly do.

Sapient Monkey

That's basically how I feel. I'd prefer quality over quantity, but it's nice to see updates to let us know how things ars progressing.

jim b

As i said i have no hate towards you guys you have done a great job so far and i see that you put your hearth on making this game possible the only weird thing was that for 3 to 4 constant months there was always something up and it looked weird on me that's all and the idea was to tell you guys about it so you could improve and i dont mind a late build as long as it big and well made. So with that said thank you for the time you took to reply to me and thank you for explaining the situation. Oh and please take in mind that i only said that crap for the money because a bigger budget means you can hire more staff and get better hardware so you dont have to delay the builds as much .


Well, we do want to address any doubts you guys have so thanks for telling it to us straight and giving us a chance to react :)


Jesus, Jim, have you never heard of punctuation ?