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Hey guys!

We're almost finished with the build that will close out Book 2's love route! July's challenges gave us almost two less weeks in August in which to work, but we've almost made up the difference already. It's a fair bit intimidating how quickly one or two issues can throw whole schedules out of wack, but we put ourselves into overdrive to compensate, and are pretty happy to be almost finalized with the love route (though we'd be a lot happier if unexpected things just stopped happening)!

The build will be going out to the playtesters in the next few days, and they'll have three or so days to rock through the endings and provide us with feedback. We often make changes to both bugs and story during the bughunt versions, so we'll see if the current endings stick, but keep an eye out for the exciting conclusion to Book 2 on the upcoming episode of Four Elements Trainer!

Presented by MY CABBAGES.



Zack Hackett

I had a question about the "messymuffin" club. will there ever be a scene for it?

Kuzuha Chan

Book 1 is finished so, no, except the scene you saw already.


That's unfortunate considering as I recall that the "carpenters/contractors" (?) were kinda cute. Then again it could easily be something they add after getting the essential story out of the way. I wouldn't mind continuing to throw money at this group after the main game is done for additional side stuff. Come to think of it, wasn't there supposed to be a brothel or business on the side street where you normally find the shady dude in book 2?


Hey Zack, as things are right now, no. But you never know whether a scene ticket winner will change that. And just as SeanB3an mentioned we sometimes leave out stuff(which you guys usually don't get to hear about) to keep the main story going at a decent speed. The brothel in the alleys was one of those things which didn't survive the planning phase.

Zack Hackett

when will the playtest be out?"


I believe you need to be more transparent with the development. It can be annoying as a customer, that we dont get frequent updates on how things are going. I think this is important, while you are behind schedule. Alot of us probably feel like John Snow right now, knowing nothing. :-)


Could you please provide an update? Doesn't have to be the actual bugtest build, just please tell us what the status is.

Zack Hackett

i agree with milgaard and talon i pay 20$ a month (25 cad) for like a post a week

Zack Hackett

you get 8879$ a month for the game the least you could do is put up an update once every 2-3 days (not hating on you i really love this game but its a bit annoying)


I appreciate your work and it is ok that it will most likely be a mid month release again, but a little more transparency/community interaction would be much appreciated. Looking forward to finishing book 2.

Sapient Monkey

I've been curious about it myself as "a few more days" has turned into 8 now since this was posted. Hopefully soon. :)

Sapient Monkey

MITY was literally posting the Art Update 22 as I typed my comment. ;) Nice to see a heads up. Thanks, MITY.


You're absolutely right, sorry for that we've been far too silent. I just posted an art update talking about it.


I've uploaded an art update today talking about it. Sorry for taking this long!


Wouldn't you guys get bored and just started to skip reading 2-3 day updates? Btw. that's not saying we haven't dropped the ball on communicating with you guys lately, because we absolutely did. Sorry about that! I've uploaded an update today talking about it.


We are truly sorry about that. The fact we haven't been able to get the build ready as soon as we hoped/expected is one thing, but not properly communicating that to our patrons was where we really fucked up.


Point taken! Consider us blushing while looking at the floor and apologizing because that's how we feel about being tardy and not keeping you guys in the loop.

Zack Hackett

when i say updates every 2-3 days i dont mean huge text just like a msg saying like sorry there are problems the playtesting wont be ready for a couple days stuff like that