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Playtester build coming tomorrow! Took butts of coding, and not the "make a new little engine thing" coding (which is usually super fun to make - like the crab battles); but more of the "everything needs to sync up" kind, which is also satisfying, but takes a lot more nitpicky bugtesting and consumes a fair amount of time in a game the size of FET. But we got there. I think. 

The artist (who is honestly exhausted, and I think still hasn't quite forgiven me for Ember Island) is testing the final pre-playtester version that I finally delivered to him, and we'll roll it out to the bughunters tomorrow whether he finishes his final run-through or not. (Sorry, buddy.)

It's been just under a month since the last build, but it feels like longer, I know. July's events threw us off spectacularly horridly, and while we've been scrambling to shorten our production time while outputting the same amount of content, our optimism has not helped us so much as confused expectations for everybody, ourselves included, and left us with a wonky schedule that we're probably going to have to hard-reset at some point. 

Unrelated - and justifies absolutely nothing - I currently have no toilet, and it is a wild ride. Feel me on this.

Bughunt tomorrow!



Yep, lost all water supply for about 3 days over 2 years ago. In January. With -25C outside


At work we measure code in LOCs, KLOCs, and sometimes SVN checkin count, but "butts" is a new unit. I need to check into this, always on the lookout for better metrics.


that sounds like not the best thing. i have pooped in the woods and have concluded that any amount of that is too much amount of that.


Butts lets you measure how many buttloads of buttstuff you can output


It might be a good idea to release book 3 at the end of October/start of November. You could return to your old release schedule and create a satisfyingly large update that way.

The Scyle

Out of curiosity, once you are done with all 4 books (I know, big jump in the future there), will you revisit the first one? I just assume, given how much you improve in quality over time, that by then you can easily improve massively on book one. Not trying to be mean, but you know yourself how lackluster book one is compared to the second one. So adding some new things to it might make it better. But of course you shouldn't tackle that before you are done with the new stuff. Because honestly, who would want to wait for you to redo something instead of having entirely new content. So yeah, thats why I ask for later.

Zack Hackett

I agree with you 100% Scyle it would be cool to have more scenes and lore with the teacher, shopkeeper, "messymuffin club" and the person that comes to your tent at night (but id rather see toph)

Zack Hackett

I wonder what time today?


We've been debating that among ourselves. As much as we want to catch up with our original schedule, starting a new book is always a bit harder and last time we tried to catch up it still ended up taking a month.


Like you said, that's still going to take a while, but we'll certainly give it some serious though. Book 1 has a lot of room to bulk up on content. We could at the very least include a scene with each one of the elder council members :D But more seriously, we've already made a small beginning by including a news scene in book 1 in this month's build. Unfortunately I can't tell you what or where by request of the scene winner whose idea it was, but it shouldn't be hard to find.


I've been there mate... not a good time visiting the neighbours or local toilet every time you need to go. That aside, a hard-reset of your schedule is daunting but if it helps you all manage better it'll be so much more worth it.


Is it still coming out today?


Is the play tester build still being released today?


Poor person I hope the Toilet situation gets fixed ok


how are you meant to receive it? through email or just download the basic link?


If you can see the top post for 20$ers, it's probably in there


Oh I'm a bit disappointed in that then. I thought with 10 dollars a month I would get access to that too but it's just the early build. So I guess there's a test version for the early version and then later it becomes public?


When does the rest of us get the build?

Kuzuha Chan

15.Sep planned, if bugs are not so hard, is planned, as Mity said.


We should be able to get it out tomorrow evening, the 13th!

Kuzuha Chan

Which time zone`? :D I'll go on vacation for 3 weeks and im excited for the updates i will see after :)