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Please use "Pure Config" app to check all needed settings !

Pure 0.0148 needs at least CSP 1.76 public.
For skydomes you need at least CSP 1.78 public!
As always, for rain you need CSP preview versions...

The biggest change:
I removed the skydome textures quality selector. The textures have no more mipmaps. So there are 2 install packs. One with 4k skydome texture and one with 16k textures. If you want the Highres skydomes, you only need to download the Pure 0.148 Highes archive.

Pure 0.148 (4k)

Pure 0.148 Highres (16k)

! You are not allowed to share or distribute Pure or its skydome textures !

The skydome textures are encrypted and they only work within AC/CSP while using Pure as weather script.
The files were purchased and are used under the extended license “W-EL” (Web Usage).
The use and distribution of those files are clarified with dreamstime.com.
The creator and the owner of the copyright is Ivan Tsyrkunovich.

As long as we use Sol Planner, maybe have a look in the Sol Planner manual:

Changelog of Pure 0.148

- apps: updated Sol Planner (3.4)

- controller: updated Sol 2.2 controller (2.21)

- core: basics, using io. functions for file and folder work, removed windows command calls

- lighting: changed the daylight multiplier neutralization from twilight to night curve

- fog: fixed backlit with humidity and mist
- fog: cleared some things in terms of night light pollution

- ambient: light: added a portion of sunlight color with fog
- ambient: fixed daylight multiplier influence on ambient and adv. ambient light
- ambient: fixed the calculation sequence. Lowest ambi light and night light pollution are added at the end after daylight multiplier

- weather: added fog and humidity presets for all weather
- weather: added basic thunder sounds

- night light pollution:
# changed night light pollution color limit (rgb(10,10,10) maximum)
# changed density calculation

- ppfilter/script: pure, fixed daylight and bounced light values

- skydomes: changed night lighting LUT for windy, overcast, broken clouds (just to test it - needs better textures later)
- skydomes: skipping first fade when AC is loaded or Pure is reset
- skydomes: changed the crossfade function
# texture alpha masks are crossfaded the way, that with 50% crossfade, both alpha masks have 100% opacity
# That will prevent a "popping" sun while fading from one to another texture.
# Godrays are lowered while the crossfade to avoid godrays mask clipping.
- skydomes: showing quality of texture in Pure Config app, "clouds" tab, texture message output

- UI: getting logical drives, changed logical drives detection
- UI: limit mousewheel function to CSP 1.78 and later
- UI: file browser, getting all drives with CSP 1.79p87 and later

- Pure Config: removed skydome texture quality selector



Max S

Thank you Peter can't wait to see it in VR!


Thx for replay Peter...

Alexander Friedrich

I installed 16k textures but i still have 4k i dont know how to change this i tryed everything


Do you mean the "4k" display in Pure Config app? Just ignore it for now. There is a little bug getting the file size...

Alexander Friedrich

Yeah, so it is normal because the clouds are a little wishy and have over 200fps because the textures are not so good. Thanks for you fast answer


Whats not so good with them? Some user had a bug, where the textures are not displayed in full resolution. In terms of fps, it does not matter if 4k or 16k is installed. Just the VRAM is influenced by this. 136MB in total with the 16k textures and and 16MB with the 4k textures.

Alexander Friedrich

Yeah the textures are not so good. I saw a Video on yt with better textures on the clouds. Looked awesome but not on my screen :/


Thank you a lot for your continue effort to improve AC. But on this I'm not sure. The 3d clouds might be weather for smooth weather transmission, but I prefer the skydome looks overall. Having a golden hour/sunset drive on a nice track like Pacific Coast Highway.. with the sky dome it looks magic eye candy. With 3d clouds its just a bit 'boring' (no offense). For now I'll stick to the skydome.


Looking great in my opinion. https://ibb.co/JsWMpKm


Works fine combined with new sol 2.2.5 and even looks better, thanks Peter, thats hell of a work.

Andre Warringa

I was using the 2d sky before (I think it saves some fps in VR) but now there is no way back. The 3d skies look truly spectacular now!


Sure. Thats why i put them into. I'm curios what you say, if the new volumetric clouds are integrated. Not in the near future, but in a not so far future there will be real dynamic skys, which are looking great too. Thanks for sharing your opinion and have a nice day...


To be sure, you changed the clouds render method to "1" in Pure Config app, "clouds" tab?


Thanks. The future will bring much much better things. Due to the new shader interface of CSP, a whole new world can be explored by myself.


is it need to uninstall prev version first?


clouds like way worse now.... how do i fix the sky


What do you mean? Could you make a screenshot please. What did you use before? Sol or Pure already?


I’ve used pure for a while now. The clouds don’t look as realistic. How do I use the sky dome? I had it on previously I’m not sure if I still do.


Ingame open Pure Config app and switch to "clouds" tab. Then change the clouds render method to 1. Hit the save button...


I have that selected, clouds still aren't as realistic as before the update.... its odd


Ingame open Pure Config app, switch to "clouds" tab and set clouds render method to 0.

Andre Warringa

From memory - Open pure config (in the game), go to clouds tab, there is a slider which you can set to 0 or 1 to switch between 3d and 2d skydome clouds.

Andre Warringa

It does sound like for some people the clouds don't work correctly after this update? Maybe post some screenshots Chris?


Hello gentlemen, I noticed a massive performance loss in VR. I'll see if it's windows 11 upgrade or latest Pure today. Massive loss = 150% on gpu when it's usually 80%-90%. Any hint are welcome


Nothing was changed in Pure with the new version in terms of graphics. Or do you use Pure the first time?


Oh no. Every time you post an update I get it. Pure was running smooth. I'll check if w11 is the culprit. You have no issue on w11?


To be honest, I will not update to win11 for my main system. I had too many issues in other departments. But I have a laptop with win11 where I can test things.


Hello peter I download Pure 0.148 Highes(16k) but skydome texture still have 4k. what goin on? How can i fix that


I downloaded just the 16k file. Do I need both? The clouds just don’t look as good as before the update


If you mean the "4k" message in Pure Config app, just ignore it for now. There is just a little bug getting the quality of the textures on some systems to show the message.

Roger Tregelles

Thanks so much Peter for another excellent version of Pure!!!


Man, I don't know what you did to it, but this version is PURE MAGIC! I'm speechless looking at this 8 year old game and can't believe what I'm seeing. PS: pure_eye filter is gone, if I'm not mistaken, right?


Pure is amazing, but i have an issue with that update, i won't be able to have a dark night anymore, it's green and having a bright sky at night, with every PPFilter + reset. any solution ?


Yes, "PureEYE" is the "pure" filter now and the old "pure" filter is now called "pureLinear"

Max Schrappe

Hi there, I'm having a problem when I install and configure Pure for use, distant objects get an odd blur. What should it be? (Edit: Followed Manual) I made an image comparing SOL and Pure, follow the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1THOv04cDwn4mX5O5MyEwWE3ebI50ka6V/view?usp=share_link


Do you use ExtraFX? Do you use the heat haze effect (last option in extraFX)


Hi peter I have problem with sol 3d clouds. I have an i7 12700k and rtx 4090 with gsync 144hz monitor. I have turned on gsync, vsync, nvidia null ultra, and preferred maximum performance in NVPC. Video setting and CSP(1.80 preview) are totally maxed at 3440x1440, SOL version 2.2.5. Now my FPS are automatically locked to 138.4 rock stable (if I unlock it I have an AVG of 200fps). The problem is: if I use 3d clouds and switch between various weather in sol planner (except "no cloud" and "clear", that are smooth like butter, also if the FPS go down to 120 if there are a lot of cars ), the FPS does not reach 138.4, but it are between 136 and 137.8, the frametime is very unstable and the CPU are more occuped on regular intervals. In this condition the game have a lot of micro-micro stutter (jittery). This not appear with SOL 2d clouds or Pure (but I don't like pure because it has a lot of brightness and colour appear not realistic and I haven't find a beautiful ppfilter like SOL). I have tried to lowering every parameters with no problem solve. Thank you


Thanks, Peter! pureCandy just makes me sit and look at this game quietly for minutes on end. I never imagined AC could look this way. This is a huge milestone.


I'm glad you like it. I will do more tutorials how to use the pure sdk, so ppfilter modders have a better resource for that. So I'm sure there will be much better ppfilters in the future...


Sadly no, but I mentioned it just happens on tracks like SRP 0.9.2


Sol is outdated in terms of its code and efficiency. The base is realy bad and I'm not proud of it. That's why I develop Pure. It's base is much more advanced. Like it's frame flow is very steady and things like weather changes are not dropping the fps. Sol is bad because it's memory management. It uses crazy amount of memory if something changes. Pure is completely different. Please try and look at the frame flow.....


Your'true...I would to use pure, and I have downloaded every version, but I can't find a ppfilter that is the same of sol's ppfilter! Can you help me to find it, or suggest me what I have to do in pure config?


Will car reflection on water / mirror effect on road water will ever work with triple monitor? That is a big issue :(


Hi Peter, do i need SOL anymore, when using Pure 0.148? Do i need to uninstall SOL from now on? I have SOL 2.25 installed at the moment... I don't really understand the interaction or difference between those two :) Hope u could help me out. Thanks!


With this update, I'm currently getting 271.1 FPS in 2k Maxed out settings.


Reflections are handled by CSP. I've asked Ilja about a year ago. Currently reflections are done by rendering the whole image a second time which halves your framerate. He said that it's such a huge performance impact that he doesn't believe anyone can keep a good framerate so he just disabled reflections in tripple screen and VR mode until he finds a better implementation. So not a bug but I do wish he'd enable it with a warning or sth.


Bug with sunrays tearing issue is still present. Its on sunset around 18h and 18:30 with few or scattered clouds (when sun is behind clouds). I didnt tested further...


I've never been able to run rain, i see that (preview) is the way, but I have the newest Pure, and Newest Form of SOL. 1.79 CSP What am I missing?


You need CSP preview versions to have rain. You need to be a subriber at Ilja Jusupov's patreon account. There you get a CSP preview version. CSP 1.79 is a public version.


I recently installed pure why is my sky blue?


Did you select "Pure" as weather script in CSP weatherFX and did you select a cloudy weather in Sol Planner.


Thanks for the update on Pure. When using the Install Pure batch file I get a "cannot copy cyclic error". What does that mean? I've tried uninstalling Pure via the batch file first.

Max Schrappe

Yes, but I didn't find the heat haze effect, instead I found in the option Fog blur the item include heat distortion. i've made a lot of tests, disabling this item, heat shimmering and even ExtraFX, but nothing seems to help. Another thing I discovered is that with Light Thunderstorm Weather Script the blur doesn't happen, but in Clear it does. Is that an expected effect? If yes, it's related to a specificy phenomenon? There is a way to disable it?

Jesse Graffam

That usually means that your drive's error correction is starting to fail. See what "Crystal Disk Info" or some other good SMART utility has to say about the health of your drive. If it's starting to go, you should get a new drive immediately, and transfer everything over to it, since you're probably already going to lose *some* of the newest files because of this, but miracles do happen.


Appreciate the response. I've checked with Crystal Disk Info and the Health is good. I've also run Chkdsk and it hasn't picked up any errors. Any other ideas?

Alexander von Trauchburg

I installed Pure 1.48 Highres, ,but in Pure Config App,Clouds,Skydomes, Memory the loaded textures aredisplayed with 4k in the name. e.g. Texture 190760457 active 4K.

Joe 121

I just installed and new versions of pure and sol and now my game keeps crashing


Did you select a ppfilter in settings - Assetto Corsa - video. The former pureEYE ppfilter was removed and is now called "pure".


Please just ignore this for now. It is just a little bug when reading the file size of the textures...


for me the 16k version made AC crash twice. Switched to 4k and no problem. I was running the highres version before this update


Hi Peter - yes I did, but upon your advice I deleted and extracted again to a different folder. Has worked now, so I put it down to user error. Thanks for your help mate.


I have a Rtx 2060 I wanted to download the 16k version but I downloaded the 4K version because I was scared my pc would crash lo



Joe 121

Hi I installed everything as per guide. I uninstalled went back to previous version of sol and still crashes game. Black screen and have to reboot my pc. Then I uninstalled the last 2 Windows updates for windows 10 and no more crashes. I haven't tested Sol 2.2.5 or pure Since uninstalling updates but maybe this info would be useful to you or others. Thanks


Do you have a Nvidia card and the latest Nvidia update? There were some troubles with the latest driver.


Hi Peter, scripts no longer load automatically. You have to load them into the pure config. Is this normal, or did I misconfigure? Thanks in advance


They only load automatically if they are placed in the /assettocorsa/extension/weather/pure folder. It's like the development mode. If they are placed in the assettocorsa/system/cfg/ppfilters/pure_scripts folder, they must be manually reloaded by resetting Pure.


hi thx a lot for your great job . i try to install assetto on my new computer . i got content manager . csp 1.80 . and i try pure 0.148 . but i cant find pureconfig. what do i need . my english is poor , and i can't understand , all the installation quide. i cant understand also 0.75 ,0.115 , 0.148.....thx before for your help ...


hi thx for your job ! my english is not perfect , and i have the same "problem" than florijn . thx before for your help

Lester Olivera

Hello Peter, quick question in photo mode app for replays the Sun slider no longer moves the Sun around with the latest Sol and pure, also on iljas latest patreon release. not sure if this is a Sol/pure issue or ilja or game to be honest. Also since I am in pure can I delete Sol or pure needs Sol as well?


Pure comes with all parts. It still uses Sol weather controller and Sol Planner app, but those are part of the Pure Install pack. So if you remove Sol, please reinstall Pure, so you be sure, you have everything.

ATR Camtool

Hi Peter, is it possible to add the ability to change the weather when on watching a replay? Eg.: If the reacec was recorded in cloudy weather, in the replay would be possible to watch it on clear sky. Thanks


arf sorry i s**k , but if i only csp and pure 0.148 , i dont have pureconfig...what's wrong plz . it's new installation. thx before

Lester Olivera

Thanks Peter, will try and see if it fixes the Sun slider not working in photo app


Hello Peter, when I open my Pure Config app, nothing is there, just the top bar to load, save, export?... Does this have anything to do with @Mehdi13 question? How do I reset it or where do I load the scripts


Pure Config app should appear in the app menu (ingame, mouse to the right edge of the screen). Select the "all apps" button at the top. Then you should find it in the complete list.


I have the same question but i cant see the post you answered to. Do we still need to install SOL after installing Pure 0.148 or does Pure run without installing SOL on top? Im so confused lol


ok thx for your support .and thx for your incredible job .get some beers cheers


Hi Peter, I am installing the pure.beta and when I do so and click Y for the VAO it states files not found for PPFilters, Weather fx and so on. Is there a fix to this?


Hi Peter, i have a problem with gloom and reflexions, when playing on Shutoko Revival and there is a lot of water spray from the cars, the yellow ligths illuminate the spray and the puddles on the ground which makes it impossible to see because its so bright. The strange thing is its only the yellow lights and it only happens when there is a lot of spray, all other reflexions/light sources are fine even when there is water spray. Also when the road is wet but there is no spray the problem doesnt happen and the yellow lights behave as they should and the puddles dont get overexposed. Example 1: https://imgur.com/Cm8dgvu Example 2: https://imgur.com/GvZkxV2 And here its fine with wet road but no spray: https://imgur.com/ovcbVX7 How can i turn down that gloom effect for the water spray? Or is there any option i missed that only effects the yellow light sources?


How high is your "reflections.emissives_boost" value in Pure Config "light" tab?


Its at 6.000 while the other 2 reflections are at 1.000 Turning it down to something like 3.000 already helped a great deal, thanks a lot, much more enjoyable. But for the record, 6.000 is the basic value, all i changed was putting the Pure settings at high and enabled the 3d clouds. Turning it down a notch in the next release may be something to consider or is there another reason why its at 6.000?


To be honest, this rain spray reflections thing is part of CSP. But if you are able to solve this with a lower reflection boost, then I'm glad you found something.


Ok thanks for the reply again, i make sure to leave a message on Ilja's patreon.


Thank you for your work, Peter. I am new to all this but believe I was accurate in folloing the install guide's instructions in installing Pure. Yet when I go to my weather fx it doesn't show up in the script boxes. Do I need to also install the latest version of Sol in order for Pure to work?


Anyone have sparks working with pure 0.148? Thanks


Do you mean, that sparks are not bright enough. Is it different with Sol or Default weather script...


My bad, I had a disk space issue. It is working fine.


hello peter, thx for your update it looks really amazing now ! i m running on 12288/2160 in triplescreen 120fps but sometime i have drop of fps 120 to 60it's so brutal lol, do you have an idea where come the issu ? because the game doesnt look smooth graphicaly... i dont know if i m able to share a screen to my CM settings here ?


You need to avoid the big fps eaters: extraFX, "real" mirrors (smart mirrors), "dynamic shadows" (lightingFX) Just try different settings in AC / video / Reflections "rendering frequency" try one, two or three faces per frame (do not use static with Pure)


Hi guys. Anyone who can tell me why i have NO stars at night time? Tried everything.. just white clouds


If you choose a less clouds weather and if you be at a dark place, you should see much stars.


Hi boss! Thanks for fast reply! I tried with bo clouds as well.. no stars.. not in VR or on screen for some reason. Does it need to be any specific date? Everything else is looking craaaazy!!! Pushing 650fps with 4090 hahaha


Hey i found it! You need to turn OFF stars dynamic adaption


Thats actually not a solution. Which ppfilter do you use. With the pure filter you should havbe a realistic adaption of the star's brightness, like it is in real life. But if you want to have a tremendous look of the stars, then you need to deactivate this.


Not as bright. Should I still see them in the rain?


Peter, in my PP filter list i have pure, pure candy, pure hdreye, the installation manual says otherwise, which one is wrong please, or maybe i havent installed something correctly...thankyou


With Pure 0.142 I renamed the ppfilters to the current state you see. Now you should have pure, pureHDR-EYE, pureLinear, pureCandy.


Hi Peter, I download the high resolution zip, install it exactly how I need to, yet the config app indicates that the resolution of the texture is 4K. Have I done anything wrong?


Please ignore this for now. There is a little bug of getting the file size of those textures. In the next version of Pure, I will change this.


No problem, thank you for the reply and appreciate your work on Pure :)