A sneak peek at the future of Pure (Patreon)
Just to show you, why it is a little bit quiet since some time.
With the latest CSP versions, the integration of own shaders is possible. In the last months, i digged in the basics of shader coding and build in a dynamic shader environment into Pure. You already see it in Pure Config app (with the rain haze shader). This gives me a fast testground to try out things.
I started to dig into voluemtric clouds shaders. In the last weeks i experimented with found code and expanded it to AC/CSP needs. I optimized it to achieve good fps. This volumetric clouds code is very flexible and it is possible to have smooth transition from less covered to full covered skies without fps losses.
As you see, it is at its very beginning and much things are missing. But i passed the mark, where i wanted to find out, if this is even usable in AC/CSP. So yes it is usable and it has an impact, but only on the GPU.
So this clouds will replace Pure's 3d bilboard clouds (render method 0) in the future.
The current 3d clouds have a decent hit on the CPU and GPU. So in th AC world, where all the CPU is needs, this is not the best way.
With the new shader clouds nearly all calculation load is shifted to the GPU and the CPU is nearly not involved. This will fit the needs of AC much better.
So if you asked yourself, what is done with your money you invest in me: It will be this and other nice and new things.
Thanks for supporting me all the time !!!
It has just started yet...