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<code>- core: readjusted ambient and sun light saturation while day
- core: reworked directional ambient light

- sky shader: fixed a bug which dimmed sky reflections brightness
- sky shader: added the possibility to have control over sky reflections brightness

- sky clouds: Cumulus brighter look in overcast

- config: Page 6 Sky, added "sky__reflections_brightness", to control sky brightness in reflection, default = 1.0
- config: Page 7 Clouds, added "clouds__quality", default value: 0.7
# Clouds consits of multiple textures. The higher the quality is, the more textures or used to form the cloud.

- config: Page 7 Clouds, new default value for "clouds__distance_multiplier" - 1.25
# They higher the distance rendering,  the more clouds are visible in the distance

- config: Page 9 Ambient, added "ambient__sun_color_balance", to control saturation while day, default = 0.75

- ppfilter/custom config: __Sol, removed color balance, neutral again
- ppfilter/custom config: __Sol, more contrast while day in exterior view</code>


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