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<code>- core: fixed flickering with cpu_split and update_sol_custom_config__post()
- core: fixed and adapted PPoff values

- fog: adaptions for PPoff

- sky clouds: Cumulus + Stratus, adaptions for PPoff

- sky, dome: fixed brightness of sky (opposite sun side) with sunangle (10° - 30°)

- sky presets: 6 "deep blue": brighter horizont, sharper gradient
- sky presets: 7 "flight sim": brighter horizont
- sky presets: added 9 "PPoff": best for PostProcessing deactivated

- sky, clouds: fixed black clouds with very bright distant fog color

- PPoff: overall integration
- PPoff: working ppfilter__brightness_sun_link logic
# PPoff brightness is also controlled via cloud shadow, ambient light, overcast and badness

- files: cleared content of "default.lua" custom config</code>


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