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I personally liked this episode even more than the previous, but that’s mainly because it ties more into the overall story and sets up some things to come. Jared Harris is the actor that plays Jones and i think he’s a brilliant actor too. The talk they have with Olivia in the prison and the things he says to her really makes you wonder how much he knows, who’s behind all of this and how it ties into the pattern. I like seeing Olivia and Broyles interactions too and just seeing how much his view of her has changed from the first episode. Walter talking to the dead with a bullet in their head, babbling about random fruit cocktail experiences to Broyles, when the latter is trying to have a serious conversation and Peter remembering him shocking him to get the information from him when he was a kid, really does a nice job to further both how crazy and brilliant Walter can be. You’re gonna be seeing a lot of that as you go trough the show. Observer sighting: At the Frankfurt airport, walking away as Oliva arrives.

Jimmy Jones

I just noticed another hint towards the future of the show early in the episode. I must have missed so many. I won't give a timestamp for spoilers sake.

Jimmy Jones

I'm taking notes now. I will reveal them later.


Mega, if you want to learn more about Fringe glyphs, like that apple, Google fringe glyphs. You can search by images if you just want to see them up close, or go to articles that explain them.