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Celia Fox

Loving the reactions. Rush certainly does have issues and I agree, Tom Ellis plays these deep complex characters, that we can't quite figure out, so well. I would love to know the back story about why he is like he is now...what issues triggered this self-damaging lifestyle when we can clearly see he is skilled and despite seeming to 'perform' for big money only- no questions asked- we can see hints of a deeper, somewhat more caring side. Eve's back story also begins to intrigue me. Rush and Eve have a real connection but keep it strictly business, yet he knows something about her past and she obviously knows and cares about him and yet that is as far as it goes because he seems fixated on Sarah. I really felt that this Show episode by episode opened new possibilities and gave us hints and clues about questions that came to mind that we needed to find out more about. Very enjoyable.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Learning to Fly- Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction to another marvelous episode of Rush, Clint! I love this episode! It's definitely one of my favorite episodes. I really love the major storyline between Rush and his actor friend, Max... whom Rush takes care of all day while struggling to keep the man struggling with bipolar disorder functioning, working, and alive. I really love seeing the friendship between Rush and Max, even though Max is another of Rush's patients. Again... while Rush denies that he cares about anyone outside of Eve and Alex, you can see that he does care about Max too, as Rush goes above and beyond for. My favorite storyline within this episode is between Rush, Eve, and the man introduced as Eve's ex boyfriend... J.P., whom you can see right away is a real piece of work. I love that we can see the anger and hatred Rush holds for J.P. the very moment Rush sees him, and I love how protective towards Eve Rush becomes when J.P. tries to ask him to send Eve his regards. Eve later comes to the club to deliver somethings to Rush after he had become caught up with Max, and I love how when Rush returns to meet up with her, he immediately encourages Eve to leave, and while he makes no mention to Eve anything about having run into her ex earlier, you can tell that he is trying to encourage her to leave quickly in the hope that she won't have to see him and that Rush never meant for her to ever show up there to meet him. Unfortunately... she winds up seeing J.P. after all on her way out, and you can immediately see her fear of the man, who clearly has wronged her and has scarred her very deeply. However, I love that she defends herself and tells J.P. off while she bravely stands up for herself. Like I said in my comments for your reaction to the Pilot episode... Eve's storyline involving hers and Rush's past is one of my favorite overarching storylines throughout this show, and there's definitely more to come! And then... we get to meet Rush's father and stepmother, as well as his little sister, who sadly doesn't know he is her brother because Rush's father is a real jerk. I really feel so badly for Rush, as you can really see how uncomfortable he is throughout the dinner with them, and upon hearing his father introduce him to his sister as just an old friend of his... this is what sends Rush over the edge, as he gets up to leave. Rush's father has not only refused to help Alex in a favor to him, but then hurts him far more deeply than Rush thought he could. There's definitely a reason why Rush's father later changes his mind about helping Alex out, but it's pretty clear that he didn't do so for his son, but most likely for Alex, whom Rush's father admitted to Rush earlier that he liked. Maybe his decision to help does have something to do with Rush talking to him about his wife's own addiction to the drugs, and maybe there is more behind it as well. And then... we see throughout this episode as Rush struggles with not only his father issues, the troubles with his patient, and the people he treats at the club, but that Rush also is struggling with a much deeper underlying issue that he tries to hide from even Eve, who I believe comes to see through him in the very end upon seeing Rush look at the fancy business cards for him he had asked her to make up for him, only to then shove them underneath the couch to hide them away while saying that they're just not him. And you can see that Rush is struggling with believing himself deserving of anything better than just the business cards with only his number on them like we see in the beginning. Showing us that Rush... much like Lucifer does, struggles very deeply with believing himself to be someone worth being cared about. And his father certainly has deepened his self hatred by showing absolutely no love towards his son. I love the friendship between Rush and Eve, and while they do keep their partnership and friendship strictly business, you can tell how much they both care for one another. And while Rush struggles to understand his own issues, you can see that Eve does understand him very well, and that she does all she can to help him. It's clear that Rush has done much for Eve too, as we see just how protective of her Rush really is, especially when we meet her ex inside the club. And I love this too. Rush's and Eve's friendship is one of my favorite story arcs within this show for sure. I love how much you see the similarities between his characters... Rush and Lucifer. And I am so happy to hear that you think of Tom Ellis as one of the best actors on TV in a very long time. I completely agree with you. Tom Ellis is absolutely phenomenal, and is a blast to watch. I wish he would do more movies, and hopefully, he will continue to act in more shows and movies once he finishes with Lucifer after season six comes out... hopefully by the end of this year. I would absolutely love to see him act in so much more. Tom Ellis is an incredible actor! Thank you very much, dear friend! I can't wait for you to continue on with more Rush! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi