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The glyphs all have something unusual as you’re starting to notice yourself. Like the hand with 6 fingers and the apple with embryos instead of seeds. I like how there are these small but obvious changes hidden so brilliantly in plain sight that it’s easy to miss them since with a quick look you can dismiss it as something completely ordinary. In a way similar to how an observer is hidden somewhere in every episode. I quite liked this episode too, though i don’t think it’s one of the best especially with the things that happen later. There are quite a few nice moments though. Olivia faking her identity at the bar to get to Esterbrook or Peter going to Nina to get the information and learning that they spent time together when he was a child. You’d be surprised how many backstories there are in this series and how intriguing and twisted they can get. I especially like how there’s so much unknown about Walter and Peter’s past, just little hints and glimpses. Nina is another character who’s hard to read and understand especially with all the shady things that seem to be connected with Massive Dynamic. I won’t tell you anything of course, but it will be interesting to see you learn about the events that transpired before the present timeline and how it may change your view of certain characters. And as far as gore goes, i wouldn’t say there’s much of it overall, but it is still present with consistency trough out the series. Observer sighting: Walking behind Olivia and Esterbrook in the bar around 15sec before she reveals her identity.

Jimmy Jones

When I said episode 2 was the gory one. I meant that it was the most realistic looking/was a shock. I think by now it had sunk in that this was the level of gore that we would get. Also the majority of this one was hidden. Vs episode 2 just wanted to show you up close.

