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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Critical- I really enjoy this episode a lot. I love the complexity of the villain from this episode and I like the innocents that Reese and Finch fight to save. The storyline throughout this episode is smart and well executed and very entertaining. I also love that we get to see another past character Reese and Finch have saved return to the show. I like Leon Tao. he's a goofy oddball, and a lot of fun. And last but not least... I love both Fusco's and Carter's involvements throughout this episode a lot too. It is really good to see Fusco create a distraction when he delays, then later discovers the cop to be a bad guy working for the villain. And it is also really good to see Agent Snow again as well. Always intriguing. Thank you for another great reaction, Mega! I can't wait for more!! Until then... Sincerely, Heidi