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Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

This episode was pretty cool, people give it too much hate, yes it was different but very well done!! Next one is very funny.

Celia Fox

I loved this episode. I enjoyed finding out about this story of Lilith. It was so sad for Maze but interesting to learn more about who she is and why she feels like she does. Lesley Ann Brandt was amazing as Lilith. I also love the connection between Lucifer and Trixie (even though the little minx ws totally playing him on Maze's instructions) and I thought it was rather endearing how Lucifer seems more comfortable with Trixie now...so different from 'I despise children!' and 'Go fetch!' and his earlier obvious discomfort around her...so funny. I wonder how Maze will feel now- I am sure this 'secret' that Luci kept from Maze (I hate Michael !) will have repercussions yet to come.