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Yes, heck yes. I knew you were going to love this one. A truly fantastic show. Definitely second from the 5 pilots in terms of production value, after Fringe. The concept is definitely unique and trust me, you barely scrached the surface. It would be unrealistic to cram more into this pilot than they already did. Jack Bauer - pff what more can I say. You barely seen an hour of his life and you can already tell he's a decent and definitely imposing guy. He's married with a troublemaker daughter and his day is getting more and more interesting. There is an assasination plot on our second main character - Senator David Palmer - an iconic character in his own right. He looks like he has a nice wife and a good campaign but just before the hour is up He's gotten some bad news. You'll have to keep watching to find out what. Then we have the office of Counter Terrorist Unit, who apperantly has a mole. Who is it? Could it be someone working for Jack, someone we already met or seen already in the background? Maybe its George, the guy from Division that got knocked out by Jack? We'll have to see. And then the action on the plane. Holy damn I loved that scene when I first watched the pilot. Looks like the woman blown up an entire plane for that photographer's ID. Can't wait for you to watch more. This show is truly addictive, due to its overarching plot and its real time format. This show thoroughly deserves second place and to be watched along Fringe. Don't worry about the pilot, it only gets better from here since the action has just begun and things are about to get crazy. And honestly due to the nature of the show, the pilot couldn't be too crazy because the action has to have a beginning and in the beginning its all about finding information and think about what you're facing. And trust me, you're in a hell of a ride. Can't wait...


This show just gets better and better. Every season pretty much! The pilot is more of a setup episode for the season! This show is very movie like! I love the concept and the split screens are awesome. This show is probably the hardest to predict and has amazing twists! I really hope you pick 24!!


It already had like a couple of small twists this very episode, the plane and the kidnapping.


I love this show because each episode is literally in real time instead of trying to cram a whole days worth of plot, twists and turns, into an hour of tv. So it builds over the course of the season (24 hours). Perfect for binge watching. Penny Johnson plays Senator Palmer's wife and she was Cassidy Yates on DS9. I might have to go ahead and rewatch this myself, I haven't seen it since it aired on tv.