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Hello, you lovely lot. Thanks for your support this month. Quick update to let you know this week's Digi video will be delayed. Long story short, my dad went into hospital on Friday, with chest pains. Got one of those horrible pre-dawn phone calls where you know immediately it's not good news, and literally ran down to my parents' house at 5am. 

Given the way things are with Covid, once they ruled out a heart attack, he was rushed back home by Saturday teatime... and then he went back in on Sunday evening, with more pains. And transferred to a different hospital in the night for more tests, because now he has stomach pains. 

In short: my week has been thrown into disarray, not least because without my dad around, I'm ferrying my mum about, running things up to the hospital for him, and... y'know. It has all been a touch disrupting.

We were going to film today, but the earliest we'll manage it now is Thursday morning. At the very least, you'll have a Patron exclusive video on Thursday.

Thank you for being understanding!




Sending your Dad well wishes, hospitals are rubbish places to be even without covid stuff looming. I hope they look after him and you also take care of yourself too, running around after everyone, you need to take some time just for you x


I have been in your situation and know it's not easy. You tend to go on autopilot. I found I was a lot stronger than I thought.


Family first Mr Biffo! Hope he feels better soon


Your family must come first, Paul! Always. Hope your dad is ok. x

Benedict Miller

Best wishes for you and your family. And don't feel like you have to rush out things. That jam on furskin joke was good enough entertainment to last another month.


Hope your dad gets better soon Mr B.


Take your time! Hope all goes well with your Dad.


Don't worry about us idiots. We'll only go feral.


Don't worry about us! Family comes first.


Hoping for the best!


Please pass on get well wishes to your dad. As someone who's own dad has spent five months in hospital so far this year I understand the strain it puts you under, so do try and make time to look after yourself and your needs. It isn't being selfish and it's important to allow you to keep functioning.

The Parallel Viewmaster

Best wishes for your father; I hope he is diagnosed and back to normal soon. I also hope you and your mother are dealing with all the stress okay; best wishes for you as well.


Best wishes for you and your family. Take care x


I wish you and your family all the best, Paul. Having been through two similar circumstances over the past three years I can relate. Do remember to take care of yourself too.


Hope he's alright! Take whatever time you need to be there for him and take care of him. We can wait.


Don't worry about us. Take all the time you need. Your family is obviously way more important than the videos. Hope your dad will be okay. Take care.


Don't care about the video at the moment Paul, make sure everything is ok with your dad first. Fingers crossed for you.


All the best Paul. I hope things start looking better soon for you and your Dad.


I hope that your dad is ok and that he recovers quickly. Don't even think about content or videos or anything like that, all that can wait. Wishing you and your family well, sending positive thoughts to you all.


Best wishes for your Dad. We can wait for content for however long it needs.


Sorry to hear that Paul. I hope he gets better soon. No need to worry about videos and the such. We can wait. Family first ❤️


Like others have said, best wishes for your Dad and family always comes first so do not even worry about putting new stuff up and you take all the time you need.


Family first, always. Best wishes dude. <3


Catching up. Agree with Peter: family first. We're not going anywhere.