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Hello gang. Thanks for all the kind words about dad. No real update to share, though they think he's got a blood infection and clots on his lungs, neither of which are ideal things to have... but apparently, he's bored, so that's a good sign.

Anyhow, I'm not here to talk about him.

We're living in a bit of a weird reality right now, obviously, and like many of you... I've taken something of a Covid-related hit in terms of earnings with my day job. Consequently, I'm going to be relying upon what I can potentially bring in through Patron, or merch, or whatever, more than I ever have done. 

However, many of you have clearly taken a hit as well, as we lost a lot of Patrons in August. This could be a consequence of, I dunno, not liking our content, it isn't like we've radically changed anything. Indeed, August brought Gannon back with a run of rather lovely videos, I felt, and last week's Cabbage Patch vid was great, I felt. And the next bunch are all shaping up nicely too. Besides, exits surveys suggest people's financial situations have changed.

I kind of feel we offer good value for money in that we only have two tiers - $1 and $5 (though some absolute diamonds choose to pay more). The $1 tier covers everything I might do - regular Digi Minis (four a month, minimum), Lost Footage-y stuff, the occasional article on the website (expect an Avengers review soon; yes, I'm still going to be covering the games I actually play), plus you can throw into that any daft Photoshop nonsense, such as Memory Assistant on Twitter. 

AND you get videos early, AND exclusive videos that nobody else sees - at least a couple a month going forwards - AND exclusive blog posts that nobody else sees.

It may not seem it, but all of that costs money; I pay a fee to Adobe every month for Photoshop, I use a lot of stock music and footage which usually costs money, and atop that... there's my time, which I hope is worth something. Any time I make something that comes under the "Mr Biffo" or Digitiser umbrella, that's time I'm not doing a paid job elsewhere. 

Then... the $5 gang get the really juicy blog posts - normally at least one a week, normally quite long, and normally quite personal. I don't hold back. Plus I've shared music with them, and other bits and bobs (in fact, there's something going up today that's otherwise very top secret)

I'm hugely grateful for all of it. However little you can give, it all helps, and it all adds up. And these days... it's really helping out both Sanja and I. And by extension, our family.

However, looking around, other creators do offer higher tiers, with even more exclusive stuff. Typically, they don't give away exclusive videos at the lowest level, like I've been doing; the $1-ish stuff tends to just be a show of support for the thing that is offered publicly to everyone. 

Frankly, because I've always done so, I'm probably devaluing myself, but... I wanted to throw it open to the floor to you lot - what, if anything, would encourage you to pay a little bit more?

I appreciate that there's a ton of content out there vying for your attention already, so I guess that some of you may not want more things to watch. Therefore, I'm open to out-there ideas.

A few things to consider:

  • I don't want to send out merch.
  • I don't want to do regular gaming content (it'll remain on an as-and-when basis).
  • I don't really want to know what you already don't like about what I do (had my fill of that over the past year, frankly).
  • I don't really want to know why you WOULDN'T support us at a higher tier; this is for those who potentially would. Ideas only, please.
  • And I am still kind of planning a podcast, which will be available for everyone. 

Therefore, I'm open to things like once-a-month live stream things, or deleted footage (there's an entire episode of Digitiser Deluxe that I couldn't edit together for technical reasons, but I could share that, for example). I dunno! I just thought we could brainstorm. 

I was also wondering about - and this might sound weird - monthly 'collectible' virtual/digital trading cards or badges. They could even be subtly personalised, so that everyone has their own unique one. It needs to be ongoing, so it couldn't be something like a one-off teletext portrait (plus, those are stupidly time-consuming). But I'm open to suggestions!

Comments are... live!



chris mcbride

Couldn't actually tell you why I support you, other than your content makes me and the Mrs laugh so hard it's untrue. The level of my support is based on the fact I support Octavius K for the same amount, as I like you both equally. Not helping I know, but loving what you do, even if it becomes more infrequent


Cheers, Chris. No plans to make go less frequent! If anything, I'd rather make more!


I think that, in general, your lower tier is probably slightly too good value for money (arguably the $5 as well) and that you have enough content already to have slightly different content levels without giving yourself extra work - but you said that you wanted ideas so how about this - the Digitiser/Biffovision etc Calendar? Not a physical one however as you don't want merchandise but the idea would be that people pay, for sake of example, £15 in January or the December, which gets them one exclusive thing each month - it could be an out-takes video or a game review or something. One thing each month for everyone who buys it and only for them. By the end of the year, a person has a 2021 'calendar' of things that you were probably going to make anyway, or have lying around that they've paid you for because it won't end up on the channel. This might be interesting for you creatively because you could link the 12 things (or not) and doesn't require you to do anything that you wouldn't be doing anyway. There's a lot you can do with the concept and I think enough people would pay for it to be worthwhile - especially as you'd probably do most of the content anyway. January could be you and Sanja talking about the great Australian children's TV shows (Round the Twist etc.), which would benefit from your industry experience and her opinions. February could be a B-Side from you album and so on. Just an idea, but I think the concept could work. But it would need to be exclusive to those who buy it, or at least not on the channel until the end of that year.


I’d be interested in more behind the scenes stuff. Outtakes, how you put footage together, where you get props from etc. I found you again after Digi by reading your Games of My Years series and that’s still what intrigues me most. So a peak behind the curtain a little bit that shouldn’t really cost you anything more to produce. Basically some of the content that is in blog posts but in video form. The highlight of the recent videos for me has been getting to see more Paul (and Sanja) Rose rather than Mr. Biffo/Digitiser. Makes for a good mix.


You could just make a £10 tier or something that's just for those who can give a little more? You get all the same bells and whistles but you also get that warm fuzzy feeling inside......or that could be indigestion. I am sure people would be willing to contribute to help. I know I would because I love your content and would hate to see it go anywhere.


Have you considered upping the price slightly of each tier? Turn the $1 into a $3 tier, which would be more in-line with the benefits available, and then up the $5 to $7 and roll in some extra benefits as and when you think of them? I'm sure most of us would happily fit somewhere on that scale. Maybe even keep the $1 tier for people who want to donate but not expect anything specific from you other than regular YouTube stuffs.


I'm struggling to think of anything but I'm coming up with a blank. I'm happy if the bottom tier remains frill free as long as it keeps the channel afloat.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of creators offer things like special streams, podcasts, or even live QA sessions/chats as higher tier incentives. Some of those could certainly work well for you and the people able to pay a bit more. And, as someone else already suggested, slightly raising the current tiers might not be a bad idea. I could afford a few dollars more going to you, and wouldn't mind!


I'm already close to as much as I could probably do but I do have some feedback just based on what I've seen on Patreon and my own experience. The only thing I would regret missing would be content with you and Sanja just chatting and such. Whether that's an audio podcast or the same with video. I've enjoyed that over the pandemic times and think it's worth chipping in more for. Plus you could get topics from patrons or have them vote on a topic if you find yourselves without something to talk about. Q and A's are pretty fun but you seem a bit turned off by them so that doesn't seem the best thing since your content does seem to lend itself towards people asking silly or off topic questions(I mean, you complained about me doing it last time too but that's just what I wanted to hear you answer). I was looking at a band I follow and they have it set up where the only physical stuff comes from someone being at a tier for at least 3 months. But that still involves shipping something as simple as a sticker or something. Unless Redbubble let's you give discounts or send stuff free? Doubt it though. But there could be something you could do if someone say, is at a high tier for a whole year maybe, just as incentive. Tough though since I know I'd be an outlier even then since I'm all the way over here in the US and I'm sure even shipping a sticker or pin would be expensive. But I did think the band had a good idea encouraging people to stay at a tier so I thought I'd mention it.


I'm afraid I'm totally broke, so the minimum tier is all I can afford to contribute for the foreseeable future. I'd be sad if that meant I missed out on the number of videos and posts I currently have access to, but given the current global situation I understand if you feel the need to increase prices or restrict access to higher tiers. I appreciate that I've been very lucky to have seen all the great content I have so far for such a small fee!

Tyronne Mann

Sorry Paul but I am at my Patreon limit, I would love to give more but I no longer have the Job I had at the start of the year and certainly not bringing in the money I was either. If others are fortunate enough to be able to give you more then all the better for them but please don't move the vids to beyond the fiver mark as that is the reason I went to the fiver mark in the first place and moving them further up just feels like moving the goalposts to me. Adding behind the scenes stuff and the like which others have suggested for higher tiers then fill your boots and do whatever you like for those who can pay more but please do not penalise those of us who cannot. I know I sound harsh but as you know this year really really has been shit and it is kinda getting to me about the things I can no longer afford to do through no fault of my own and I have reached my limit.


Honestly, Paul, i would happily send more money your way. The content you're proposing would be enough of an incentive. But i lost my job because of the whole COVID lockdown and i just can't afford spending more. If i find another source of income, i will probably augment my pledge, regardless of the content you're proposing. But, for the moment, 5$ is really my maximum.