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Hey-yo, you lot! Well, I did a big, long, post earlier... then lost it just as I was about to send it. Sorry about that, but I don't think I can quite bring myself to write it all out again. Not today anyway, not least because I'm very tired. You see, the cat kept me awake last night, by running in and out of the house with a mouse in his mouth.

Now try saying that with a mouse in your mouth.

Instead... have some music I've been working on. Those of you who have been sort of following my lockdown attempts to learn how to write songs will recall I set myself the challenge of finding a decent MIDI keyboard electric guitar sound. 

Well, it's virtually impossible to fake it, as it turns out, without the input of a real guitar/guitarist. But... I've finally achieved a rough approximation using various filters and tweaks, albeit in a sort of 80s stadium rock/The Cult kind of a way. 

I admit, I kind of love how this sounds, even if it isn't perfect, and doesn't sound quite like an actual guitar.




I love this a lot.


That's my kind of stuff. Thanks for that, Mr. Biffo. Please keep it coming.