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Hello, gang. Sorry I've been a bit quiet on the blog front. No real reason - I've just not felt I had anything interesting to say. Still not sure I do... but I can at least update you on what's coming your way in the next few weeks.

Gannon's staying with friends at the moment, so he can't film right now. Instead, Sanja will be stepping in for a couple of videos, and we'll be making some Patreon-only vids at the same time. We've got one planned where I'm going to attempt to recreate the consumer accident that lead to a certain product being recalled - which I'm very much looking forward to doing. Because I'm an idiot. Also, I hope that this week we'll also finally film the one where we attempt to replace recipe ingredients with crisps of the same (or similar) flavour. I've been wanting to do that one for aaaaages.

At some point I also want to finish the Chernobyl storytime episodes, as it's a tale worth telling. 

For some reason, I've also bought a load of different - and peculiar - Etch-A-Sketches, so expect an episode on those at some point. And I also want to get some other guests on via Zoom. I've asked Sooz already - I just need to find a suitable episode.

Beyond that, I'm hoping that next week we might do another live ep, as the quiz went well (sound issues aside), and I really enjoyed doing it. A couple of people have suggested we do Twitch, but I'm not sure it's worth it given that the bulk of our presence is on YouTube, and it means building up a whole new profile elsewhere. But never say never. 

That's it for now in terms of what's happening on the channel. With no Digi Live this year, and Lost Footage done and dusted, and the album out, I've got an itch to do something new and different - one of those larger projects I take on from time to time, that push me, and get the community excited -  but I'm still waiting for inspiration to strike. I've had a couple of vague ideas, but the whole pandemic thing limits what we can do realistically. We'll see.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed the Ducktales ep. I think it's a good one.

More soon.





I believe Streamlabs OBS now supports streaming to multiple platforms simultaneously. Keeping up with 2 chats and moderation may need some trusted accomplices but branching out is always a good thing.


No chance of Octavius or Larry again Paul? Or are taking a break?

(Just) Steve

Loved the Ducktales episode. I'd certainly be up for more "Conspiracy Corner" videos with anyone, not necessarily just Gannon, as long as it wasn't political conspiracies (ie. 9/11) because that would just turn into an absolute shitfest in the comments. UFOs/Roswell/Rendlesham Forest incident, The Mandela Effect and other odd things like that are a few that spring to mind.

Tyronne Mann

How about a series where yourself and Sonja walk about the local area and make up conspiracy theories relating to wherever you are and then add on some found footage type stuff to it to take the absurdity to the next level? Hidden Harrow or something :)