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I’m writing this at 35,000 feet, reflecting on the brutality of airline travel. Struggling with my recording equipment through security, walking a mile to the gate, flight delays, no overhead compartment space left, a dissonant symphony of screaming children behind me, all while sandwiched in between two enormous individuals

Sometimes I feel like I just can’t do this anymore….

Without a plan to stay motivated, life will inevitably beat you into submission. Work, family, friends, parents, bad online interactions, romance that goes south. Life can be an endless storm of adversity, leaving you weary and worn down

Stop this vicious cycle before it robs you of precious energy. Below are 4 tips to stay inspired and focused on achieving your goals


If you’ve lost your creative spark, try viewing motivational material. I’m currently watching body builder Rich Piana’s “Bigger By The Day” series on YouTube. It’s a daily program designed to put on 30 pounds of muscle in 3 months. Watching these videos gets me excited and energized to blast through roadblocks in my path


Leaving the course of our lives to chance is a fool’s errand. The law of entropy, or disorder, will obliterate those who don’t think ahead. Devise a plan to combat negative moods before they even start with the “B WORD” BALANCE. I schedule time on specific days to recharge and have fun with day trips in the city, or a movie on Netflix


I’ve gone from depressed to optimistic in minutes simply by going to the gym. Run, hike, bike, lift weights, or try some push ups at home. Visualize yourself succeeding in any realm of endeavor, concentrating on positive thinking. When negative thoughts enter your mind, force your attention back to something edifying. These are reps for the brain


Having bad days is perfectly normal. Random chemical fluctuations in the body can suddenly cause storm clouds to form on the horizon. Be kind to yourself and take time to rest if needed.

Get ready….Next week we tackle Faster By The Day Week two! A series of exercises engineered to ignite our power levels. With each fingering of the g string we become faster and more musical. Nothing can stop our merciless assault on mediocrity. Join the Shred crusade and destroy the barriers in your path!




I feel you shred. I was traveling this weekend for military duty. My flight was delayed 4 hours and ultimately I had to pack in and just come home. I had to look on the bright side. Yeah I’m as stuck but I got to see my very good friend and hang out with him. It’s all about perspective


I’d be inclined to add a 5th Tip, if I may be so bold: “Look for Ways to Turn Chicken Shit into Chicken Soup”. If I’m working a complex problem and get interrupted, I try to welcome the interruption as a break from the screen. Yeah, it slows me down in solving the problem, but the truth is too much time staring at a screen is bad for the mind. If I have to slow down my playing of a piece (perish the thought, I know) because my fingers just can’t keep up, this is a chance to get the rhythms and dynamics just right. Yeah, I’m not playing as fast as I want, but the slower tempo gives me a chance to improve elsewhere and remind myself that it ain’t all about speed. Fortune may favor the bold, luck may favor the prepared, but contentment favors the optimistic. You get the idea.


That’s a wise perspective. Balance in all things is the key. Stay focused but keep an open mind for a different view