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Today is a SPECIAL occasion. On this day we embark on a journey. An epic quest to conquer our dreams. Attached below is the first installment of my brand new Faster By The Day Program!

Without a concrete plan, we often end up noodling around aimlessly. This leads to getting “stuck” or hitting a plateau. Not seeing progress leads to lack of motivation and even quitting. I've had countless students reiterate this sentiment over the years. My Faster By The Day Program will make improving fun and easy. Seeing new growth in your musicianship injects inspiration directly into our veins. Personal growth and evolution is what we live for! 


The first priority should be to create momentum in the direction of your goals. This starts with mindset. Visualize yourself having a killer practice session and breaking through every barrier in your path. Your first exercise should be something easy. A quick win that isn’t challenging for your mind. Try the 3 note legato exercise in my routine to get blood and oxygen pumping through your fretting hand


Riding the high of our quick win, it’s time to try a new idea. Use my FUP concept or FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF PROGRESS to focus for a period of 5 minutes without distractions. The primary chords of A Dorian are Am and D. This progression is the backbone of countless songs. Allow the musical data to flow into your soul. Connect with the sound on an emotional level and you'll transcend physical barriers 


It‘a easy to forget new knowledge if you don’t immediately apply it. Experiment with the Dorian chords over an A drone (link below). Feel free to try new things and follow your ears. This is the breeding ground for song ideas


Learning repertoire is a vital part of being a musician. This allows you to communicate with other players and impress your friends muhahaha. AC/DC's Thunderstruck is a great way to improve you speed and accuracy. Using 16th notes, try setting the metronome to 60 bpm and gradually work your way up. 


Music Theory is how we organize sounds we like. One of the most popular sounds in music is the Dorian mode. It's the 2nd mode of the G Major scale A-B-C-D-E-F#-G. Improvising over a drone with your favorite scale is addicting once you get the hang of it


End your practice session with a jam. No strings attached. This is your random noodling time, free of constraints. Reflect on what you’ve learned and celebrate your success. Don't place any pressure on yourself during this block of time. Have an internal conversation with yourself and watch for new ideas to surface in your style

I'm super excited to unleash this program on the world and see your results. For those on the $10 tier, post your guitar diary on the Practice/accountability channel. A pic of you with your guitar and what you've been working on. You may choose to adapt the skeletal structure of Faster By The Day to suit your own needs with different exercises. Let's stay pumped up with motivation and look for inspiration and passion to fuel our ambition. Keep a positive mindset with my BBC strategy. BELIEVE you can do it, BREAKDOWN your problems into small steps and CELEBRATE your success! 

🛑 A Drone (for improvising)


🛑 A Dorian Backing Track




Bobby Bladez

Time to try this one for my second 35 minute session. 69 minutes of shredding riffs at 420 bpm bwahahahaha!


Great stuff. MOAR :O