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The following week… 

"Here, Momoko-Chan. Drink a little more" Airi said, refilling the sissified man's glass with more wine. 

Momoko couldn't deny that he was having a lot of fun that night. For the first time since he'd arrived at the spa, Sato-Sensei had granted him and his roommates an entire night's rest, even allowing them to drink some wine, despite the strict diet the group had to follow. 

"You guys have been good pupils so you deserve a little girls' night in" Sato-Sensei said, to Momoko's embarrassment. He wasn’t a girl, after all… He thought about mentioning this fact, but he soon gave up the idea, telling himself he was being silly. Sato-Sensei had probably just got confused... There was no reason to make a big deal about something so petty… 

"Of course Sato-Sensei knows that I'm a guy!" Momoko thought, remembering that little incident as he sipped the wine served by Airi. "Why would she think otherwise, right? Anyone can see that I’m a man!" he concluded satisfied, crossing his legs elegantly and enjoying the wonderful feel of his nylons against his smooth legs. He was also wearing a little see-through purple nightie, which revealed his growing boobs and big nipples; and a pair of matching thongs. His face was perfectly made up, and his hair was nicely styled in two high buns.   

"Okay, it’s time for the last round of the game!" Miaybi announced, excited. "Remember that the loser will have to pay a forfeit!" The group had started the night helping each other to get all dolled up, and then they spend some time looking at some fashion magazines. After that, Airi and Miaybi decided that they should play some board game. 

Momoko wasn’t very familiar with the rules of that game, but he was glad just to be in the girls' company. After a slightly difficult start, he now thought that they were amazing, and he loved to spend time with them. 

The only bad part was that they were really, really hot girls, so sometimes it was a torture to see them walking around barely naked while his cock was still firmly imprisoned in its metal cage. To deal with this situation, Momoko had forced himself to start thinking about his roommates not as some hot girls, but as his older sisters... His mentors who were helping him to get prettier and prettier.

Soon, it became an even stronger idea… 

They are my role models… I want to be like them… I need to be exactly like them… He thought all the time, though he didn't know where those phrases were coming from.

"Oh, you lost, Momoko-Chan! You totally did!" Airi said, laughing and clapping.

"D-did I?" Momoko asked, confused. He didn't know if this was due to the wine, but he was feeling particularly ditzy now. 

"Oh, Momoko-Chan, you're such an airhead, aren't you?" Miaybi giggled. "But no excuses, sweetie! You lose so you have to pay a forfeit! It’ll be so much fun… Just wait and see, doll…"




“You’re such an airhead” is my favorite phase in every story! I think it adds a nice touch to the character. Love this story so far!!


it's one of my favourite too. when a characters hear so many times that phrase it will make "her" start to believe to really be an airhead


I WANT TO KNOW!!!! what the forfeit is gonna be i love the fact that Momoko-chan is starting to think of them as Big Sisters